The Best Tannhauser material online

By tomodachi6874, in Tannhauser

I don't know why this topic hasn't been started before but I'll get the ball rolling on this one. The following are a selection of places to go and check out for the best non FFG or ToY material available online.

Firstly an alternative forum for you to check out - for just about all you need in translations of the French material and a whole lot more. But don't just browse join. Set up by Sundance , it's members number some of the best producers of home brew material out there , their stuff is as good as the the real thing from FFG and ToY.

The next is the blogsite of probably the best , most consistant producer of unofficial Tannhauser material non other than Doc Savage and his able assistant Littlewars. They are so good that they both got a mention in the credits of the latest French expansion Daedalus.

Another blogsite to check out is from Scottie "Wolfe" . Not quite so much material but again he was mentioned in the credits of Daedalus. His stuff has recently been spiced up by another Daedalus creditee Malechi.

This one is set up and run by a French player by the name of Plageman. Has good contacts with ToY and was also mentioned in the credits of Daedalus.This site is in French and English and is basically an archive of some great stuff. The French side has slightly more in it than the English but it is mostly duplication of material which has been translated from French to English or English to French.

You should also have the official ToY website in your Bookmark/Favourites. You can view via google's website translator , I know I do , just cut and paste the web address from your address bar and let google do the rest. There's a monthly new token available as well as an extra quarterly contested tokens plus a whole lot more. Translations of these tokens are usually up fairly soon after ToY releases them on the TannBunker forum.

And of course there is the FFG pages but since you're here you probably already know about that but here's the link for completeness.

This is basically the list that I check on daily - TannBunker & ToY or weekly - Doc's , Scottie's & Blacksheep basis to keep up with the latest.

That's a start but if there are any I've missed please add them to the list as I'd be interested to go and look at them myself.

Some additional Websites:

Board Game Geek and the Tannhäuser Universe ...

It appears that the old FFG Tannhäuser Forums ( ) are now gone the way of the old gods and have left nothing in their wake but the nether ...


Not even Archives, huh? Way to listen to the fans FFG ! sorpresa.gif

How I missed this one in my original posting and why no one else has picked me up on it I don't know but below is a link to the Headless Hollow site which has got a superb summary sheets file for Tannhauser (and loads of other games). How this guy from down under has had time to do any real paid work is anyones guess cause he keeps the updates flowing.

Scroll down the page don't just take the short cut on the side menu. Just see what else is on offer.

Thank You, Great Info and Excellent Sites!

just a couple of updates to make to the list.

Firstly the official ToY site is no more - it has ceased to exist - a shame really but not unexpected. Lets hope FFG can pick up where that site left off. So just to repeat the link in my original posting is now defunct - it only takes you to a 403 error message page.

And now for the good news - Miah999 has come out of hiding and started his own blog site. Great news as far as I'm concerned his scenario "Book Ends" was superb and his original Vatican faction from the old FFG forum was very good as well. The link to his blog site is below

He can also be found on this forum making updates to his great home brew material.

thanks for this awesome information

ok guys, time for an update?

i think all stuff listed for yula,wolf etc etc are pre the revised rules so is no longer valid, have we any sources using the new rules?

Nice sites, something to spend some time on.


We really should update this- maybe I'll start adding some sites to my signature if i can figure out how to do it.

The rule book mentions downloads available form the FFG site, does anyone know what happened to them?

The problem with this forum (and all the FFG forums) is that you can not go back and edit a previous posting.Not even the original author.

That's why some of the links go nowhere and some of the links go to pre-revision sites and files.

@ Rogue1

Are you refering to Classic or Revised Rule Book ?

There is not much official FFG material for the Revised Rules.

The Classic Rules has a whole lot more - look for the link on the official support page. It's via "Classic Edition Support Page"

hope this helps

Thanks that is a great help