Oksana and Voivodes

By Horsa, in Tannhauser

Have you tried to play domination or objective mode?

In other modes the game balance tends to be les critical, this was the reason I quitted playing deathmatch. Two extra figures in domination can get you a win if the other player is not very careful, specially in bigger maps and having the voivodes moving 10. (As far as I know voivodes can claim objective circles in domination).

IMHO deathatch is the mode you mostly play with players new to the game so they can quickly grasp the rules. Specially having Tannhauser balance issues in mind.

I would agree that death match mode can be very long winded. I have had a couple of games go much longer than I would like.

I often play Deathmatch mode because it's quite simple and no additional rules are needed. Plus, the team including Oksana and the self-repairing Voivodes was suggested here for Deathmatch, I think, and so I tried it in Deathmatch. Having additional characterslike Voivodes, especially characters that can repair each other, can be a huge advantage in Objective mode of course.

By the way, has anybody additional ideas how to equip Oksana's Voivodes? I had two of them with Radegast (CV 4, I think it's a must have) and Nesretcha (attack every adjacent character, sounds good but I was unable to use it). The other pair had Denitsa (MV 10) and one of them had the Strobo lamp (CV -2 for other characters, really hindered the Union characters), the other had Palatine (+1 bonus to attack rolls to deal more damage). Oksana had FAS of course.

Can you equip differently 2 voivodes of the same pair?

On alternate equipment options I often thought about equipping oksana with the stro lamp and all the voivodes with the difusser, thats a -3 to all dice to hit them, a character with Combat 5 needs an 8 to hit them and the CV 4.

Instead of having them heal each other they are far moredifficult to kill (except with grenades) and then if killed either reinforce them back or heal with irishka.

On the modes discussion I simple have less fun with deathmatch, I was lazy as well at first with the extra rules for other modes, If you like it easy try domination its really straightforward, the rules can be resumed in one sentence:

"On top of killing the other team place flags in the objective circles by spending an action, if you place a flag in a previously claimed circle remove the other flag, once a faction places the 4th flag they win."

That changes the game a lot, makes it more tactical and the simplicity is kept IMO.

Moebius said:

Can you equip differently 2 voivodes of the same pair?

On alternate equipment options I often thought about equipping oksana with the stro lamp and all the voivodes with the difusser, thats a -3 to all dice to hit them, a character with Combat 5 needs an 8 to hit them and the CV 4.

Since I have only 1 of each token included in the Oksana pack, I thought I don't have the option of using these tokens for more than 1 Voivode. Therefore, my question would be: How do you equip all Voivodes with the diffuser? Do you have 4 of them?

The Revised Rules state that Voivode equipment is chosen freely, but subject to component limits, page 62.

Now that might mean that FFG intended that regardless of how many Voivodes you had, only two could have say Soud, and if we apply that to Oksana we can say that they intended only one Voivode to have the Strobe for eaxmple.

Or it could simply be a reference to the number of equipment slots Voi's have, but I think the above is more likely as the equipment slots are mentioned on page 34, no reason to reiterate it on page 62.

Of course this could also be interpeted as if you have four Soud tokens (for example) you can use four of them. But you shouldn't have that many so I don't think this is what FFG intended.

This is whay Oksana'a ability to cary one Voivode equipment token for use by all Voi's under her command is so special.

Thanks Miah, that's what I always thought about using the Voivode equipment token. You can only use the number of tokens that are actually included in the packs, so you could equip 2 of your Voivodes with Soud or Radegast, but only 1 with Strobo Lamp or the other tokens included in the Oksana pack. That's why there are so many options and I keep thinking about useful tokens and combinations. Otherwise, I think I would just equip everybody with Radegast (CV 4) and Denitsa (MV 10) or Palatine (+1 to attack rolls).