Quick Questions

By unclejo, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

Walk said:

dj2.0: I'm not quite so sure about that. Mind you, I've never faced Glaaki, but on paper, it seems like this would be a problem only if the Terror Track rises.

my opinion is subjective and, of course, I am insane, but its Glaaki: the terror will rise , you will lose all your items and be left naked surrounded by blight as the hideous sound of a giant slug eating you alive is the last thing you hear.

dj2.0 said:

my opinion is subjective and, of course, I am insane, but its Glaaki: the terror will rise , you will lose all your items and be left naked surrounded by blight as the hideous sound of a giant slug eating you alive is the last thing you hear.

+10 THIS. Underestimate Glaaki at your peril. That damp slug still ranks in my Top 5 of "We are so dead".

It's not Glaaki, really. It's his minions. There's no hiding behind the Madness/Injury deck when those punks want you to discard your stuff. The first time everyone loses their SKILL, you will understand. preocupado.gif

jgt7771 said:

dj2.0 said:

my opinion is subjective and, of course, I am insane, but its Glaaki: the terror will rise , you will lose all your items and be left naked surrounded by blight as the hideous sound of a giant slug eating you alive is the last thing you hear.

+10 THIS. Underestimate Glaaki at your peril. That damp slug still ranks in my Top 5 of "We are so dead".

It's not Glaaki, really. It's his minions. There's no hiding behind the Madness/Injury deck when those punks want you to discard your stuff. The first time everyone loses their SKILL, you will understand. preocupado.gif

And thus do we have the Bureau's only use! Rather ironic that the weakest Institution in the game is the only counter to one of the strongest Ancient Ones....

I like the Glaaki, too sad I don't have expansion with him :'(

jgt7771 said:

It's not Glaaki, really. It's his minions. There's no hiding behind the Madness/Injury deck when those punks want you to discard your stuff. The first time everyone loses their SKILL, you will understand. preocupado.gif

If you won't, then try a lovable ::heart-shaped eyes:: Scenario in Avi's League (maybe the second one?) when, after drawing all the starting equipment, you put three Servants of Glaaki in play. Oh, how we laughed...

Julia said:

jgt7771 said:

It's not Glaaki, really. It's his minions. There's no hiding behind the Madness/Injury deck when those punks want you to discard your stuff. The first time everyone loses their SKILL, you will understand. preocupado.gif

If you won't, then try a lovable ::heart-shaped eyes:: Scenario in Avi's League (maybe the second one?) when, after drawing all the starting equipment, you put three Servants of Glaaki in play. Oh, how we laughed...

Can I cast Call Ancient One when X=0? Say I want to wake Hastur up on turn 1 because the Terror Levels at 0 or we all have Blessings and want to beat Yigs scaly behind?

unclejo said:

Can I cast Call Ancient One when X=0? Say I want to wake Hastur up on turn 1 because the Terror Levels at 0 or we all have Blessings and want to beat Yigs scaly behind?

I don't see why not. It would be a reasonable use for that spell I suppose. But epic battle and Kevin Wilson's clue-per-seal rule should discourage deliberate early awakenings.

What's clue-per-seal rule?

MyNeighbourTrololo said:

What's clue-per-seal rule?

A Kevin Wilson suggested house rule saying that during final combat you cannot spend on a single skill check a number of clues greater than the number of elder signs on the board

Actually, I believe that each investigator may not spend more clues in a round than there are seals on the board. This covers all skill checks made in a round, not each.

Anyway, I don't play without it, as it discourages early battle prepping in favor of trying to seal.

Tibs said:

Actually, I believe that each investigator may not spend more clues in a round than there are seals on the board. This covers all skill checks made in a round, not each.

Yeah, I do believe your wording is by far more precise than mine :-) I didn't consider ofte you have a combat check and then another check forced by the AO attacks. I do not fight final battles that often, do I? ::laughter::

Yea, I guess this rule is very fun against Atlach-Nacha.

MyNeighbourTrololo said:

Yea, I guess this rule is very fun against Atlach-Nacha.

Wellll, funny you should mention. I do have a couple points here.

  1. Atlach-Nacha is going to result in a nasty battle, no matter what. In fact, the entire Atlach experience is just brutal, so why worry about how a rule makes him harder?
  2. Kevin's rule limits the number of clues you can spend on a check, which for Atlach only applies to your attacks. The rule really makes the base game AOs more difficult (as it should!).
  3. Atlach-Nacha already has a sinister plot card that is made more difficult with fewer seals, so seriously, good luck with that.
  4. Likewise, one of the Miskatonic cards actually gives you a break if you have enough seals.
  5. I use the clue-seal rule, and also my own house rule that trims the epic battle deck when there are fewer seals, so Atlach is particularly hard. However, I also play with all allies, so the chances of obtaining an ally is higher than it normally should be, which means you have a higher chance to buy time by sacrificing an ally during combat.

Tibs said:

Wellll, funny you should mention. I do have a couple points here.

  1. Atlach-Nacha is going to result in a nasty battle, no matter what. In fact, the entire Atlach experience is just brutal, so why worry about how a rule makes him harder?

Not so sure about this one, but some crazy girl created a Herald just to enhance this little adorable spider a little. In case of need, check here

Well, some people are just sick in the head.

You know, about hard battles. I played 4 games yet, 3 of them was won via final battle. And only one of them was easy(Yig), two others was extremely close calls(last doom token was removed with last available success before the AO was going to devour last surviving investigator), and those AO's was not hard ones at all(Bokrug and Shub-Niggurath). I don't use epic battle deck because I don't have it and I don't use any houserules while in final battle.

Imagine if I did - all those wins would be losses. And those are easiest AO's.

Tibs said:

Well, some people are just sick in the head.

::laughter:: I was healthy and sane before starting writing in these forums / playing Arkham, I swear!

Julia said:

Tibs said:

Well, some people are just sick in the head.

::laughter:: I was healthy and sane before starting writing in these forums / playing Arkham, I swear!

We provide free full frontal lobotomies for our five year users! babeo.gif

Avi_dreader said:

We provide free full frontal lobotomies for our five year users! babeo.gif

You mean, your League isn't enough for this? It's only two years I write here. Sigh.

Minh Thi Phan: just when do you apply her special ability? Surely every single roll you make pretty much is a skill check? Seems a bit powerful to me so I'm suspicious if I'm reading it right. She gets +1 on Fight AND Combat Checks, right?

Combat is not a skill check. Fight is a skill, combat is attribute, affected by Fight.

unclejo said:

Minh Thi Phan: just when do you apply her special ability? Surely every single roll you make pretty much is a skill check? Seems a bit powerful to me so I'm suspicious if I'm reading it right. She gets +1 on Fight AND Combat Checks, right?

Sorry, MyNeighbour, but you are incorrect. Minh Thi Phan's ability applies to Fight checks AND Combat Checks. Combat, Spell, Evade, and Horror checks are special skill checks that use the Fight, Lore, Sneak, and Will stats, BUT they are still skill checks. So yes, Phan's ability is rather powerful since it practically increases her Fight, Will, Sneak, Speed, Luck, and Lore stats by 1.

What I meant is you do not receive +2 to combat check because you got +1 fight previously. You receive just +1 to each of them separately.