Need Kings of the Sea cards

By thejibboo, in 5. AGoT Trade Forum

I'm desperately trying to avoid needing to buy the revised Greyjoy expansion, and these are the cards i need to do so (in descending order of priority):

Myrcella Lannister x3

Robb Stark

Bay of Ice x2

Support of Harlaw x2

Iron Islands Fiefdoms x2

Viserys Targaryen x2

Assault of the Kraken x2

Shivering Sea x2

Post your want list here or email me at thejibboo @ yahoo. I've got at least one copy of every expansion/chapter pack before Dreadfort Betrayal, plus the first and last of the Maester packs, so chances are good i have what you're looking for!

Fury plots, venomous blades, castellan of the rock, carrion birds? Name your price, help me out!

I can get you the 3x Myrcella and 2X Viserys.

If you have 3X Slander and Lies from Here to Serve and 2X Naval Escort from A Sword in the Darkness that would be great. Let me know what else you might be willing to trade if these are not available.

I just traded Slander and Lies to someone, but i do have 2x (or 3x if you want) Naval Escort. Are greyjoy and lannister your main houses? I can part with a copy of any Lannister affiliated card from the core set with the exception of Jaime. Off the top of my head i'd say I could trade pretty much any Greyjoy character that doesn't have intimidate or a war crest, with a very small handful of exceptions. To Be a Lion x2, the Greyjoy and Lannister Epic Battle events, greyjoy and lannister refugees... if you like, you could email me (thejibboo @ yahoo) with your want list.

You will be getting an email shortly - [email protected]

got a trade arranged for the copies i needed of Myrcella and Viserys, but still looking for the rest.

The reprint is coming in like a week or two