New vs Old (again)

By Julia, in Merchant of Venus

It seems like FFG keeps on resurrecting old classic; has anyone played the original version? How was that? I'm kinda fascinated by the way some things from the past returns in a new form

I have the original and can attest that it's a fantastic game. My wife, who is not into competitive games, is willing to play this because (at least in the basic game) the only real competition is through who does the better trading (with some luck factored in). You don't really attack your opponents so much as you out trade them (say by buying the last goods for sale at a planet just before they arrive).

It will be interesting to see what FFG does to improve the game - there were lots of fan created add ons over the years. If the improvement is similar to what they did for Arkham Horror (another game I owned the original for) then this will be worth buying (even though I have the original).

Thank you Ricedwlit :-) I'm glad to hear such news. It seems like the competitive factor of the game is not killing the fun. Just to make this clear: I like competitve games, but as long as you are in a situation similar to Doom / Descent / Mansions of Madness and so on: players are on opposite factions. I don't like at all games with players on the same "side of the barricade" doing bad stuff to each other in order to achieve a certain goal. After such a game finishes, there is often some general "unhappiness" around the table. So, it's ok if you win because of your strategy in handling things or you're a little luckier, but you don't screw the people you're playing with.

And I'm glad to hear (practically from everyone both on this forum and commenting the news and on BGG) that the game was good.

Thanks for sharing your experience!

I love the original and I'm not sure how I'm going to like the remake. A "reprint" I could handle... a "remake" with only 4 races? Then again... it's is just 4 player races with the other 10 from the original as discoverable? I actually built a homemade copy for a friend of mine and am glad I have the original. It's definitely one of my favorite games and I'll never turn down a chance to play it. We'll have to see how this all turns out between FFG and Stronghold and how FFG is going to handle the game. I'm not sure I like the combat enhancements for Dungeonquest for example (it bogs the game down) and the "new features" for MoV are currently unknown (and thus worrysome).

I have the original as well, and have played it three times this year. One way they could improve the game is drop the advanced rules (does anyone use those aliens?). MoV is an example example of teh "pick up and deliver" mechanism, and really, it is at it's best with 4.

I quite like it, as do most of my friends.

I have the original and it is a wonderfull game. I only played solitaire so my question is ; will the new version contain a solitaire version?


According top The Dice Tower episode 262, the version will contain both the new and old versions. The two CEOs of both companies were just on and said the release will have both the classic and reimagined version in one box. So win-win people. No more speculation; except on the new mechanics which the rules guy from Stronghold Games says it really does make the game even more interesting. The best news of ALL time!

Does this mean it will support more than 4 players? That's the one sticking point for me and my board game group - we sometimes have as many as 6 people playing.

Mister Tim said:

Does this mean it will support more than 4 players? That's the one sticking point for me and my board game group - we sometimes have as many as 6 people playing.

Since they are printing the original game on the back, I'm "assuming" that it will be just like the original with 6 player colors/pieces an ALL the alien races but I can't say for sureā€¦.