scouts, battles/fights, trading points etc.

By global player, in Sid Meier's Civilization: The Board Game

Hey guys,

referring to some similar questions being raised here, where I couldn´t figure out some satisfying essences for me...

1. Scout-Units:

1.1 May a scout send ressources from an outlying district of one own city to another own city? Is this then also valid for more than one scouts?

1.2 May scouts send ressources from outlying districts of opponent cities?

1.3 Is it possible for a scout to be in an own/opponent city centre and send ressources from that position?

2. Battle/Fight

2.1 Is it possible to "close" the front of an opponent later in a fight? Or must a front being "closed" immediately after the opponents turn (when he played a front)?

2.2 What happens to units that didn´t get involved in a fight until the end of the battle (because of "unclosed" fronts)? Are they managed the same way like units that survived a fight?

3. Trading Points (TP)

I was a little confused because of some forum information: At the time you research a technology, you turn the TP to 0. For every coin in your possession your TP remain one point above 0. As far I understand, this only refers to TP excessing the costs of a tech. If i pay for a tech that costs 11 TP, owning 18 TP, I still have 4 trading points by possessing 4 coins, sure. But if have the same 4 coins and I wanna pay for a tech that costs 6 trading points, exactly owning 6 trading points, I think I have to pay all of them. I don´t think there´s a chance to get techs for free.

4. Techs

Do Techs like Navigation or Sailing also improve the land-movement? Wouldn´t be logic to me...

Some more questions may follow. Thanks for answering these ones!


global player

global player said:

1.1 May a scout send ressources from an outlying district of one own city to another own city? Is this then also valid for more than one scouts?

A scout in one of your outskirts can transfer the square it's in to a different one of your cities. However, scouts can't do this the turn they're built, and you can never 'double dip' a single square, even if you have multiple scouts in it. If one city uses the square, the other cannot.

global player said:

1.2 May scouts send ressources from outlying districts of opponent cities?

Yes, a scout may gather icons in a blockaded square in the outskirts of an enemy city. That square is then considered to be part of the city the scout is sending it to.

You can only send trade, production, culture, coins, and resources. A scout on an enemy barracks/academy/general can not send the military bonus to its home city.

global player said:

1.3 Is it possible for a scout to be in an own/opponent city centre and send ressources from that position?

No, scouts (or units) can not end their turn in one of your city centres, and a scout can not enter a enemy city centre. (unless you want it to be destroyed)

global player said:

2.1 Is it possible to "close" the front of an opponent later in a fight? Or must a front being "closed" immediately after the opponents turn (when he played a front)?

You can open new fronts and close fronts whenever you want. It's even possible for both players to keep opening new fronts and don't fight at all.

global player said:

2.2 What happens to units that didn´t get involved in a fight until the end of the battle (because of "unclosed" fronts)? Are they managed the same way like units that survived a fight?


global player said:

I was a little confused because of some forum information: At the time you research a technology, you turn the TP to 0. For every coin in your possession your TP remain one point above 0. As far I understand, this only refers to TP excessing the costs of a tech. If i pay for a tech that costs 11 TP, owning 18 TP, I still have 4 trading points by possessing 4 coins, sure. But if have the same 4 coins and I wanna pay for a tech that costs 6 trading points, exactly owning 6 trading points, I think I have to pay all of them. I don´t think there´s a chance to get techs for free.

Actually, you can research techs for free if you have enough coins. If you have 6 coins for example, you can research lvl 1 techs for free. But by then you will probably want to research higher lvl techs.

On you can find lots of information, and usefull files like an Unofficial FAQ with answers from the designer.

global player said:

3. Trading Points (TP)

I was a little confused because of some forum information: At the time you research a technology, you turn the TP to 0. For every coin in your possession your TP remain one point above 0. As far I understand, this only refers to TP excessing the costs of a tech. If i pay for a tech that costs 11 TP, owning 18 TP, I still have 4 trading points by possessing 4 coins, sure. But if have the same 4 coins and I wanna pay for a tech that costs 6 trading points, exactly owning 6 trading points, I think I have to pay all of them. I don´t think there´s a chance to get techs for free.

A clarification might be in order. You pay ALL your trade, no matter how much trade you have or how much the tech costs, when researching. You then always retain trade equal to the amount of coins you possess. There is one exception, however. You can never GAIN trade this way by having, say 8 coins and 7 trade and researching a LVL 1 tech. I guess it would be more accurate to say that you retain UP TO your amount of coins in trade but never more than you had before reasearching.

global player said:

4. Techs

Do Techs like Navigation or Sailing also improve the land-movement? Wouldn´t be logic to me...

All techs regarding movement improves all movement. Navigation, for example, is simply knowing where you are by looking at the positions of certain stars in relation to where you are and can be equally usefull on land as on water. When it comes to Sailing, let's just imagine that minor rivers are too small to show up on the map but can be used to sail on or something.

Hope this helps.