Favorite Kingdom hearts song!^_^

By kingdomhearts12, in Odds & Ends

My favorite kingdom hearts songs are KH1 intro KH2 intro Sephiroth battle music and the last boss music also roxas's theme and the music when you battle Axel.

i still prefer Halloween towns music :)

the best is prolly end of the world or soras sacrifice

I really like the 13th Struggle for some reason. No, it is not the song that you here while in the Struggle during KH2.

Simple and Clean. By far the best song IMO, especially Utada's acoustic version. Brilliant song.

I'm a bigger fan of the rock remix of that song. If you've ever seen the music video for that song. Utada Hikaru is just signing while washing dishes...it's really funny, but I feel bad for her for some reason...

The Other Promise, End of the World, Hollow Bastion, 13th Struggle, Twilight Towns Theme,The World That Never Was Theme Simple and Clean, Santuary, and the theme during the Birth by Sleep Cutscene. ( Is that too much?)

If we could pick more than one, then I like:

Dearly Beloved
13th Struggle
Sinister Sundown
Fragments of Sorrow
Tension Rising
The Corrupted
Hazardous Highway
The Encounter
Scherzo Di Notte
One-Winged Angel
Waltz of the Damned
Mickey Mouse Club March
A Walk in Adante
Forze Del Male
Piccolo Resto
Graceful Assassin
Scythe of Petals
Rage Awakened
Fate of the Unknown

I have all the Kingdom Hearts songs on my Ipod, so me knows a lot...

I like all of those myself.

I like them all (from what I can remember of the top of my head), but those are my top favorites I'd have to say.