Forgotten Realms BattleLore Campaign

By Interceptor2, in Battlelore

I've never really played a full BattleLore campaign, only single battles. I'm gearing up to play a campaign over the next several weeks, using all of my expansions, including Heroes, Dragons, and Creatures. I plan on writing dynamic battle reports for each battle for anyone interested in following along. I'm doing this for my own entertainment and to showcase how truly cool, dynamic, expandable, and fun BattleLore really is.

Here's the campaign set-up: The campaign is set in the Forgotten Realms of D & D fame, though this is a generic fantasy setting, and anyone wishing to mirror this campaign can use any fantasy setting. I use a very generic but effective battle sheet to set-up my battles. Basically it has blocks I fill in, explaining troop and terrain set-up for a specific region of the battlefield.

Campaign Background: I wanted to create a simple background that pitted one force against another. I did not want to create a complex, pre-thought out campaign, but rather, I wanted the story of the campaign to unfold as I played battle after battle. The background is this: The Zhentarim (an evil organization of the Forgotten Realms setting) has large armies in the regin of Zhentil Keep in the area of the Moonsea. Recently they have demanded a tribute from the boardering Dalelands. Those regions of the Dalelands that refuse to pay this tribute are severely punished. Far to the west, in Darkhold, the Zhentarim fortress in the north of the Heartlands, an evil wizard is amassing a vast army of orcs and goblins to march east toward Cormyr. The Zhentarim hope to conquer all of Cormyr and the Dalelands in this two pronged attack. The first attack will come from the area of the Moonsea and plunge deep into the Dalelands. Once the Zhentarim have a firm foothold in this region, their western counterparts will launch their goblin army, sending them east to crush the mighty kingdom of Cormyr between the two armies.

The first part of this campaign will involve the invasion of the Dalelands. Depending on the outcome of these battles, the Lord's Alliance of the Heartlands and the Purple Dragon Knights of Cormyr will engage the Zhentarim. The Zhentarim armies will be primarily human and goblin, with ample use of creatures and dragons. The armies of the Dalelands and Heartlands will largely be human with occasional dwarven mercenaries. The armies of Cormyr will be largely human, with a focus on mounted knights and longsword knights. I will make occasional use of elves, but I don't plan on making special rules for the elves. I'll just use archer figures, though use of elves will be limited. I want this campaign to use existing BattleLore rules with no house rules.

The First Battle, Battle at Dagger Falls: In the coming days I will give an account of the first battle. The prelude to this battle is as follows: The Zhentarim have been harassing the boarders of the Dalelands, making bold incursions and demanding tribute from the various towns and villages. When a region refuses to pay, the Zhents raid the area, burning towns and villages, destroying crops, slaughtering innocents, and taking prisoners. Across the Dalelands a call to arms is raised, and the men and women of Daggerdale are the first to respond, raising a militia. Rangers of the Dalelands report seeing an advanced contingent of Zhentarim troops advancing toward Dagger Falls. Just south of the Falls lie ancient ruins in a thick wood. Here the militia of Daggerdale makes its first stand against the pillaging invaders.

Good on you, Interceptor.

I've been waiting (approaching 5 years sounds like "patiently", doesn't it?) for campaign rules to be released, first through Days of Wonder, and now (yes, even now ;) ) with Fantasy Flight. I thought some of the reason for the delay of Heroes was in getting campaign rules right, but also thought another race or three would be nice to have before campaign rules were introduced.

A few years ago, we played out a campaign-style game based loosely on Diplomacy set in Middle Earth with BattleLore to resolve the conflicts. One can find record of it here (though I think one also needs to join the BattleLore yahoo group to see them - hint, hint :) ) . Many players (Chris/Elberon noted - see his signature for a link to those rules and his other homebrewed wonders; as well as C W on boardgamegeek - his simple, yet elegant campaign idea is described here ) have come up with campaign ideas in the meantime, and I am looking forward to hearing reports of your experiences, Interceptor.

I am hoping, in the near, near future, to revitalize interest in the vassal module for BattleLore, as it is updated with all of the expansions to date (though I do long for the additional races of Borg's version of the game, still plenty of official material to work with, not even speaking of player created components...). One of the things I would like to do is get another campaign(s?, dare I hope?) going. Perhaps what you have in mind would be welcomed gran_risa.gif

Thank you for the kind words Toddrew, I suppose I should post here as well so my sig is easier to find gui%C3%B1o.gif

Hopefully my life will allow me to finish off the Naval "expansion" I've sort of got finished and be a tad more active here. The basics are done in my head but I need time to set it to paper, proof read re do all the command cards, figure out how certain Lore cards will work (Rivers rumble etc in particular)


Also, Interceptor, I had meant to mention that, if you hadn't already thought of it, a good way to represent elves without introducing any house rules is to use the long bow rules for the elven units.

toddrew said:

I am hoping, in the near, near future, to revitalize interest in the vassal module for BattleLore, as it is updated with all of the expansions to date


I was thinking the same thing. Bayernkimi has the latest materials, as the current keeper, correct?

I have been playing it about once a week now, mainly with a friend up north, and I rarely see anyone on the server for BL. In fact only once was someone looking for a game, and another time someone popped in to look, but did not stay for more than five minutes. It has been very quiet. With Command & Colors: Napoleonics being considered a bust for us, we have gone back to the tried and true (BL and M44).
