Conventional Vehicles and War Machines?

By Chantilas, in Dust Warfare

It (likely) won't happen, for the reasons mentioned above. Additionally, It puts the screws to retailers. People tend to forget about them, and their part in the hobby community. (For the record, I am not one, but a good friend is.) Word of mouth, forums, and internet sellers are great, but what really makes a game move is seeing it being played, and seeing the models up close, and talking to people who are playing. All of this generates excitement and buzz, and gets people interested. If FFG were to make stats for all of Tamiya's 1/48 kits, and they become a significant part of the game meta, you're not just taking that money away from FFG, but from the retailers, who have to either accept that loss, or additionally carry another product line in their stores to support the game. Maybe FFG could force something like this on retailers if they were a GW-sized force in the market, but they are not. Angering the retailers you rely on to carry your product is not good for business. As it is, FFG already gets the blame for the Rackham debacle (the ceo of FFG addressed this in a BGG thread), and retailers stuck with a ton of Rackham product they invested in are already skeptical of an FFG minis game which involves former employees of Rackham. It is possible that, if Dust is particularly successful, and has a large enough player base, such a thing could happen. But not any time soon, and likely not ever.

Additionally, if fans are already creating these resources, I would expect that most casual gamers would be more than willing to allow you to use them in pick up games, especially if go about it as though you're playtesting the points values, and agree to also play a game or two with strictly Dust models and stats. If your desire is simply a modelling issue, there's nothing stopping you from proxying Shermans and Tigers for Dust tanks in your force. Most people would be okay with that, especially if you have the skills to make them look really good.

Further, "play another game" is no more a BS argument than stamping your feet and huffing and puffing that evil FFG won't listen to you. Hobby market game companies make the games they want to make. Since they are typically staffed by gamers, this generally translates to making the games they want to play, which usually (but not always) translates to games other people will want to play. FFG and Dust Studios wanted to make a game about robots and elite units. You want a game about conventional forces with some robots and a few elite units. In this case, FFG did not make the game you wanted. Stating your case once is good customer feedback. Continuing to whine about it on the forums they host is poor form. Admittedly, if FFG were to step in and say definitively why they won't do what you want, you might have little reason to continue complaining. But either way, they didn't make what you wanted. You have the option to play anyway, or go elsewhere to satisfy your gaming appetite. Crying about it here helps no one. If it's really that large an issue for you, try contacting customer support with your request, and leave it at that. I've no idea if you will get an answer, but at least it's a somewhat constructive use of your time.

JigBakerSugar said:

Further, "play another game" is no more a BS argument than stamping your feet and huffing and puffing that evil FFG won't listen to you. Hobby market game companies make the games they want to make. Since they are typically staffed by gamers, this generally translates to making the games they want to play, which usually (but not always) translates to games other people will want to play. FFG and Dust Studios wanted to make a game about robots and elite units. You want a game about conventional forces with some robots and a few elite units. In this case, FFG did not make the game you wanted. Stating your case once is good customer feedback. Continuing to whine about it on the forums they host is poor form. Admittedly, if FFG were to step in and say definitively why they won't do what you want, you might have little reason to continue complaining. But either way, they didn't make what you wanted. You have the option to play anyway, or go elsewhere to satisfy your gaming appetite. Crying about it here helps no one. If it's really that large an issue for you, try contacting customer support with your request, and leave it at that. I've no idea if you will get an answer, but at least it's a somewhat constructive use of your time.

Amen to that. This game is more supernatural than mundane, that's where their focus is. If you want it, make it and move on. But quit demanding it from a company that doesn't seem interested in making something that is a very fringe part of the games background. AEWWII put a focus on more mundane vehicles, maybe that's more your your cup of tea. For the most part you can even use Dust mini's for that game. But we dealt with this discussion time and it e again on the Tactics forum, it's not needed here either.

JigBakerSugar said:

stamping your feet and huffing and puffing..... Continuing to whine..... continue complaining......Crying about it.....

Yeah, I wasn't even really on that guy's "side", but the language and tone you use, with the standard internet "belittling and marginalizing" tactics and "whining about whining" really does not win me to your side, either. And yeah, you can call me on "whining about whining about whining", we can go on and on with the "puppy left alone crying" theme.

Maybe I missed something, but I didn't hear "crying" and "whining". My advice to you, BakerSugar, is to simply not gets your knickers in a twist and try to attack people like that, and rather do something you enjoy instead. Unless if this is what you enjoy doing, then I won't have any sympathy for you.

Your response would be apt if that were the third post of mine complaining about a particular behavior. It was the first, and will be the only one. (Well, it would have been, if I hadn't been called on to defend my actions.) Maybe I could have toned it down, but given that my point was called "BS" without any counterpoint, and followed by a reiteration of a past argument that wasn't germane to the idea being called BS, I feel it was warranted. Had I been treated as an adult for what I felt was a rational statement, I'd have returned the favor. To (again) clarify, it was not intended as an insulting "shut up and go play something else ur stupid LOL!!!!!1one" comment. The game is what it is. If it's not the game you want to play, feel free to make your own rules to alter it how you'd like, or find a more suitable game. Stating why FFG is wrong for not doing what you'd like them to do is constructive; repeatedly doing so, in multiple threads, isn't.

Not to get Peacekeepers hopes up too high, but I got my book today and there are special abilities listed for tracks and for wheels...

For the record my hopes are not too high. All I said was it wasnt impossible nor too hard. FFG has no issue with exploiting its fanbase for material (Remember all the how to paint dust mini articles by Viet?), are willing to release poorly tested and proofed works (how many erratas were leased for Dark Heresy? Rogue Trader?) and have the capabilities ot use print on demand products (see WFRP and their card games for examples). I am not saying FFG makes poor products or often rushes them, but as a business it doesnt hurt them any to make official-non tournament rules for mundane WW2 stuff.

I dont care if people agree with me or not, I dont care if they whine or dont whine or think someone is whinning or refuses to accept someone else is complaining.

But i do hate the "if you dont like it, play something else" mentality some people exude. Like its their game and everyone should be 100% satisfied with it and if they arent they should keep it to themselves.

Request. Complain. Demand. Thats how games evolve. Or am I the only one who noticed Zombies got nerfed in Dust Warfare to give a reason for Apes ot exist mechanically?

Didn't need a rant, thought you'd find it useful. Never mind...

Heh, this subject will never end. The facts are,

  • FFG will probably go the lightweight GW clone route and only make cards for what they sell.
  • FFG can balance the units so that they do not become too "attractive" as "cheap" points.
  • FFG could very well float some official cards for "conventional" units at a price point that more than makes up for any skull sweat and printing costs, to the point where it would be more profitable on a percentage basis to sell them that way.
  • FFG would save the expense of reinventing the wheel and risking that investment by authorizing the use of other manufacturer's models.
  • FFG will be accused of "ignoring" those who support official cards if they don't do it.
  • FFG will be accused of "wasting time" by those who oppose official cards if they do it.