A VILE combination...

By GrandClam, in Tannhauser

I can't believe I never thought of it before..

Hass Horbinger and Strosstruppen, all with command pack...

Super-strong stross buffered with Reichdoktor and the enemy CP crippled. Sure, they take 2 auto wounds for those extra successes- but they heal for each wound they inflict....


Interesting question concerning this combination: What happens first? If the Stoss gets the 2 successes from Hoss, do they wound the enemy, heal their own wounds and THEN get the 2 automatic wounds from Hoss or vice versa? Note that the Reichdoctor token states: "After the roll is resolved, the character gats 2 automatic wounds." But even if the Stoss ends up wounded, it's a very dangerous combination. Powerful Stoss attacks, probably with 2 extra successes, enemy has problems shaking off wounds or conterattacking because of missing CP. Next turn, Stoss is wounded but attacks again to heal.

This would also work if the Stoss had his Stamina Pack equipped. If Stoss dies because of the automatic wounds, it just re-enters play the following turn.

Stoss get two wounds after the attack roll is resolved (as stated in Horbingers text). They heal wounds after they are inflicted (which means after the enemy´s shock roll). In effect he might kill himself before healing kicks in (I assume they will not heal anymore once they are dead. Right?).

Other opinions?

So the turn goes: Stoss rolls attack roll, Reichdoctor adds two successes, Stoss gets two automatic wounds (I assume it isn't killed), Stoss deals damage to enemy, Stoss heals back immediately? Wow, this is even more dangerous than I thought it was!

??! said:

So the turn goes: Stoss rolls attack roll, Reichdoctor adds two successes, Stoss gets two automatic wounds (I assume it isn't killed), Stoss deals damage to enemy, Stoss heals back immediately? Wow, this is even more dangerous than I thought it was!

Stoss is not killed if it starts its attack with three health, as it is reduced to 1 health after the attack. But if it is starts its attack with two or one wound(s), it will reduce itself to zero immediatley after the attack. As it is already dead when the two wounds are dealt to the enemy (= after the shock roll), it would be quite strange if Stoss could still heal. Rigth?

Yeah, the stosstruppen would stay dead, it the damage from Reichdoktor would kill them before they could heal the damage due to their ability. It´s quite clear for me.

I really don't know: it's more plausible like you say, and I play in this way too, but it should be better an answer by FFG.

In addiction, speaking of Reichdkctor I've got some doubt about how/when it's activated: when have you to declare its activation? At the beginning of turn, at anytime, during Hoss' activation? Does this count like a Hoss' action?

I play this ability at anytime (onece per turn obviously): normally I declare its affect before an attack, and this effect doesn't count like a Hoss' action.

What do you think of?

It should be activated after a roll, should it not?

I'd say Reichdoctor is activated after a character's attack roll. That way, it can't use Hoss' action or activation of corse. By the way, can Hoss use the Reichdoctor ability on himself?

??! said:

...can Hoss use the Reichdoctor ability on himself?

I think yes.

I'm not so sure, the rules say "friendly character", I don't normally consider myself to be a friendly character, usually the rules say you, or yourself, but I'm not sure.

If Hoss if filled with a healty sense of self loathing like me, he definatly would not consider himself a friendly.

Miah999 said:

I'm not so sure, the rules say "friendly character", I don't normally consider myself to be a friendly character, usually the rules say you, or yourself, but I'm not sure.

This "friendly character" wording is why I'm unsure too. That's just why I asked.


I seem as if you are right.

Yeah basically. If Stross ain't at full health he's dead, but if he's at full- he stays there. I suppose it's not too hard to inflict 1 wound to a trooper, though- so this setup shouldn't be too nasty.

GrandClam said:

Yeah basically. If Stross ain't at full health he's dead, but if he's at full- he stays there. I suppose it's not too hard to inflict 1 wound to a trooper, though- so this setup shouldn't be too nasty.

But it really is nasty enough. And if you really need to kill a certain enemy character, you could use Reichdoktor on a wounded Stoss and just sacrifice it.

And I actually thought Reichdoktor was worthless before I tried your Reich Anti-Asteros team!

Yeah, Hass has some weird abilities. Especially his stamina pack, if you happen to figure that out- let me know lol. Hass attacks off path

oh, nevermind- I get it. lol, mid-sentence.

Get him injured to his last row to mess up enemy rolls really bad, then from that point on reflect wounds onto friendly characters and put him right up in the enemy's face.

Still, I don't like that setup. I've found that in any tactical game if you buy a unit with the purpose of being hurt or killed (even for an ability), that's exactly what they do.

Also, I figured out why asteros is the way he is- 3 point games. His team cannot summon reinforcements without special tokens and your team can just send up troop after troop as cannonfodder.

I've still been trying to think of more anti-asteros tactics but can only come up with the Reich. Eva is a great choice, probably better than Yula. I was playing a game with her and kicking ass, but then I noticed that she is supposed to roll 5 dice on melee attacks, not 4. Then she did even better. A good roll with Yula will destroy Asteros' equipment, but take Eva on the other hand- With Heizinger's bonus she would roll 6 dice. Add a CP to make CV 6 and she'll have 4 successes. We'll assume she won't live long enough to roll two 10's in one roll, but assume she gets a 10. That's five successes and Asteros rolls only 3 shock. Use Reichdoktor, if you must, and that's 4 automatic wounds. The shocktruppen can take it from there.

For Union I can only think of smoke grenades. John and Tala w/ combat. Disable the opponent's attack and then force Asteros into 1v1 with John after Tala gives him extra ammo. If you're lucky, one of those rolls will have 7 successes. Barry can get 8 successes, but it's not very likely and he's not immune to smoke. Ramirez has lots of smoke immunity but can't help against Asteros. I guess you would just take 2 troopers Alpha w/ combat and hope for the best.

I've been wanting to make a bonus token for Persius' dagger. I'm thinking it should:

Persius' dagger is still lodged deep within the minotaur. As a bonus token, instead of taking up an equipment slot on a friendly character- It takes up an equipment slot on Asteros' sheet chosen by Asteros' player.

Maybe add some cinematic effect to it. When Asteros attacks someone in HtH, instead of a normal counterattack they may take Persius' dagger, if they have room for it. In a later turn they can discard it while adjacent to Asteros and make some sort of test and... I don't know, inflict 2 automatic wounds or something. Maybe they have to make a mental test, then a stamina test, and then a combat test. If they pass all three then they inflict woundage

You know how movies are, the big badguy already has something lodged in him and he keeps coming- or the good guy's weapon is broken and they make one last desperate attack, or both.

GrandClam said:

I've still been trying to think of more anti-asteros tactics but can only come up with the Reich. Eva is a great choice, probably better than Yula. I was playing a game with her and kicking ass, but then I noticed that she is supposed to roll 5 dice on melee attacks, not 4. Then she did even better. A good roll with Yula will destroy Asteros' equipment

We are playing this way as well- but officially, Yula's ability on a natural 10 only destroys weapons or hardware, not armor- which means no good on most of Asteros's stuff.