More Basic Questions

By Hammer61, in Tannhauser

Is there anywhere i the rules that says you can't put a character on overwatch when there is an enemy character on the same path? I ask because in a game tonight my oppoent's character had two of my characters in adjacant circles and he wanted to put his character on overwatch - surely this isn'y allowed.

I played the Matriarchy for the first time and I was uncertain about of couple points

1. Can Voivodes enter play before Zorka or any character who hasn't got the engineering trait?

2, If Zarka or the last character with the engineering trait leaves play do the Voiboids die?

3. On a more general point are Voivodes as weak as they seem?

oh one other question - can you use two command points to cancel two wounds?

My next answers is based on revised rules.

You can always put a character on overwatch, even if an anemy is on your same path or if an enemy is adjacent to your character.

1. Voivodes can enter in game when you want like every character (but in pair), the only limitation: you can choose Voivodes just when you choose Zor'ka in your team too.

2. Engineering trait does't serve to use Voivodes.

3. Voivodes are balanced with their characteristics: no so strong in directly fight, but they die hard and they are a valorous aid to Zor'ka's attack and healt, they can be repair even if destroyed by an enemy and they are 4! On the whole I'd say they are a thorn in the side.

Finally, you can use only 1 command point to cancel a wound: if you have two or more wounds, you can shake off only a wound using 1 command point. Generally you cannot use more than 1 command point contemporaneously for the same effect.

I'd just like to add two points: First, you can use Voivodes without using Zor'ka if you are using Oksana. Second, you can use only 1 CP per activation to shake off wounds - even if two or more of your characters are wounded during this activation. For example: If a grenade wounds two characters of your team, you may only shake of one wound suffered by one character.

Many thanks for the clarifications. I must admit though the overwatch (on the same path) seems 'unrealistic' and unfair to me....but they're the rules so be it