Gee... My friends and I finally got to Scenario 7 -having lost only once in the previous scenarios- and lost twice in a row.
The first time, we tried to do "business as usual", but a couple of moving Cultists and double-doom token mythos cards woke Y'Golonac pretty quickly and there was nothing we could do. Second time around, we decided to try to build up for the final fight from the very beginning. By the time Y'Golonac woke up, we had some Magical Weapons (though probably not enough), our stamina and sanity were (almost) full, and we were lucky enough to get the mythos card that blessed the four of us (yeah, we were successful in the roll)...
...yet we lost with only 3 f**in' successes to go.
Pretty darn depressing. List of casualties in this slaughter: Wilson Richards, Mandy Thompson, Daisy Walker, Lily Chen, Rita Lee, Carolyn Fern, Tony Morgan and Lola Hayes. Add to that poor Leo Anderson who had got devoured in the previous scenario.
What the hell do we do now??? Suggestions are welcome!