Sleeve Sizes?

By Svenn, in Fantasy Flight Supply

I picked up a pack of the Dragon Shield Clear sleeves which state that they are 67mm x 91mm and I also picked up a pack of the FFG Standard Card Game Sleeves which are listed as 63.5mm x 88mm. The FFG sleeves were much longer than the Dragon Shield sleeves, what gives?

I really like the Dragon Shield sleeves but my FLGS tells me they are being discontinued so I don't want to start buying those and not have enough for my cards. I was looking for replacements but I have no idea what size is correct now.

Year. I agree. What gives?!? I like the idea of protecting the top of the cards but that would have been enough with 1 mm...not 5 mm!!! Guess we do best in waiting for the art sleeves. Even if they are too long it woun't be noticed as much as with the standard. By the way, I bought 3x of the same FFG sleeves and am a little dissapointed that the measures are wrong.