Lords of Winter

By Tokhuah, in 5. AGoT Trade Forum

I have been scouring the internet for the LoW expansion without any luck. If anyone has seen a copy on the shelves of a local store please let me know.

I noticed LoW was on the que for a reprint but the Upcoming post on this site does not have a specific release date. Are there any Spiders or Little Fingers out there who have heard whispers about a possible reprint date?!?

Tokhuah said:

Are there any Spiders or Little Fingers out there who have heard whispers about a possible reprint date?!?


We have recently been informed (in the UK at least) by one of the big distributor's that ALL house boxes are "on the water" which I presume means they are currently being shipped over. They expect to have them available for UK stores to order and stock by the end of the month. Give or take customs waiting time.

However, I am remaining skeptical until I see one physically as to whether or not that includes the Stark / Greyjoy ones.