Homemade Class

By Evrae, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG

I'm a huge fan of Fullmetal Alchemist so I decided to make an Alchemist class. It would have a separate supernatural system similar to the Creation and Destruction books of magic, but without the use of zeon. I was thinking of keeping the equivalent exchange idea (to gain something something of equal value must be paid) rule as a restriction. I'll post alchemic rules when I think i've got them figured out and tested.


You, my good man/woman/whatever, are a genius !!

Do you mind if I use the Alchemist class for an option in my campaigns?

I also love Fullmetal Alchemist, but I think there a something wrong, because: I think your Alchemist looks more like an weird fighter (60% only on Combat, +30 MK, Innate Boni auf Attack, Block and Dodge) than a Novel, because Novel are allrounder and not all Alchemists are fighters.

First, I'd like to point out there's already a topic with Homemade Classes, if you look around and it would be nice if all homebrewed classes ended-up in the same place.

Anyway, I find the idea very interesting, but as it is now, it looks a bit too strong. Just a quick comparison with the Freelancer should be enough to show that the Alchemist is invariably stronger. Also, the class you've rolled so far looks much more like a fighter class or at least mixed fighter class, than a Novel.

Now let's "dissect" the Alchemist class step by step:

Alchemy is a form of ritualistic magic with strong scientific-chemical ties, actually allowing to perform some forms of "magic" for anyone who has studied enough to perform the complex rituals. Under this aspect, if you think about it, it's very similar to Summoning in Anima. Summoning can be performed by those without the gift, all you have to do is study the complex rituals and learn how to perform them.

For Alchemy I'd suggest a similar Zeon-Based Gift-Free system. I'd make Alchemy rituals work as Summoning Onces (with time penalties applied, since only very strong alchemists can make circles in few seconds...always remember that the alchemists featured in Full Metal Alchemist are the top-notch alchemists of that world!). Hence increasing difficulties in the check should allow the Alchemist (who has to spend the Zeon as well), to perform a certain "spell". Spells accessible to Alchemy should be selected from around the paths and the number of rituals known to an Alchemist should be somewhat limited. Again, using Magic Level (Alchemy Level in this case) could be a very good solution, since it's a limited resource that allows an Alchemist to work no better and no worse than an average mage of the same level. For rituals I'd Roll Science+d100 (Open Rolls allowed as well as Fumbles). Difficulty of the check might be

Spell LevelXCasting LevelX2.

This formula has a difficulty range going from 4 (Level2 Spell cast on Base Level) to 640 (Level80 Spell cast on Arcane Level).

Of course Alchemy to work need something "equivalent" to be put at stake. Of course High and Divine magic are out of reach for mortals even when they use Alchemy. Also, very high Occult levels should also help in Alchemic rituals. 1/10Occult (round down at multiples of 5) should be added to the check, meaning an Occult Master would have a nice +20 bonus to rituals. Also, Intelligence Limit for casting spell effects should apply to Alchemy as well. After all increasing Intelligence is good anyway for this class, since it raises both Science and Occult and grants more Alchemy Level, hence new tricks.

Finally there's the problem about projecting Spells (since some of the spells in the Alchemist's arsenal should be attack/spiritual/defense). I'd use Magic Projection just because it's easy. No matter how you summon a fire bolt or a earth spike, the ability to direct it on target should be developed in a similar way by mages and alchemists alike.

Now, with this Alchemy system in mind...let's work to the class.

Two things are important for an Alchemist: Zeon and Science. Also a PURE Alchemyst shouldn't be a fighter. Again, Alchemists in FMA are often sort of multi-class character and are such high levels that have had plenty of time (or adventures) to refine themselves both as warriors and alchemy. An Alchemist should be a pure Mystic Archetype Class.

For simplicity, let's take the Wizard scaffold.

Magic Accumulation cost should be raised to 60 as is for a Summoner, since it's only actually required for Regeneration (and the Alchemist can always buy Regeneration Multiples instead of Accumulation Multiples for half the cost). Also Zeon/Level should be the same as for a summoner, so +50Zeon/Level instead of the Wizard's +100.

As for the secondaries, appy reduced cost to Science instead of Magic Appraisal and add +10Science and Occult per Level (no bonus to Magic Appraisal/Level).

Like this the class gets -50Zeon/Level and pays more for Magic Accumulation (well...since it has to buy only Magic Regeneration, we might say that it actually pays it LESS). Also on average this class has +5/Level on Secondary Abilities.

Some of you might argue that this class is "weaker" than Wizard BUT they should note an important detail: although Alchemy is ritual based, so suffering penalties for quick-casting AND requires material components of some kind to be performed, an Alchemist at creation has +2CP compared to a Wizard, since no Gift is required and this very much balances the things since 2CP are a HUGE amount of CPs in this game.

Now, since I understand you like the idea of "fighting alchemists" as is in FMA...we need a Warrior Alchemist class (from mixed Mystic-Fighter Archetype).

Same process here.

Take the Warlock

MA Multiple goes to 60DP

Add Reduced Cost Science.

+5Science/Level and +5Occult/Level (no bonus to Magic Appraisal/Level).

That's how I'd work-out Alchemy and Alchemists in Anima System, of course but in your games you're free to make them work as you like.

I don't have time right now to scroll all spell list and choose those spells that would be fitting for alchemists. It would also be very interesting making a skill tree based on Alchemy Level just like the Arcana Sephira for Wizards, but working with Alchemy as an alternative way of spending Alchemy Level instead of just buying new spells.

Hope these ideas were helpful! Your idea was very interesting to me and I believe I'm going to work it out somehow in my own games!

Thanks Elrick (by the way I love those books). These ideas are great and i will re-examine my alchemist so that it looks less like a fighter. I'll also re-post this on the main homemade class page as soon as I feel like I've fixed it enough. It will probably take a while before I get the time to come up with a total system for Alchemy and perfect the class, but it will come in time. To everyone else: yes you can use the class, but you might want to work on it yourself or wait for me to make it better.

Also, for clarification, what do you mean by Magic Regeneration? Looking through the book I don't see anything about it? Is is just a typo?

its an rule they added in arcana exxet

Ok. thank you. thats a book i dont have yet

I should amend that for Raybras: It's not even translated yet into English, so you'll have to wait for Arcana Exxet to be available wherever you live, anyway.

Fortunately enough, this ought to be solved soon enough, with the right translator anyway.

Sorry, I tend to forget Arcana Exxet isn't exactly public dominion...anyway:

In Arcana Exxet there's a rule that allows a character to buy Magic Regeneration Multiples for HALF the cost of Magic Accumulation Multiples. It counts as additional Magic Accumulation Multiples but only for daily Zeon Regeneration. For summoners it's a life saver, since it spares them tons of DP (they only need to regenerate zeon, since the Accumulation is only required to cast spells more quickly) and the same would be for the Alchemists, at least as far as they use a system similar to the one I posted earlier.

Thank you for explaining. To Elric: I was thinking of making the class more balanced compared to other class without giving them +2 CP. Instead, I was thinking of making spells cost less. Maybe something like 25% less than they would for wizards. I feel like this helps even them out with the other classes and makes them more realistic because the alchemists don't create the energy for the transmutaion themselves.

The +2CP isn't something you "GIVE" the Alchemist (I must have explained myself in a pretty unclear way, so sorry).

The simple fact that The Alchemist DOES NOT TAKE The Gift, while the Wizard HAS TO TAKE The Gift, means that if you let the Alchemist "cast" (which is what this class is somewhat going to do), he/she will do it WITHOUT spending the 2CP for The Gift, hence having (in comparison to a Wizard) +2CP.

This is why Alchemists shouldn't pay less spells...they already have a BIG advantage.

ALSO, considering the Anima Standard Setting, NOT HAVING The Gift, but still being able to cast spells, is a big advantage because you don't have the "Gifted People Aura", meaning that Inquisitors and other "not exactly mage-loving guys" won't be bothering you as much as a wizard (and escaping their attention will be easier). If you're playing the Anima Setting this is a very BIG advantage.

I like Alchemist, but one should always be careful when playing around with the magic system of an RPG setting in order to create a new "spell-using" class, because magic systems are carefully balanced and often already a little bit off balance.

Anyway, the gold rule is always: everything that works good with you and enjoys your master/players is ok!

I have looked over your draft again and there are some points:

1. No mystic archetype gets +30 MK per lvl, I think this is to high.

2. Pure mystic archetypes have +1 KI for 3 and Accumulation Multiple for 30. Only (mixed) class fighter or prowlers habe +1 Ki for 2 and Accumulation Multiple for 25. So I think it is to cheap.

3. Magic/Alchemical Projection for 3 points is to high, if Magic/Alchemical Projection is the main primary ability.

4. The social-skills for 3 points is to high. No other class pays more than 2 points. The alchemist would be to unsocial.

5. No class has the Intellectual-group for 1 point. This is to cheap. The intellectual-group has 10 skills and all this 10 skills for only one point is kind of crazy. Intellectual-group for 2 points and only Occult, Science and Appraisal for 1 point would be more balanced.

At some point, I have the feeling, that you try to get a mystic/fighter and not a pure mystic.

After thoughtful insight I understood that basing Alchemy solely on secondary abilities (like science and occult) would make it substantially accessible to each and any class...meaning that any character would be able with minimal DP or CP expense to use it (at least to a limited degree).

Of course this is a big bug in the system I proposed earlier.

The only real way to make Alchemy work in a rightfully limited way is have it work on a Primay Ability (as is for all supernatural abilities, of course). For analogy reasons, and since I don't want to introduce a NEW primary mystical ability in my games, I decided that it would be best to turn it into a Summon-Related Zeon-based ability working somewhat like invocation.

Substantially, Alchemy (like summoning) can be accessed by anyone, of course, but summoner classes will have better access to it (followed by wizards and freelancers).

Science and Occult will play an important role nevertheless, since they will "limit" the base of the Summon rolls for using Alchemy (that will still be ritualized in a similar fashon to summoning).

Access to Alchemy will be determined by a skill tree based on Magic Level (so the number of "points") that will not only determine the access to alchemy spells (I believe I will do a couple alternative "alchemy paths" with a cost of 80ML-100ML each) but also to skills for using Alchemy (similar to the Arcana Sephira). For example there will be option for getting Predetermined Magic Projection, that would spare a lot of DP for "pure summoner-alchemists" that pay far too much DPs for Magic Projection. There will be more...since Intelligence 20 gives access to 800 points of Magic Level and a Level 20 hero can buy up to 250 Magic Level, I believe that the skill tree will have something like 10 branches with a comprehensive cost of 100ML each. OF COURSE there will be Level requirements for higher skills in the branches, so that a Level1 character cannot immediately buy 10 spheres of the Predetermined Magic Projection branch and cast spells with absurd magic projection when he's Level1!

Finally, there will be the Alchemist specialization for Summoner Classes (just like the Invoker described in Arcana Exxet) that will work like it can use Summon ONLY for Alchemy, but will pay less Zeon for casting Alchemy Spells and different Secondary Abilities Innate Class Bonus.

Built like this Alchemist should be pretty system-balanced.

Of course...building the whole Alchemy system will be pretty long...as soon as I have completed a first "print" of it, I will post it on the forum...but don't hold your breath until then.

Hi guys...after a day of work this is what Alchemy should be like to me. As you can see, in the end I chose the Alchemist to be a specialization of the Freelancer Class, instead of a Specialization of the Summoner Class, although Summoners surely still have good access to Alchemy as an optional ability.


Anyone with sufficient Summon and Science abilities can perform Alchemic rituals. Making an alchemy ritual is the same as performing a Summon Ritual and requires a Summon check with a difficulty based on the Level of the Alchemy Spell the character wishes to use and the Casting Level the alchemist is aiming for (Base, Intermediate, Advanced, Arcane). Anyway, since a good scientific knowledge is required to perform a Summoning ritual, the Science Secondary Ability of the character limits the Summon ability of the alchemist. In other worlds the character will have to use the highest value between Summon and Science for his Alchemy checks. Add to this value 1/10 of the character’s Occult ability rounding down.
The base difficulty of the Alchemy ritual check is equal to double the Level of the spell cast at Base Level. Multiply the difficulty by two for spells cast at Intermediate Level. Multiply the difficulty by three for spells cast at Advanced Level. Multiply the difficulty by four for spells cast at Arcane Level. Intelligence of the character is still used to determine which spells he may cast and the maximum casting level he can achieve with each spell, regardless of his Summon/Science/Occult rates. The Zeon invested in casting the spell is the normal zeon spent for casting that spell at that level and it is paid as a cost, as is for Zeon spent in Summoning/Invocation (in other words, it doesn’t need to be Accumulated through Magic Accumulation). When using Spells that require Magic Projection, the character must use his own Magic Projection, unless he has the Magic Projection Modules.
The Summon ritual for an Alchemy Spell works just like any summoning ritual for Summoning and Invocations, hence the roll is modified by the time spent in performing the ritual as for Table: 65 from Core Exxet.

In order to perform Alchemy, a character must buy Alchemic Skill Spheres from the Alchemical Tree. Such skills are learned by paying the indicated Magic Level (ML), but there are a few rules about how a character can buy skills from the Tree.
1) A character may always spend his ML to learn an Alchemic Skill Sphere from the Root Skills.
2) A character can learn any Alchemic Skill Sphere, as far as he already knows all Alchemic Skills Spheres that are directly linked to it and are under it in the Alchemic Tree.
3) Certain Alchemic Skill Spheres require the character to be of a certain Level in order to be able to Learn them, so a character cannot take such skills until he’s reached the necessary Experience Level.
4) Certain Alchemic Skill Spheres have the same name as others. In such cases, in the description of the referred Skill it will be described in detail what is the effect of learning more than one Alchemic Skill Sphere for the same Skill.
5) The Alchemic Tree is divided in 5 Branches (from left to right: Efficiency, Manipulation, Projection, Transmutation, Catalysis), each descending from a single Root Skill Sphere, and Fruit Spheres which needs spheres from two adjacent branches to be known in order to be learned. Once a character chooses a Root Skill from any Branch, different from Projection, that Branch becomes his Primary Branch. If the Primary Branch is at the left of the Branch of Projection, all Alchemic Skill Spheres that are at the right of the Branch of Projection have an increased cost of 5ML per Sphere and vice versa.

A Freelancer may choose to “Specialize” as an Alchemist. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Freelancer or at any level-up if the character is already a Freelancer.
Switching to the Alchemist Specialization Class has a cost of 20DP for a Freelancer and 40DP for characters from other Classes, and the same goes for Alchemists to switch to other classes.
Compared to a Freelancer, the Alchemist spends only 1DP per Summon point and 1DP per 5 Zeon Points, but he can use Summon only for Alchemy Rituals (not for Summoning creatures or using Invocations or Incarnations) and gets +10Summon and +20Zeon each Level as Primary Abilities Innate Bonus.
On the other hand, the Alchemist only gets to distribute on his Secondary Abilities three +10Innate Bonus, one of which must always be given to the Science Secondary Ability.

The Alchemic Tree will be posted as soon as it is ready. I require both to draw it AND to write down the effects of ALL Alchemic Skills. You can easily understand that will take pretty long, but stay tooned anyway.

Meanwhile, any feedback is appreciated on what I've posted so far.

This looks really good so far! Thank you so much for taking the time to do this. I'm an IB student so time for me is hard to come by and I was going to try and tackle this during the next day we have off, but this looks really good so far. The only thing I would say is to remember equivalent exchange. Again, thank you so much!

Yes...I'm rather coscient that equivalent exchange must be put there somewhere. Once I've completed the most technical part of it (the Alchemy tree will be pretty much complicated...both to design and to post), I will somehow work it out.

Elric of Melniboné said:

Anyway, since a good scientific knowledge is required to perform a Summoning ritual, the Science Secondary Ability of the character limits the Summon ability of the alchemist. In other worlds the character will have to use the highest value between Summon and Science for his Alchemy checks.

Shouldn't that be lowest value of the two? Or could potentially average them. But I don't think highest value is what you meant.

Anyway, aside from that, it's looking good, and I'm waiting to see what those Alchemical Spheres look like.

Now, is there anything you're planning on putting in place to prevent a Summoner from using his Summoning skills to also be good at Alchemy, if he puts the points into Science? He won't gain the Class based bonus that the Alchemical varient Freelancer gets, but should otherwise be comparable, I would think. Just curious if that's working as intended.

First of all, thanks Arikail for reading it thoughly and pointing out several interesting things.

As for the first question, the answer is: Yes! It's definitely LOWEST over there and not highest. My bad! Thank you!

I can't still show you the Alchemy tree (tomorrow), but can spoiler you what they're about:

Branch of Efficiency: enhanced zeon regeneration and zeon reduction allowing a far more "efficient casting".

Efficiency-Manipulation Fruits: Skills that allow producing poison/healing potions.

Branch of Manipulation: Spell List from Level 2 to 90.

Manipulation-Projection Fruits: Skills that allow producing offensive potions.

Projection Fruit: Grants Determined Magic Projection.

Projection-Transmutation Fruits: Skills that allow to prepare special stones that fused with the body of an alchemist enhance his alchemy skills.

Transmutation Fruits: Spell List from Level 2 to 90. Different from previous, of course.

Transmutation-Catalysis Fruits: Skills that allow the Alchemist to greatly enhance Forge processes.

Catalysis Fruits: Skills that enhance the effects of cast Alchemy Spells under many aspects and make using them quicker.

The only thing I still have to do is the two spell lists...it will take lots of time: tomorrow. Perhaps, tomorrow in the evening I'll be able to post the whole system.

Now, let's get to the final topic. Alchemy CAN clearly be used with great efficiency by both Summoners and Warrior Summoners. They are "ritualistic casters" so it's only normal they have good access to Alchemy. Still, in order to develop Alchemy to decent levels they would have to buy Magic Level (or place CPs on additional Intelligence, something that Summoners and Warrior Summoners won't be happy to do, since they already have to spend them on Power AND Willpower). On the other hand a PURE Freelancer Alchemist won't have any problem, since he has less things on the expense list (no Control/Bind/Banish required).

Of course an Summoner might decide to specialize on alchemy...but it would be worse than an Alchemist for the following reasons. Note that all counts are made without taking CPs into account.

+30Zeon per Level, means the Summoner has a +6DP advantage.

+10Science per Level, on the other hand, means the Freelancer has a huge +20DP advantage.

Many Skills from the Alchemy Tree require Herbal Lore/Poison and/or (optional, but useful) Forge. The Freelancer has two additional free +10 to distribute on Secondary Abilities. Let's assume one of these goes to Occult (to balance the Summoner's Occult Innate Bonus), the other +10 Innate bonus means another +20DP per level on the sheet.

Finally, the Freelancer gets +20MK per Level (which may always come in handy) and pays only 2DP per point in the combat abilities.

BY THE WAY: I just re-read the Alchemist class and observed that I forgot to add a Reduced Cost for Science (1DP per point).

Although Summoners make EXCELLENT Alchemists, pure "Freelancer Alchemists" should still be quite a bit better, on my opinion. Still, probably, Warrior Summoners might make BETTER fighter-alchemists than them.

Very very nice ideas. And yes, I'd have to agree, the Alchemist makes a better Alchemist, as it should be. So I'm liking the way this is turning out. Thanks very much for the effort, and now I'll have to see if I can find a way to test this out sometime. :)

So guys. I've just finished the Alchemy project, so I'm posting it all over here again (I made some corrections and modifications), along with the Image of the Alchemy Tree. Please note that Alchemy Spell Levels don't match those of Magic Spells. Simply put, Alchemy and Magic are different, so although Magic Effects can be replicated by Alchemy, the difficulty of performing those and the order in which an alchemist and a mage learn to do the same things might not match. I hope you like it!


Anyone with sufficient Summon and Science abilities can perform Alchemic rituals. Making an alchemy ritual is the same as performing a Summon Ritual and requires a Summon check with a difficulty based on the Level of the Alchemy Spell the character wishes to use and the Casting Level the alchemist is aiming for (Base, Intermediate, Advanced, Arcane). Anyway, since a good scientific knowledge is required to perform a Summoning ritual, the Science Secondary Ability of the character limits the Summon ability of the alchemist. In other worlds the character will have to use the lowest value between Summon and Science for his Alchemy checks. Add to this value 1/10 of the character’s Occult ability rounding down.
The base difficulty of the Alchemy ritual check is equal to double the Level of the spell cast at Base Level. Multiply the difficulty by two for spells cast at Intermediate Level. Multiply the difficulty by three for spells cast at Advanced Level. Multiply the difficulty by four for spells cast at Arcane Level. Intelligence of the character is still used to determine which spells he may cast and the maximum casting level he can achieve with each spell, regardless of his Summon/Science/Occult rates. The Zeon invested in casting the spell is the normal zeon spent for casting that spell at that level and it is paid as a cost, as is for Zeon spent in Summoning/Invocation (in other words, it doesn’t need to be Accumulated through Magic Accumulation). When using Spells that require Magic Projection, the character must use his own Magic Projection, unless he has the Magic Projection Modules.
The Summon ritual for an Alchemy Spell works just like any summoning ritual for Summoning and Invocations, hence the roll is modified by the time spent in performing the ritual as for Table: 65 from Core Exxet.
Last, but not least, Alchemy is subject to the law of matter conservation (also known as equivalent exchange). Hence for an Alchemic ritual to be performed successfully, it must not break any bound of reality. For example, in order to petrify an opponent, an alchemist requires to be in a place where there’s disposal of sufficient stone like material, in order to substitute the atoms that compose the target with the stone atoms from the surrounding area. Likewise an alchemist may not change the shape or nature of an object to an extent where its mass is heavily changed, unless the surrounding area has sufficient atoms of the necessary kind. Part of this is already represented by the list of Spells available to Alchemists, part of this must be judged by the Game Master each time an Alchemy Spell Ritual is being performed.
Note that Alchemy Spells are never affected from skills learned through the Arcana Sephira.


In order to perform Alchemy, a character must buy Alchemic Skill Spheres from the Alchemical Tree. Such skills are learned by paying the indicated Magic Level (ML), but there are a few rules about how a character can buy skills from the Tree. Advanced Zeon Regeneration from the Alchemy Tree cannot be combined with the homonymous skill from the Arcana Sephira and a character having both may only use the highest.
1) A character may always spend his ML to learn an Alchemic Skill Sphere from the Root Skills.
2) A character can learn any Alchemic Skill Sphere, as far as he already knows all Alchemic Skills Spheres that are directly linked to it and are under it in the Alchemic Tree.
3) Certain Alchemic Skill Spheres require the character to be of a certain Level in order to be able to Learn them, so a character cannot take such skills until he’s reached the necessary Experience Level.
4) Certain Alchemic Skill Spheres have the same name as others. In such cases, in the description of the referred Skill it will be described in detail what is the effect of learning more than one Alchemic Skill Sphere for the same Skill.
5) The Alchemic Tree is divided in 5 Branches (from left to right: Efficiency, Manipulation, Projection, Transmutation, Catalysis), each descending from a single Root Skill Sphere, and Fruit Spheres which needs spheres from two adjacent branches to be known in order to be learned. Once a character chooses a Root Skill from any Branch, different from Projection, that Branch becomes his Primary Branch. If the Primary Branch is at the left of the Branch of Projection, all Alchemic Skill Spheres that are at the right of the Branch of Projection have an increased cost of 5ML per Sphere and vice versa.
6) The total ML spent to learn Alchemy Skills cannot exceed the character’s Science Value.



ADVANCED ZEON REGENERATION: Each Advanced Zeon Regeneration Sphere from the Alchemy Tree adds +10 to the Base MA of the Alchemist, when calculating his daily Zeon Regeneration.

IMPROVED SHIELDS: The effect of this Skill applies to all Supernatural Shield cast through Alchemy Spells from this character and depends on the number of Spheres possessed:
1 Sphere: 2XShield’s Resistance Points.
2 Spheres: 3XShield’s Resistance Points.

PHYSICAL ENERGY: The effect of this Skill amplifies the effects of Fatigue Points spent to improve Summon Rolls for Alchemy Rituals and depends on the number of Spheres possessed:
1 Sphere: +25 to the Alchemy Ritual per Fatigue Point Spent.
2 Spheres: +40 to the Alchemy Ritual per Fatigue Point Spent.

PERSISTENT EFFECTS: The effect of this Skill affects all used Spiritual Alchemy Spells that allow their target to repeat the MR check to resist their effects each 5 turns, allowing them to repeat the MR check only each 10 turns.

ENTWINED ALCHEMY: An Alchemist with Entwined Alchemy may perform a Ritual to use two Alchemy Spells at the same time with their effects entwined in a single Alchemy Spell. In order to do so, the Summon check must be surpassed for both Alchemy Rituals and the Zeon for both must be spent in the same turn. Only Attack and Spiritual spells may be entwined. A single Magic Projection roll is made for both and the effect is as described following, depending on the nature of two Entwined Alchemy Spells.
2 Attack Spells: The damage is equal to the highest damage among the two plus half the damage of the other. The Area of Effect used is the best of the two and the Attack Type used is the most appropriate between the two. Additional effects of each are applied.
2 Spiritual Spells: The MR for each effect is rolled separately, but the user decides in which order the two MR checks are rolled.
1 Attack and 1 Spiritual Spells: If the target suffers damage, it will also have to pass the MR check required by the Spiritual Spell.
If a Spiritual Spell affecting a single target is combined with a Spiritual or Attack Spell with an Area of Effect, the caster may choose to either have the spell affect a single chosen target within the area of effect or deduct 50 from the difficulty of the MR check from the spell and have it affect all targets hit within the Area of Effect.

UNLIMITED MAINTENANCE: This Skill affects Maintained Alchemy Spells used by the character. Spells with turn maintenance must have their maintenance cost paid each 5 turns and Spells with daily maintenance must have their maintenance cost paid each week. This Skill cannot be applied to more than one spell for each 2 points of Power the caster possesses.

UNLIMITED ZEON: This Skill cuts in half the casting cost in Zeon of each Alchemy Spell used by the caster.


BATRACHITE: This skill allows the Alchemist to produce Batrachite powder, soluble in water, which can be employed either in the preparation of poisons or healing potions. In order to produce Batrachite powder, the Alchemist requires pulverized jade and malachite in the proportion of 5:1, and will have to surpass an Alchemy Ritual with a Base Difficulty of Absurd (180), and spend 100 Zeon points. Once the powder has been created it must be solved in water (or another polar solvent) to become either a remedy or a poison. To make a potion with it, the Alchemist will have to take either an Herbal Lore or Poison check. If the Alchemist makes an Herbal Lore check, anyone ingesting the Batrachite potion will be considered as if his non-structural wounds were treated with a Medicine check that achieved the same Difficulty Level achieved in the Herbal Lore check, up to Absurd level. If the Alchemist makes a Poison check, the Batrachite potion will be considered a poison with Level determined by the Difficulty Level achieved in the check, up to Absurd Level.

ALICORN: This skill allows the Alchemist to produce Alicorn powder, soluble in water, which can be employed in the preparation of powerful healing and remedy potions. In order to produce Alicorn powder, the Alchemist requires pulverized ivory and Batrachite powder in the proportion of 5:1, and will have to surpass an Alchemy Ritual with a Base Difficulty of Almost Impossible (240) and spend 200 Zeon points. Once the powder has been created it must be solved in pristine water to become either a powerful remedy. To make a potion with it, the Alchemist will have to take an Herbal Lore check. The Alicorn potion will be able to heal wounds like a Batrachite potion, but it will be able to achieve Almost Impossible level in the Difficulty Check or it can be used to contrast any Poison ingested by those who drink it. In this case, the potion can be used to give a bonus of +10 to the character’s VR for each Difficulty Level achieved in the Herbal Lore check, up to a maximum bonus of +70, effects which will last for no longer than 24 hours.

ETIR: This skill allows the Alchemist to produce Etir powder, soluble in water, which can be employed in the preparation of either life boosting potions powerful poisons. In order to produce Etir powder, the Alchemist requires pulverized sapphires and Alicorn powder in the proportion of 5:1, and will have to surpass an Alchemy Ritual with a Base Difficulty of Impossible (280) and spend 400 Zeon points. Once the powder has been created it must be solved in purified alcohol (or similarly toxic polar solvent) to become either a life boosting potion or a powerful poison. To make a potion with it, the Alchemist will have to take either an Herbal Lore check. If the Alchemist makes an Herbal Lore check, anyone ingesting the Etir potion will have his Regeneration rate increased by +1 for each Difficulty Level achieved in the check, up to Impossible level. The Regeneration boost will not get the character’s Regeneration rate beyond 10, regardless of the character’s starting Regeneration rate, and the effect will last for 24 hours. If the Alchemist makes a Poison check, the Etir potion will be considered a supernatural poison with Level determined by the Difficulty Level achieved in the check, up to Impossible Level, plus a Level bonus equal to 1/10 of the final roll obtained in the Alchemy Ritual check made for preparing the Etir Powder (round down in multiples of 5).

PANACEA UNIVERSALIS: This skill allows the Alchemist to produce Panacea Universalis powder, soluble in water, which can be employed in the preparation of extremely powerful remedy and healing potions. In order to produce Panacea Universalis powder, the Alchemist requires pulverized diamonds, pulverized Ghestal wood and Etir powder in the proportion of 5:3:1, and will have to surpass an Alchemy Ritual with a Base Difficulty of Inhuman (320) and spend 800 Zeon points. Once the powder has been created it must be solved in distilled water, to become an extremely powerful healing and remedy potion. To make a potion with it, the Alchemist will have to take an Herbal Lore check. The Panacea Universalis potion will be able to heal wounds like a Batrachite potion, but it will also heal structural wounds be able to achieve Inhuman level in the Difficulty Check and heal an extra +3% Life Points for each Difficulty Level achieved in the Alchemy Ritual check made for preparing the Panacea Universalis Powder. In addition it will contrast any Poison ingested by those who drink it or any Disease affecting them. Thus, in addition to the aforementioned effect, the Panacea Universalis potion will grant for 24 hours a VR and DR bonus of +10 for each Difficulty Level achieved in the Herbal Lore check, up to +90, plus a +5VR and DR bonus for each Difficulty Level achieved in the Alchemy Ritual check made for preparing the Panacea Universalis Powder.

IMMORTALITY ELIXIR: This skill allows the Alchemist to produce an Immortality Elixir, granting those who drink it eternal life and immense vital energy. In order to produce the Immortality Elixir, the Alchemist requires pulverized dragon bones, pulverized Malebolgium, pulverized Star Metal, pulverized Psychic Crystal, and Panacea Universalis powder in the proportion of 5:5:3:1, must solve them in distilled and deionized water obtained from a supernatural source, and will have to surpass an Alchemy Ritual with a Base Difficulty of Zen (440) and spend 1500 Zeon points. The obtained Immortality Elixir must be all ingested by a single person in order to have effect, even if it’s in great quantity, since splitting it would completely nullify its power. Also, an Immortality Elixir will have effect only once in the entire life of an individual and ingesting it is very risky. A character drinking the Immortality Potion must pass a Resistance check using his Base Presence against a difficulty of 130 or die outright, his soul completely destroyed in the process. If the character survives the process he or she stops aging, will require only one seventh of the food normally required by a member of his race, his PhR, VR, and DR will gain a permanent bonus of +30 and his Regeneration rate will gain a permanent bonus of +5. The character’s Life points will require to be brought below twenty time his constitution for him to die and he will gain a special bonus of +5 Life Points per Experience Level.


MANIPULATION: Manipulation Spheres give access to Manipulation Alchemy Spells, depending on the acquired Sphere.
Lev1-10: Raise Wind (2), Create Fire (4), Move (6), Mineral Control (8), Create Chill (10).
Lev20: Put out Fire (12), Repair (14), Healing (16), Stone Barrier (18), Air Blow (20).
Lev30: Control Fire (22), Liquid Control (24), Void Shield (26), Wound (28), Control Cold (30).
Lev40: Heat Wave (32), Produce Damage (34), Earth Spike (36), Physical Control (38), Air Cut (40).
Lev50: Fuse (42), Dry (44), Magnetic Control (46), Recover (48), Zone of Decay (50).
Lev60: Forge (52), Whirlwind (54), Melt (56), Acid Cloud (58), Air Control (60).
Lev70: Electricity Control (62), Incinerate (64), Fissure (66), Water Confinement (68), Paralyze (70).
Lev75: Glacier (72), Hurricane (74).
Lev80: Tsunami (76), Earthquake (78), Deflect Trajectory (80).

HIGH MANIPULATION: High Manipulation allows the Alchemist to cast the 5 following Manipulation Alchemy Spells. When casting such spells, the Alchemist looses an amount of Zeon Points equal to the invested Zeon (thus paying them twice their normal cost). High Manipulation Alchemy Spells are: Implosion (82), Blood Current (84), Superior Psychokinesis (86), Reflecting Prism (88), Void (90).


RED MERCURY: This skill allows the Alchemist to produce Red Mercury powder, soluble in oil, which can be employed in the preparation of exploding potions. In order to produce Red Mercury powder, the Alchemist requires pulverized garnet and cinnabar in the proportion of 5:5, and will have to surpass an Alchemy Ritual with a Base Difficulty of Absurd (180) and spend 100 Zeon points. Once the powder has been created it must be solved in oil (or another non-polar solvent) to become an explosive that can only be contained by highly inert materials (clay, glass). To make a potion with it, the Alchemist will have to take either a Science check. The resulting potion will need to be placed in a 100 mL glass recipient and ignited through a fuse. The resulting explosion of such thrown bombs that attack using the Fire Attack Type will have an area in centimeters equal to the result obtained in the Alchemy Ritual check and Base Damage equal to one fifth of the result obtained in the same check (round down in multiples of 5).

PETROLEUM: This skill allows the Alchemist to produce Petroleum, a flaming potion. In order to produce Petroleum, the Alchemist requires sulfur, pulverized hematite and Red Mercury Powder in the proportion of 5:3:1, which must be solved in crude oil, and will have to surpass an Alchemy Ritual with a Base Difficulty of Almost Impossible (240) and spend 200 Zeon points. The resulting substance is extremely flammable and lighter than water (hence very difficult to extinguish) and can only be contained in glass. If ignited with the slighted spark, a 100 mL flask of it will produce two Fire Intensities for each Level of Difficulty achieved in the Alchemy Ritual check, up to Almost Impossible. Checks to extinguish such fire will require an additional Level of Difficulty.

GREEK FIRE: This skill allows the Alchemist to produce Greek Fire, a much improved version of the Petroleum. In order to produce Greek Fire, the Alchemist requires quicklime, niter, and pulverized ruby in the proportion of 5:5:3, which must be solved in Petroleum, and will have to surpass an Alchemy Ritual with a Base Difficulty of Impossible (280) and spend 400 Zeon points. The resulting substance is even more flammable than Petroleum, lighter than water (hence very difficult to extinguish), that can also be used as an explosive, but can only be contained in crystal glass. If ignited with the slighted spark, a 100 mL flask of it will produce three Fire Intensities for each Level of Difficulty achieved in the Alchemy Ritual check, up to Impossible. Checks to extinguish such fire will require two additional Levels of Difficulty. As an alternative, 100 mL recipient with a fuse may be used. The resulting explosions of such thrown bombs that attack using the Fire Attack Type, and will have an area in decimeters equal to the result obtained in the Alchemy Ritual check and Base Damage equal to one third of the result obtained in the same check (round down in multiples of 5). Apply Greek Fire aforementioned rules to targets on fire due to it and trying to extinguish it.

AZOTH: This skill allows the Alchemist to produce Azoth, the absolute divine fire, the Alchemist requires pulverized anthracite and pulverized alexandrite in the proportion of 5:1, which must be solved in Greek Fire briefly ignited in oxygen-free conditions with a fire of mystical origins, and will have to surpass an Alchemy Ritual with a Base Difficulty of Inhuman (320) and spend 800 Zeon points. The resulting substance must further be treated, mixing it with either acid magma (silicon>70%, 900°C) or basic magma (silicon<45%, 1500°C) in the proportion of 1:1 to either obtain a terrifyingly powerful flaming and exploding potion or a mystical energy replenishing potion. In both cases a Science check with a Base Difficulty of Inhuman is required and the liquid can only be conserved in a recipient obtained from very pure gemstones. Acid Azoth can be ignited with the slighted spark, and a 100 mL flask of it will produce four Fire Intensities for each Level of Difficulty achieved in the Alchemy Ritual check, up to Inhuman. Checks to extinguish such fire will require three additional Levels of Difficulty. As an alternative, 100 mL glass recipient with a fuse may be used. The resulting explosions of such thrown bombs that attack using either the Fire or Energy Attack Type and will have an area in meters equal to the result obtained in the Alchemy Ritual check and Base Damage equal to half the result obtained in the same check (round down in multiples of 5). Apply Acid Azoth aforementioned rules to targets on fire due to it and trying to extinguish it. This fire will ignore all kind of penalties and immunities of creatures with Gnosis lower than 35 and affects Energy. Creatures killed by Azoth have their souls utterly destroyed. Basic Azoth may be drunk by a character at any moment to immediately regain up to 800 lost Zeon points.

ALKAHEST: This skill allows the Alchemist to produce Alkahest, the universal solvent, the Alchemist must mix pure Hydrochloric Acid, pure Sodium Hydroxide, Acid Azoth, and Basic Azoth, in the proportion of 5:5:1:1, and will have to surpass an Alchemy Ritual with a Base Difficulty of Zen (440) and spend 1500 Zeon points. The resulting substance can only be stored in recipients made of crystals with powerful mystical properties. Mere contact with Alkahest dissolves matter and souls, thus no AT, immunity, damage reduction or protection from any source with Gnosis lower than 40 can ever be applied against an attack made with Alkahest. The Base Damage inflicted by Alkahest is equal to half the result of the Alchemy Ritual check (round down in multiples of 5) and damaged creatures must pass a PhR check against 200 or suffer damage equal to twice their failure level. Life points lost due to Alkahest are recovered at the same rate of sacrificed life points and creatures killed by Alkahest have their souls utterly destroyed.


DETERMINED MAGIC PROJECTION: This Skill allows to spend Zeon each time an Attack, Spiritual, or Defense Alchemy Spell is cast to have the spell work with a determined final Magic Projection value that cannot be further modified, instead of rolling dice as normal for Magic Projection. The more Spheres the user has, the more Zeon he will be allowed to spend to have higher determined Magic Projection values, although he’s not obliged to do so.
1 Sphere: The caster can use a Predetermined Magic Projection value of 80 without spending additional Zeon points.
2 Spheres: The caster can use a Predetermined Magic Projection value of 100 by spending 5 additional Zeon points.
3 Spheres: The caster can use a Predetermined Magic Projection value of 120 by spending 10 additional Zeon points.
4 Spheres: The caster can use a Predetermined Magic Projection value of 140 by spending 20 additional Zeon points.
5 Spheres: The caster can use a Predetermined Magic Projection value of 180 by spending 40 additional Zeon points.
6 Spheres: The caster can use a Predetermined Magic Projection value of 240 by spending 60 additional Zeon points.
7 Spheres: The caster can use a Predetermined Magic Projection value of 280 by spending 80 additional Zeon points.
8 Spheres: The caster can use a Predetermined Magic Projection value of 320 by spending 100 additional Zeon points.
9 Spheres: The caster can use a Predetermined Magic Projection value of 440 by spending 200 additional Zeon points.

UNLIMITED MAGIC PROJECTION: This Skill further expands the Determined Magic Projection Skill, allowing the character to use even higher Predetermined Magic Projection values. The character can choose to spend more than 200 Zeon points when casting an Attack, Spiritual, or Defense Alchemy Spell to give it +30 Final Magic Projection for each additional 100 Zeon points spent, on top of the 440 Predetermined Magic Projection value. Hence an Alchemy Attack Spell cast with an additional expense of 300 Zeon Points would have a Predetermined Magic Projection Value of 470, one cast with an extra 400 Zeon Points would have a Predetermined Magic Projection Value of 500, and so on.


BLACK STONE: Black Stone allows the Alchemist to produce a single Black Stone. A character will never be able to produce it more than fifteen times in his whole lifetime. The production process requires the sacrifice of a quantity of metals with a minimal comprehensive Presence of 300 points. Then the character has to surpass an Alchemy Ritual check with Absurd (180) Base Difficulty and spend 200 Zeon points. Once the Black Stone is completed, it can be inserted at any time in the body of anyone by passing another Alchemy Ritual check with Absurd Base Difficulty and spending another 100 Zeon points. A character with a Black Stone inside his body can thwart enemy supernatural powers through the use of Alchemy as a Passive Action. The use of this Skill requires performing an Alchemy Ritual (without applying any time modifier, but the character must have bought at least a 5 points base in both Summon and Science) each time he wants to oppose an opponent accumulating Ki or Zeon or using a Psychic Power and spend Zeon points based on what kind of power he’s trying to oppose, for each turn he tries to oppose the mystic power. If the opponent is accumulating Ki, the Alchemist will have to spend 10 Zeon points per Ki Accumulation point used by the target. For example, if a Technician were trying to accumulate 4 Strength Ki, plus 4 Dexterity Ki, plus 4 Power Ki in a single turn (12 total Accumulation used), the Alchemist would have to spend 120 Zeon points in order to oppose him. If the opponent is accumulating Zeon, the Alchemist will have to spend Zeon equal to the Zeon the target is accumulating. For example, if a Wizard were trying to accumulate 150 Zeon points in a single turn, the Alchemist would have to spend 150 Zeon points in order to oppose him. Finally, if the opponent is using Psychic Powers, the Alchemist has to spend a quantity of Zeon points equal to his target’s base Psychic Potential, regardless of the number of Psychic Powers. For example, if a Mentalist were trying to use Psychic Powers and had a Base Psychic Potential of 80, the Alchemist has to spend 80 Zeon points in order to oppose him. All Ki accumulations of the intended target are reduced by 1, Magic Accumulation of the intended target is reduced by 10, and Psychic Potential of the intended target is reduced by 10, for each two Difficulty Levels achieved in the Alchemy Ritual check up to Absurd and for each additional Difficulty Level achieved. No more than a Black Stone can be inserted in someone’s body.

GREEN STONE: Green Stone allows the Alchemist to produce a single Green Stone. A character will never be able to produce it more than ten times in his whole lifetime. The production process requires the sacrifice of a Black Stone which must be prepared by the same character who intends to produce the Green Stone, and the sacrifice of living beings with a minimal comprehensive Presence of 300 points, which souls will be destroyed in the process. Then the character has to surpass an Alchemy Ritual check with Almost Impossible (240) Base Difficulty and spend 400 Zeon points. Once the Green Stone is completed, it can be inserted at any time in the body of anyone by passing another Alchemy Ritual check with Impossible Base Difficulty and spending another 200 Zeon points. A character with a Green Stone inside his body is allowed to spend 10 Zeon points at the time he casts an Alchemy Spell in order to allow it damage energy or block energy, regardless of the Spell’s description. No more than a Green Stone can be inserted in someone’s body.

BLUE STONE: Blue Stone allows the Alchemist to produce a single Blue Stone. A character will never be able to produce it more than five times in his whole lifetime. The production process requires the sacrifice of a Green Stone which must be prepared by the same character who intends to produce the Red Stone, the sacrifice of animals with a minimal comprehensive Presence of 300 points, which souls will be destroyed in the process, and the sacrifice of 100 Zeon Points from the Alchemist himself (who will recover them at a rate of 10 per day regardless of his Zeon Regeneration rate). Then the character has to surpass an Alchemy Ritual check with Impossible (280) Base Difficulty and spend 600 Zeon points. Once the Blue Stone is completed, it can be inserted at any time in the body of anyone by passing another Alchemy Ritual check with Impossible Base Difficulty and spending another 300 Zeon points. A character with a Blue Stone inside his body will be considered as having a bonus of +1Intelligence when calculating the Limit for casting Alchemy Spells. No more than a Blue Stone can be inserted in someone’s body.

RED STONE: Red’s Stone allows the Alchemist to produce a single Red Stone. A character will never be able to produce it more than three times in his whole lifetime. The production process requires the sacrifice of a Blue Stone which must be prepared by the same character who intends to produce the Red Stone, the sacrifice of animals with a minimal 20 points Presence each and a minimal comprehensive Presence of 500 points, which souls will be destroyed in the process, and the sacrifice of 100 Life Points from the Alchemist himself. Then the character has to surpass an Alchemy Ritual check with Inhuman (320) Base Difficulty and spend 800 Zeon points. Once the Red Stone is completed, it can be inserted at any time in the body of anyone by passing another Alchemy Ritual check with Inhuman Base Difficulty and spending another 400 Zeon points. A character with a Red Stone inside his body will be considered as having a bonus of +3Intelligence when calculating the Limit for casting Alchemy Spells. No more than a Red Stone can be inserted in someone’s body.

PHILOSOPHER’S STONE: Philosopher’s Stone allows the Alchemist to produce a single Philosopher’s Stone. A character will never be able to produce it more than once in his whole lifetime. The production process requires the sacrifice of a Black Stone, a Green Stone, a Blue Stone, and a Red Stone which must all be prepared by the same character who intends to produce the Philosopher’s Stone. Then the character has to surpass an Alchemy Ritual check with Zen (440) Base Difficulty and spend 1000 Zeon points. Every human being or being with similar sentience within a 5km area (including the user) will have to pass a Resistance check using his Base Presence against a difficulty of 130 or will be swallowed and their souls destroyed by the process, which will succeed only if at least 3000 Presence Points are swallowed in this way. Once the Philosopher’s Stone is completed, it can be inserted at any time in the body of anyone by passing another Alchemy Ritual check with Zen Base Difficulty and spending another 500 Zeon points. A character with a Philosopher’s Stone inside his body will be able to empower his Alchemy Spells as a Passive Action. The use of this Skill requires performing an Alchemy Ritual (without applying any time modifier, but the character must have bought at least a 5 points base in both Summon and Science), and a cost of 100 Zeon points if affecting a Spell cast at Base Level, 200 Zeon points for Spells at Intermediate Level, 300 Zeon points for Spells at Advanced Level, and 400 Zeon points for Spells at Arcane Level. Depending on the effects of the empowered spell, it will get +5MR, +10% Damage/Damage Resistance Points (round down in multiples of 5), and/or +5% to any other numeral present on the spell description, with exception of numerals related to Gnosis, for each two Difficulty Levels achieved up to Absurd, and for each additional Difficulty Level achieved. No more than a Philosopher’s Stone can be inserted in someone’s body.


TRANSMUTATION: Transmutation Spheres give access to Transmutation Alchemy Spells, depending on the acquired Sphere.
Lev10: Fragility (2), Change Color (4), Reconstruct (6), Dismantle (8), Regeneration (10).
Lev20: Inorganic Modification (12), Transform Mineral (14), Perfume (16), Firmness (18), Heal (20).
Lev30: Damage Barrier (22), Igneous Weapon (24), Shell (26), Minor Change (28), Create Homunculus (30).
Lev40: Magnetic Shield (32), Imitate (34), Freeze (36), Wardrobe (38), Blood Creation (40).
Lev50: Acquire Natural Characteristics (42), Ice Screen (44), Electrify (46), Ice Attack (48), Alter Energy (50).
Lev60: Alter Growth (52), Crystallization (54), Lightning (56), Solid Body (58), Create Monstrosity (60).
Lev70: Chaos Aberration (62), Necromantic Modification (64), Resistance (66), Petrify (68), Ice Storm (70).
Lev75: Vitality (72), Zone of Weakness (74).
Lev80: Transmute (76), Metamorphism (78), Chaos Mutation (80).

HIGH TRANSMUTATION: High Transmutation allows the Alchemist to cast the 5 following Transmutation Alchemy Spells. When casting such spells, the Alchemist looses an amount of Zeon Points equal to the invested Zeon (thus paying them twice their normal cost). High Transmutation Alchemy Spells are: Recreate (82), Chimera (84), Create Golem (86), Perfection (88), Devastation (90).


DAMASCUS: This Skill allows the Alchemist to help in obtaining high quality items during a Forge process. The Alchemist must assist the forger (or be the one forging) and perform his rituals meanwhile. An Alchemy Ritual with Base Difficulty one level higher than the Forge roll for making the intended item is required and an amount of Zeon equal to the required difficulty must be spent. The forger will be able to obtain a +5 Quality Bonus in his creation simply by achieving a single difficulty level higher than the one required for the forged item (but this rule only applies to forge of +5 Quality Items) and will be able to obtain it also if using average materials allowing a +0 Quality. Example: An Alchemist decides to use Damascus to improve the forging process of an halberd (Forge Difficulty 120). The blacksmith (which can be the Alchemist himself) has nothing better than iron (Max Quality +0) to forge it, but the Damascus process can allow him to make a +5 Quality halberd nevertheless. In order to succeed in the Damascus process, the Alchemist must make an Alchemy Ritual surpassing a difficulty check of 140. If the Alchemy Ritual succeeds, the blacksmith will require to make a Forge check passing a difficulty of 140 (instead of 180), in order to obtain a +5 Quality halberd.

ORICHALCUM: This Skill allows the Alchemist to help in obtaining higher quality items compared to Damascus during a Forge process. The Alchemist must assist the forger (or be the one forging) and perform his rituals meanwhile. A successful Damascus process on the same forged item must be performed, before the Orichalcum process can be initiated. An Alchemy Ritual with Base Difficulty two levels higher than the Forge roll for making the intended item is required and an amount of Zeon equal to the required difficulty must be spent. The forger will be able to obtain a +10 Quality Bonus in his creation simply by achieving two difficulty levels higher than the one required for the forged item (but on lower levels of success, the process won’t benefit from the Damascus process at all) and will be able to obtain it also if using average materials allowing a +0 Quality.

CARMOT: This Skill allows the Alchemist to help in obtaining higher quality items compared to Orichalcum during a Forge process. The Alchemist must assist the forger (or be the one forging) and perform his rituals meanwhile. A successful Orichalcum process on the same forged item must be performed, before the Carmot process can be initiated. An Alchemy Ritual with Base Difficulty three levels higher than the Forge roll for making the intended item is required and an amount of Zeon equal to the required difficulty must be spent. The forger will be able to obtain a +15 Quality Bonus in his creation simply by achieving three difficulty levels higher than the one required for the forged item (but on lower levels of success, the process won’t benefit from the previous processes at all) and will be able to obtain it also if using materials allowing a +5 Quality. If the Alchemist has at his disposal material with mystical properties with a weight equal to 1/50 of the total material used in the forge process, he can use it in the Carmot process, allowing the item to have a faint magic aura and become able to affect energy.

ADAMANTITE: This Skill allows the Alchemist to help in obtaining higher quality items compared to Carmot during a Forge process. The Alchemist must assist the forger (or be the one forging) and perform his rituals meanwhile. A successful Carmot process on the same forged item must be performed, before the Adamantite process can be initiated, and the process requires use of material with mystical properties with a weight equal to 1/50 of the total material used in the forge process. An Alchemy Ritual with Base Difficulty four levels higher than the Forge roll for making the intended item is required and an amount of Zeon equal to the required difficulty must be spent. The forger will be able to obtain a +20 Quality Bonus in his creation by achieving four difficulty levels higher than the one required for the forged item (but on lower levels of success, the process won’t benefit from the previous processes at all) and will be able to obtain it also if using materials allowing a +10 Quality. The item obtained through this process will always have faint magic aura and be able to affect energy. If the Alchemist employs in the Adamantite process a weight of mystical material up to 1/25 of the total weight of material used in the forge, it automatically gets Creature Powers, up to a number of DPs equal to 1/10 (round down in multiples of 5) of the final rolled value for the Alchemy Ritual for the Adamantite process, applying a Gnosis Limit of 10. The Master is entitled to choose the extra Powers granted by the Adamantite process, since the effects are always pretty variable (Alchemy is very limited when it comes down to control magic), but most likely weapons have powers related to offense and armors have powers related to defense.

ADAMANT: This Skill allows the Alchemist to help in obtaining higher quality items compared to Adamantite during a Forge process. The Alchemist must assist the forger (or be the one forging) and perform his rituals meanwhile. A successful Adamantite process on the same forged item must be performed, before the Adamant process can be initiated, and the process requires use of material with mystical properties with a weight equal to 1/25 of the total material used in the forge process. An Alchemy Ritual with Base Difficulty five levels higher than the Forge roll for making the intended item is required and an amount of Zeon equal to the required difficulty must be spent. The forger will be able to obtain a +25 Quality Bonus in his creation by achieving five difficulty levels higher than the one required for the forged item (but on lower levels of success, the process won’t benefit from the previous processes at all) and will be able to obtain it also if using materials allowing a +15 Quality. For those items with a Forge Base Difficulty value of 180, a 490 roll will be needed both in the Alchemy Ritual and the Forge checks in order to complete an Adamant process. The item obtained through this process will always have faint magic aura, be able to affect energy, and it automatically gets Creature Powers, up to a number of DPs equal to 1/10 (round down in multiples of 5) of the final rolled value for the Alchemy Ritual for the Adamant process, applying a Gnosis Limit of 10. If the Alchemist employs in the Adamant process a weight of mystical material up to 1/10 of the total weight of material used in the forge, the DPs used for buying powers are doubled and the Gnosis Limit increases to 20. The Master is entitled to choose the extra Powers granted by the Adamant process, since the effects are always pretty variable (Alchemy is very limited when it comes down to control magic), but most likely weapons have powers related to offense and armors have powers related to defense.


FORCE SPEED: This Skill can be used to increase Initiative and reduce the penalty when performing an Immediate Alchemy Ritual. The Initiative Increase and the Penalty Reduction are equivalent to the Zeon Spent and the maximum Zeon that can be spent in this way is determined by the number of possessed Spheres.
1 Sphere: The character can spend up to 20 Zeon to speed up the use of the Immediate Alchemy Ritual.
2 Spheres: The character can spend up to 40 Zeon to speed up the use of the Immediate Alchemy Ritual.
3 Spheres: The character can spend up to 60 Zeon to speed up the use of the Immediate Alchemy Ritual.

PASSIVE DEFENSE: Alchemy Rituals used for casting Defense Spells that are normally Passive become Passive Actions as well, although such ritual suffer the -100 Penalty for Immediate Summoning Rituals.

DESTRUCTION INCREASE: This Skill affects all Attack Alchemy Spells used and increases their Base Damage by a value that depends on the number of possessed Spheres.
1 Sphere: Base Damage of Spells is increased by +10 on Base, +20 on Intermediate, +30 on Advanced, and +40 on Arcane Casting Level.
2 Spheres: Base Damage of Spells is increased by +20 on Base, +40 on Intermediate, +60 on Advanced, and +80 on Arcane Casting Level.

BREAK RESISTANCES: This Skill affects all Spiritual Alchemy Spells used and increases the difficulty of required MR for each 50% of Damage the spell would do as a result of the attack roll. The increase in MR depends on the number of Spheres possessed and has no effect on Damage Accumulation Beings.
1 Sphere: +5MR for each 50% Damage.
2 Spheres: +10MR for each 50% Damage.

DOUBLE ALCHEMY: The character becomes able to make two Alchemy Rituals at the same time. The base difficulty of each of the two Rituals cannot exceed the base Summon value the character uses for Alchemy Rituals (as modified by Science and Occult) and the character must perform the ritual individually for each Alchemy Spell and spend Zeon as normal for each.

UNLIMITED SPEED: This Skill removes any Zeon limit to the Force Speed Skill, although the character cannot reduce the penalty for Immediate Ritual below 0.

A Freelancer may choose to “Specialize” as an Alchemist. This can be done either at character’s creation, when switching class to Freelancer or at any level-up if the character is already a Freelancer.
Switching to the Alchemist Specialization Class has a cost of 20DP for a Freelancer and 40DP for characters from other Classes, and the same goes for Alchemists to switch to other classes.
Compared to a Freelancer, the Alchemist spends only 1DP per Summon point and 1DP per 5 Zeon Points, but he can use Summon only for Alchemy Rituals (not for Summoning creatures or using Invocations or Incarnations) and gets +10Summon and +20Zeon each Level as Primary Abilities Innate Bonus.
On the other hand, the Alchemist only gets to distribute on his Secondary Abilities three +10Innate Bonus, one of which must always be given to the Science Secondary Ability, although he has to spend only 1DP per Science point.


Natural Alchemist
This advantage grants a character a special bonus of +10 to his Summon ability each turn, which will apply only to Alchemy Rituals rolls.

Natural Knowledge of a Branch
This advantage grants a character knowledge of the first four Spheres of an Alchemy Branch of the Alchemy Tree. This Advantage can be taken up to five times, choosing a different Branch each time.
LIMIT: This Advantage won’t have any effect unless a character has a base of at least 5 in both Summon and Science Abilities.


Feedback would be greatly appreciate, as well as (Arikail teaches us) playtest!

As for me and my friends, I believe that the next campaign we will make will be a flurry of Races/Classes/Blood Bonds/Advantages I designed.

I'm liking the look of that. Sadly, it will be a while before I get to use it, seems my Anima game is on hold atm. But, if I do have the opportunity, I'll let you know how it goes. Now to sit down and build a character using these rules, to see how it turns out. And program it into my character sheet. Thanks Elric.

Thank you for the feedback. I do this stuff because I love game designing and do this kind of stuff whenever I have free time (and unfortunately I have more free time than I'd want to, at the moment).

A small update. I reworked the Transmutation-Catalysis Fruits by employing the Prometheum Exxet PP system.


DAMASCUS: This Skill allows the Alchemist to help in obtaining high quality items during a Forge process. The Alchemist must assist the forger (or be the one forging) and perform his rituals meanwhile. An Alchemy Ritual with Base Difficulty one level higher than the Forge roll for making the intended item is required and an amount of Zeon equal to the required difficulty must be spent. The forger will be able to obtain a +5 Quality Bonus in his creation simply by achieving a single difficulty level higher than the one required for the forged item (but this rule only applies to forge of +5 Quality Items) and will be able to obtain it also if using average materials allowing a +0 Quality. Example: An Alchemist decides to use Damascus to improve the forging process of an halberd (Forge Difficulty 120). The blacksmith (which can be the Alchemist himself) has nothing better than iron (Max Quality +0) to forge it, but the Damascus process can allow him to make a +5 Quality halberd nevertheless. In order to succeed in the Damascus process, the Alchemist must make an Alchemy Ritual surpassing a difficulty check of 140. If the Alchemy Ritual succeeds, the blacksmith will require to make a Forge check passing a difficulty of 140 (instead of 180), in order to obtain a +5 Quality halberd.

ORICHALCUM: This Skill allows the Alchemist to help in obtaining higher quality items compared to Damascus during a Forge process. The Alchemist must assist the forger (or be the one forging) and perform his rituals meanwhile. A successful Damascus process on the same forged item must be performed, before the Orichalcum process can be initiated. An Alchemy Ritual with Base Difficulty two levels higher than the Forge roll for making the intended item is required and an amount of Zeon equal to the required difficulty must be spent. The forger will be able to obtain a +10 Quality Bonus in his creation simply by achieving two difficulty levels higher than the one required for the forged item (but on lower levels of success, the process won’t benefit from the Damascus process at all) and will be able to obtain it also if using average materials allowing a +0 Quality.

CARMOT: This Skill allows the Alchemist to help in obtaining higher quality items compared to Orichalcum during a Forge process. The Alchemist must assist the forger (or be the one forging) and perform his rituals meanwhile. A successful Orichalcum process on the same forged item must be performed, before the Carmot process can be initiated. An Alchemy Ritual with Base Difficulty three levels higher than the Forge roll for making the intended item is required and an amount of Zeon equal to the required difficulty must be spent. The forger will be able to obtain a +15 Quality Bonus in his creation simply by achieving three difficulty levels higher than the one required for the forged item (but on lower levels of success, the process won’t benefit from the previous processes at all) and will be able to obtain it also if using materials allowing a +5 Quality. If the Alchemist has at his disposal material with mystical properties with a weight equal to 1/50 of the total material used in the forge process, he can use it in the Carmot process, granting the item the Enchanted power for free if it’s a weapon and allowing the Quality Bonus to apply to Energy AT as well, if the it’s an Armor. The item is considered as having a bonus of +50Presence for the purpose of hosting powers.

ADAMANTITE: This Skill allows the Alchemist to help in obtaining higher quality items compared to Carmot during a Forge process. The Alchemist must assist the forger (or be the one forging) and perform his rituals meanwhile. A successful Carmot process on the same forged item must be performed, before the Adamantite process can be initiated, and the process requires use of material with mystical properties with a weight equal to 1/50 of the total material used in the forge process. An Alchemy Ritual with Base Difficulty four levels higher than the Forge roll for making the intended item is required and an amount of Zeon equal to the required difficulty must be spent. The forger will be able to obtain a +20 Quality Bonus in his creation by achieving four difficulty levels higher than the one required for the forged item (but on lower levels of success, the process won’t benefit from the previous processes at all) and will be able to obtain it also if using materials allowing a +10 Quality. The item forged through this process will have the Enchanted power for free if it’s a weapon and will have Quality Bonus apply to Energy AT as well, if the it’s an Armor. If the Alchemist employs in the Adamantite process a weight of mystical material up to 1/25 of the total weight of material used in the forge, it automatically gets Level3 PPs equal to 1/5 (round down in multiples of 5) of the final rolled value for the Alchemy Ritual for the Adamantite process. The item is considered as having +100Presence for the purpose of hosting powers.

ADAMANT: This Skill allows the Alchemist to help in obtaining higher quality items compared to Adamantite during a Forge process. The Alchemist must assist the forger (or be the one forging) and perform his rituals meanwhile. A successful Adamantite process on the same forged item must be performed, before the Adamant process can be initiated, and the process requires use of material with mystical properties with a weight equal to 1/25 of the total material used in the forge process. An Alchemy Ritual with Base Difficulty five levels higher than the Forge roll for making the intended item is required and an amount of Zeon equal to the required difficulty must be spent. The forger will be able to obtain a +25 Quality Bonus in his creation by achieving five difficulty levels higher than the one required for the forged item (but on lower levels of success, the process won’t benefit from the previous processes at all) and will be able to obtain it also if using materials allowing a +15 Quality. For those items with a Forge Base Difficulty value of 180, a 490 roll will be needed both in the Alchemy Ritual and the Forge checks in order to complete an Adamant process. The item forged through this process will have the Enchanted power for free if it’s a weapon and will have Quality Bonus apply to Energy AT as well, if the it’s an Armor. Furthermore, it automatically gets Level3 PPs equal to 1/5 (round down in multiples of 5) of the final rolled value for the Alchemy Ritual for the Adamantite process. If the Alchemist employs in the Adamant process a weight of mystical material up to 1/10 of the total weight of material used in the forge, it instead gets the same amount of Level5PPs. The item is considered as having +200Presence for the purpose of hosting powers.

Thanks for the update, Elric. I know I'll be using this, though I think I'll be switching out the Science skill for the Alchemy skill, also in Promethium Exxet. Now that we've got an official skill, it just makes the most sense to me. I still love this system you came up with, and the update makes it most usable.