Diablo boardgame

By blackrabbit3, in The Crystal Ball and The Wishing Well

Considering how FF often publish games based on famous IP, and it is well known to well translate videogames into the tabletop versions, (Most recent being Gears of War), it seems only natural to me that a Diablo boardgame is inevitable.

They have already published Blizzard other two major franchises (WoW and Starcraft), and due to the massive popularity of Diablo, seems like a no brainer to me that it would be quite convinient for them.

I do realise there is the new descent coming out, so that might conflict their own interests to publish 2 dungeon crawling RPGs, however I am guessing a Diablo game would play more like a Gears of war, but with lots more loot and map variations, so no DM, miniatures, lots of items cards, character progression, etcetera.

What do you people think about it?

I do apologise if this has been already discussed in the past, but I have tried searching and found nothing.

I think this could also be a great game idea. It should use d1 and or d2 for its theme and not d3 imo.

Yeah I totally agree with you that it is a great idea to have...