dark deck

By jb2909, in Rules Discussions


I have some questions about dark deck.

If I chalenge someone with fat bandit for example, does the effect of fat bandy (damage done to this card from the opponent's attack cards is reduced to 0) work? so when the opponent uses a attack card in chalenge against dark riku and fat bandy, does the effect of the attack card works?

Can i use firaga in chalenge and if yes, if I have red nocturne in chalenge and the opponent uses firaga, does it work?

Can I use a firaga on a heartless on the friend area?

can I use firaga on dark riku? because it says on dark cards

If i put a wizard, can the opponent put a magic/ friend card?

If I have hollow bation level 3 in play and a dark deck, if the opponent challenges me, has he got -2 attack value?

Thank you.

Ah, I remember the days of my curiosity on dark decks 'n the many questions I brainstormed over. Made quite a deck, too!

To answer your questions:

The effect of fat bandit only works for fat bandit. In example, if fat bandit went up with Dark Riku in a challenge, your opponents attack cards would NOT be reduced to 0. It would only work if fat bandit was on the world card 'n bein attacked.

Yes, you may use firaga in a challenge, 'n its damage is added to your player's attack value as magic damage. Note, however, that red nocturne's effect is no different than fat bandit. It will not cancel the effects of the firaga against your dark player card.

Simply put, yes, you can use a firaga on the heartless in the friend area. They can still be targeted since they are still dark cards.

No, Dark Riku cannot be the target of magic cards, as per stated in the rulings. It don't matter if it states he's a 'Dark/Player', or that he has 'Dark' in his name, you just can't target him.

Ah, my favorite one! If you place a wizard in your friend area, or on a world, no, your opponent cannot play any magic/friend cards. Wizard states that all magic is canceled, therefore, magic/friends are rendered useless. A wonderful card for dark decks, I might add.

I remember this thought as well. No, if you've a Hollow Bastion lvl 3 in play with a dark deck, 'n your opponent challenges you, they don't get the -2 added to their attack value. The same case 'n scenerio with Olympia lvl 1 'n the +2 attack value. However, if you have Traverse Town lvl 3, your dark cards do get the +1 to their POW. Dark Riku, however, does not get this +1 effect, so I wouldn't ask.

Also noted, if you've any other questions, I would check the comprehensive rulings thread to further expand your knowledge of the cards 'n effects. Quite a lot of info in it, I might add. gui%C3%B1o.gif

Thank you very much for all this answer.

For traverse town level 3, It's says dark cards in this world, so when I challenge my opponent I don't have the +1 POW for all my dark cards right? and another question, how wonderland level 3 works? Can i challenge my opponent with my dark cards?

Thank you.

Ironically, that is the up 'n down of that card. Traverse Town lvl 3 does state that while on that world, you get the +1 POW, so if you challenge, then yeah, your heartless suddenly become a lil bit weaker. Unless, that is, your opponent has Traverse Town lvl 3 out. But if they challenge you, your heartless are stronger with that +1 POW boost. Add that with some shadows 'n....

As for Wonderland lvl 3, it's a mostly-all downside card. YOU, bein the player of that card, cannot play friends, magic/friends, or dark cards. Meanin you can't play friends or magic/friends in your friend area, nor can you play dark cards on your opponent's world. The effect only applies to you when it's played, not your opponent. This also means your opponent is capapble of playin dark/heartless 'n dark/villians on your world. The only real upside to that is if your opponent challenges you, they are incapable of playin magic/friends in the challenge. That does not mean they are not able to bring their friends over from their world in the challege. But yes, if you have Wonderland lvl 3 out with friends in your world from before (previous world), then yes, you can still challenge your opponent with them.

Thank you very much.

If I put a dark card on my friend area, can I take it and put it on the world of the opponent?

Thank you for all this informations.

If you place a heartless or villain in your friend area, you cannot take it from the friend area 'n then place it on your opponent's world. However, if you've another one (say, one shadow in your friend area, 'n one in hand), you can take the one in hand 'n place it on your opponent's world card, if you so desire. But from friend area, then to opponent's world, no.


If I challenge my opponent with my dark deck, and he uses magic cards like fire or thunder, does it discard my dark card or is it participate in the support value?

Can i put as many dark friend card on my friend area that I want? I don't have any restriction?

If I put 3 parasite cage with monstro level 1, the opponent have to discard all his friends and can't play any other friends because He has 3 friends in parasite cage, am I right?

jb2909 said:

If I put 3 parasite cage with monstro level 1, the opponent have to discard all his friends and can't play any other friends because He has 3 friends in parasite cage, am I right?

You are wrong. There is an entire thread on this ruling already. Please use the search feature. Or that rule I beleive was added to the Comprehensive Rules and Rules thread.

So when a take a friend with parasite cage, the place that it takes is empty on the friend area? can he put 3 friends when i take his 3 friends with parasite cage and monstro level 1? And if parasite cage is defeated where the friend should go?

jb2909 said:

So when a take a friend with parasite cage, the place that it takes is empty on the friend area? can he put 3 friends when i take his 3 friends with parasite cage and monstro level 1? And if parasite cage is defeated where the friend should go?

If four friends come into play with Monstro (as you can still play friends), you have to discard one of the four.

So how does monstro dans parasite cage work together?

jb2909 said:

So how does monstro dans parasite cage work together?

but when I put a friend into parasite cage does he keep a place on the friend area?

What are the advantage of putting monstro and parasite cage together?

jb2909 said:

but when I put a friend into parasite cage does he keep a place on the friend area?

What are the advantage of putting monstro and parasite cage together?

Parasite Cage opens up a new space for you opponent, but one they have to destory Cage with only 3 friends now and if they succeed they have to discard one anyway. Bascially it's about controling the field.