I am here

By Lothar Hill, in Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition

Hey guys, untill the PBeM's get active this thread can be a place for us all to post saying we have made the transition to the new forums.

This is Lothar of the Hill People saying I am here.

I am not happy about it but will give it a shot. Is there a spell check on this forum you computer savy guys?

Lothar Hill said:

I am not happy about it but will give it a shot. Is there a spell check on this forum you computer savy guys?

People in another thread say there is not.

GMO, standing by.

The spell checker appears to be something set up on the server side using this editor. And in the easy case it only works with IE. The other case is a little harder to set up but I think it covers more browsers. I'm sure they are working on this.

btw FCKeditor which is what the forum is using does have the ability to do spellcheck. But that may be something the admins have to setup.


Hi Lothar, nice to see you in this nice but PBeM uncomfortable FFG Forum. happy.gif

So I finished my transition to this new FFG Forum by this first post.

Let's just wait and see, how we can send PM.

May be we will all befriend each other or there will be a TI3 Community to joining in. cool.gif

Hello all!

Mordred here. Formerly Mordred24 but I dropped the "24".

This forum is rude. As soon as I signed up they told me I had 0 friends and to add insult to injury they even specified that no players wanted to be my friend. ;- )

You made me Laugh Out Loud. Didn't look at the message in that perspective ;-).

Welcome back!

Mordred said:

Hello all!

Mordred here. Formerly Mordred24 but I dropped the "24".

This forum is rude. As soon as I signed up they told me I had 0 friends and to add insult to injury they even specified that no players wanted to be my friend. ;- )

Well, was it WRONG?! Sometimes the truth hurts... *ouch* :D

Mordred said:

Hello all!

Mordred here. Formerly Mordred24 but I dropped the "24".

This forum is rude. As soon as I signed up they told me I had 0 friends and to add insult to injury they even specified that no players wanted to be my friend. ;- )


Reporting for duty. Eppic, rebel in-between causes, and friend to no-one.

FunkyBunch the disgruntled signing in...

Why not use the spell checking of your browser?

Woah, what's that? Somehow this ******* editor is loosing the focus all the time. ****, I hate this forum. Seems to be made by idiots.

Phil said:

Why not use the spell checking of your browser?

Woah, what's that? Somehow this ******* editor is loosing the focus all the time. ****, I hate this forum. Seems to be made by idiots.

Because it doesn't work unless you are in html mode.


Obsidian checking in. Probably won't be using the forums a whole ton but good to be signed up anyway :-)

And I sure hope that more features are on the way. The Web 2.0 theme with friends lists and points, etc. doesn't make up for the lack of PM's and personal avatars, among who knows what else.

Phil said:

Why not use the spell checking of your browser?

It's also because the posting window is a java app and your browser only does spell checking on text fields."

The Sleeper has awoken....but he doesn't like these forums. Not one bit! preocupado.gif

The Sleeper has awoken....but he doesn't like these forums. Not one bit! preocupado.gif

possumman checking in.

Me likes dem ! So I signed up!

Sometimes you have to move to a new place. But I do not understand all the moaning. It is a nice Forum running native on own servers. This can and probably will be a benefit in the near future, because it offers more possibilities of user interaction. Maybe they put it up a little early, but we as users are the best bughunters menkind has to offer, so I understand it. I like the new look. It looks fresh and modern.

But here is one for you FFG: Please provide us with some of the more interesting content from the old forums. You have Database access, please copy and paste for us!

JhonnyGoo said:

But I do not understand all the moaning.

The reason for MY moaning was largely because this forum used to be slow as molasses (and still isn't as fast as it used to be before the switch).

I continue to moan because this forum lacks several MAJOR functionality things, such as PMs, custom avatars, editing capability, and an intuitive editor, to name a few.

This forum LOOKS pretty, but it's functionally inferior to the old one :)

Beren checking in here.

I don't check this half as often as the wiki, but I still hang around to point the newbies to the good forums and answer some questions.

I'm here, too. The new forum has many fancy things no one knows, is lame and confusing. Find the real community blabla :)

@Sigmazero: Well, since you are one of the guys who seriously explain why they dislike this forum I didn't moan about your moaning! I just don't get why there are so many here who seem to just join the canon of "The ol' woz betta!" without reason.

Besides, the lack of functionality is an issue and I hope they'll fix it soon. What bothers me too is the editor! I really appreciate it but it does not work with those "cool gadgets" down my pocket... llorando.gif

The speed is no problem for me since I am one of those "Open in new Tab" guys and always cross-browsing.

Hope dies at last!

I am here too! gui%C3%B1o.gif

Checking in every now or so.