Worst luck ever...... but only lost by 1 VP

By Aussie_Digger2, in Tide of Iron

Well I just played tank fight at prokhorovka.

We randomly picked sides and I ended up with the russians. Now with this game i had the worst luck than I have ever had with ToI in the past yet I only lost by 1VP (and very close to a tie).

All my reinforcement rolls only gave me one tank each time, so only 3 tanks extra to take on the germans (I was looking forward to haveing an extra 9 tanks to play with)

My arty rolls were riddiculas with all 4 of my cards drifting into an empty hex (even though I had an officer spotting)

And my attack rolls were pretty ordinary.

So after the game we were both thinking if the russians did get another 3 or 4 tanks (on average this would be the case) the germans would have been very hard pressed to win at all (and if the russians were luckly enough to roll all 4 or 6 pretty much no chance)

Aussie_Digger said:

So after the game we were both thinking if the russians did get another 3 or 4 tanks (on average this would be the case) the germans would have been very hard pressed to win at all (and if the russians were luckly enough to roll all 4 or 6 pretty much no chance)

In my game, the Russians did get an above-average number of tanks, but still lost by a very narrow margin. I think this scenario, for all its randomness, is quite good.

Some more reviews:


By the way, the first time I tried this scenario I rolled (and re-rolled) a single KV-1 for the first two reinforcements ... which really sucked because my only "losses" so far had been heavy damage to two KV-1's. It turned out to be a very hard day for the Soviets.


actually the way i wanted Tank fight to work. the Soviet reinforcements arrived all day long and in variable strength.
