By OptimusPrime21, in Dust Tactics Rules Discussion

Would it be cheating to use a laser level for LOS! This is what I use just shoot a line from dot to dot. Work great for big boards, but want to make sure if I am playing someone else if this would fly!

I don't see why it would be cheating. If you're just using the laser to clarify the LOS while staying true to the rules, it's a pretty useful tool.

Yeah, I bought one a couple weeks ago and it's been very useful. LOS can sometimes be difficult to determine.

If you're playing one of the official scenarios, I find it easier to just check LOS on the map picture included in the booklet. You can easily use something like a unit's stat card to draw the straight line between dots.

OptimusPrime21 said:

Would it be cheating to use a laser level for LOS! This is what I use just shoot a line from dot to dot. Work great for big boards, but want to make sure if I am playing someone else if this would fly!

LOS would be fine, a guy used one in the the Championship at GenCon

Shining the laser in your opponents eyes, may be frowned on.

Dcal12 said:

OptimusPrime21 said:

Would it be cheating to use a laser level for LOS! This is what I use just shoot a line from dot to dot. Work great for big boards, but want to make sure if I am playing someone else if this would fly!

LOS would be fine, a guy used one in the the Championship at GenCon

Shining the laser in your opponents eyes, may be frowned on.

With the risk of eye damage, I'd suggest far more than frowning. The pointer should be taken away from anyone who won't be responsible with it, or at least have the batteries removed.

Loophole Master said:

If you're playing one of the official scenarios, I find it easier to just check LOS on the map picture included in the booklet. You can easily use something like a unit's stat card to draw the straight line between dots.

That's a fantastic idea. As often as not, I play with a "random" scenario, where we take turns putting up the walls, but in the scenarios, that's a pretty quick and easy way to do it.

That said, now that I have a laser pointer, it's just more fun, especially when measuring out for laser grenadiers. PEW PEW!

Laser pointer doesn't work as well has a Laser Level.

OptimusPrime21 said:

Laser pointer doesn't work as well has a Laser Level.

Only as a matter of opinion.

For people who have played grid based games for very long, the use of either laser is superfluous. It can add atmosphere and colored lights, but isn't needed once you are comfortable with grids and a little knowledge of angles.

Mk 1 Eyeball, string, ruler, copies of the map, laser pointer, laser level, or anything else people come up with; if it works for you, and you're happy with it, go for it.