Multiple time on this forum, I have seen the special Ability "Damage Resistance" talked about, and in almost all of those times, it is implied that the skill only allows re-rolls IF the model is already in cover? and cannot be used if the model is NOT in cover of some kind?
When I read the rule for the ability, I take it to mean that the Damage Resistance had to be rolled AFTER the cover rolls, IF THERE ARE ANY TO BE ROLLED. This only establishes the ORDER in wich rolls must be made, not that you DONT get to roll if there are no cover saves. It simply states that cover rolls must be made first, THEN the skill rolls are made.
The description of the ability states that the model is especialy resistant to damage or tough, it dose not say that the model is exseptionaly skilled at cowering in the corner, and maximizing cover!
Am I missing something? Is there an FAQ I didnt read, or a ruling in the forum I need to see?
Please help me fellow geeks, you're my only hope!!!
Have fun blow'n stuff up!