Confusing Fire

By Hans Chung-Otterson, in Dust Tactics Rules Discussion

this was confusing in my quickstart game, and is still confusing whilst reading the revised rules. If I have a unit, and it's attacking, do I get to roll for each weapon line, or only for each miniature?

For example, if I have 5 guys that have both shotguns & pistols (separate weapon lines) do I get to fire both the shotgun & pistol 5 times (10 shots total) or do I get to fire 5 shots period and have to choose which weapons I shoot? In our quickstart game we did the latter, but I suspect that the former is correct.


p.s. That is, can each mini only fire once? Or can it fire multiple times if it has multiple weapons?

You can fire with every weapon each model has, so if you have 3 models with shotguns, then you use the shotgun line 3 times. Additionally any limited ammo weapons like the panzerfausts or charges, any of the models can fire these (max one per model/shoot action)

Okay, but what if my 3 models that have shotguns also all have "Knife & Grenade" (or whatever it is), which is a separate weapon line. Can they shoot their shotguns, and in the same attack action, use their Knives?

Yep, they use every weapon they have, the recon could fire rifle, grenade launchers and knife if you want.

Okay, that make sense. thanks for clarifying. I only wish the cards listed how many models carry each weapon. It has it for weapons that there are only (1) of, why not do it when only 3 of your models carry a particular weapon? Would make things a lot easier to check.

I suppose they could, but if they are not carrying a (1) firearm, then they are carrying the first firearm listed. The idea though is that you look at the models as the number of weapons carried will change as models are lost, you should easily be able to diffrientiate between the support weapon (flamethrower, machine gun, bazooka etc) and the basic rifle or shotgun.

Major Mishap said:

I suppose they could, but if they are not carrying a (1) firearm, then they are carrying the first firearm listed. The idea though is that you look at the models as the number of weapons carried will change as models are lost, you should easily be able to diffrientiate between the support weapon (flamethrower, machine gun, bazooka etc) and the basic rifle or shotgun.

Okay, so basically, other than the special (1) weapon guy, all the models have all the weapons that are listed?

Hans Chung-Otterson said:

Okay, so basically, other than the special (1) weapon guy, all the models have all the weapons that are listed?


Though some units have two specialists. For example, a unit may have three rfiles, a MG, and a Bazooka. I think the Hell Boys got two flamethrowers and three shotguns.

Grauenwolf said:

Hans Chung-Otterson said:

Okay, so basically, other than the special (1) weapon guy, all the models have all the weapons that are listed?


Though some units have two specialists. For example, a unit may have three rfiles, a MG, and a Bazooka. I think the Hell Boys got two flamethrowers and three shotguns.

Yeah, that makes sense. Thanks. It was just confusing b/c the rulebook emphasizes that it's all about WHAT THE MODEL HAS. And I'm like, ok, my Battle Grenadiers have "StG 47s" and "Panzerfausts", but I don't know what those look like, and some of the guys have automatic gun-looking things, and some have missile-looking things, so which ones are the StG's, and which are the Panzerfausts? I'm SO glad I don't have to care.

I'm sorry, but seriously, one LAST question: Specialists have ONLY their (1) weapon, correct? They don't have the other weapons, they don't have a Knife, etc.


Man, the rulebook is super unclear on all this.

Hans Chung-Otterson said:

I'm sorry, but seriously, one LAST question: Specialists have ONLY their (1) weapon, correct? They don't have the other weapons, they don't have a Knife, etc.

- Everyone in a squad has the Close Combat weapons (Knife or Knife & Grenade)

- Everyone in a squad can fire the limited ammo weapons (UGLs, Panzerfausts, Demo Charges)

- Only the specialist has the (1) weapon (Flamethrower, Bazooka, Victory MG, Panzerschreck, Laser Werfer, etc)

- All other members of squad have the general weapon (M1 AR, Shotguns, STG 47, Laser Gewehr, etc)

Thanks, we played it tonight, apparently wrongly again! Is there a page in the revised rulebook that says this?

OH, I think it's been confusing because the Quickstart rules (which we played with last night & tonight) don't mention "limited ammo" at all, but I see that all of the weapons in the 3rd line have limited ammo. We were just treating those as first line weapons; i.e., everyone but the specialist had them.

Hans Chung-Otterson said:

OH, I think it's been confusing because the Quickstart rules (which we played with last night & tonight) don't mention "limited ammo" at all, but I see that all of the weapons in the 3rd line have limited ammo. We were just treating those as first line weapons; i.e., everyone but the specialist had them.

Good Lord! I bet you had some serious bloodbaths, even worse than usual.

Algesan said:

Hans Chung-Otterson said:

OH, I think it's been confusing because the Quickstart rules (which we played with last night & tonight) don't mention "limited ammo" at all, but I see that all of the weapons in the 3rd line have limited ammo. We were just treating those as first line weapons; i.e., everyone but the specialist had them.

Good Lord! I bet you had some serious bloodbaths, even worse than usual.

It's all I've known! It's a fast game. Anyway, the QS rules don't mention it. Next time I'm going to play w/ the full Revised rules & the first Blue Thunder mission.

Hans Chung-Otterson said:

Algesan said:

Hans Chung-Otterson said:

OH, I think it's been confusing because the Quickstart rules (which we played with last night & tonight) don't mention "limited ammo" at all, but I see that all of the weapons in the 3rd line have limited ammo. We were just treating those as first line weapons; i.e., everyone but the specialist had them.

Good Lord! I bet you had some serious bloodbaths, even worse than usual.

It's all I've known! It's a fast game. Anyway, the QS rules don't mention it. Next time I'm going to play w/ the full Revised rules & the first Blue Thunder mission.

That is the appeal of Dust, it is a fast game to learn and play. Quick and bloody. Throwing in extra dice just makes it more so.

OTOH, I'm a big advocate of only allowing one shooting weapon per model (which is not in the rules) plus the "C" attack if applicable (they shoot as they charge into hand to hand). Which means that if you want to use that UGL or Panzerfaust or Demo charge, you lose your regular weapon for that firing action.

Minor detail, it just "feels" better to me that way, however, since we don't have any idea about how much time a turn takes, it doesn't matter either way.