Ok, I love this game. It is amazing and the combat is utterly fantastic. I love the met-game aspect, the feel of it and the notion that I'm playing multi-player conflict game with no board in under an hour.
Great work FFG and Cory K especially.
But I feel the need for an expansion. I only really want to play the Runewars scenario since that it what I got the game for... co-op does not interest me at all and the other two are, to me, pale versions of the Runewars scenario.
Expansion, bring it on quick. More units for each army and a larger neuteral pile would be incredible and make this game a masterpiece. Who's with me and please FFG.. give us some word on this. Quarriors has already announced one and NIghtfall has two already. FFG is a leader, especially with expansions, please tell me the game was successfull enough to warrent this.