I notice that the rules for Damage Resilient in the revised rulebook don't mention anything bypassing it, such as flame/artillery weapons or weapons with Range 1. Am I missing something or did DR get a significant boost in the revised rules?
Damage Resilient?
Looks like it's now better or an error has been made.
I don't think it's a mistake, since several of the Skills have been changed for the Revised Set. I think the change was meant just to make things simpler, so that people didn't have to remember what kinds of damage DR works for or not. The side effect is that it is now much more powerful, specially for Close Combat units like the zombies, which don't have to fear the C retalliation so much now.
Loophole Master said:
I don't think it's a mistake, since several of the Skills have been changed for the Revised Set. I think the change was meant just to make things simpler, so that people didn't have to remember what kinds of damage DR works for or not. The side effect is that it is now much more powerful, specially for Close Combat units like the zombies, which don't have to fear the C retalliation so much now.
Agreed, I hate rules that have exceptions, its a sign of poor rules developement.
How in the world is that a sign of poor rules development? There are exceptions to 'cover', except its spelled out in the rule for the specific weapons/attacks that ignore it. The Damage Resilient rule was no different, except all of the exceptions were spelled out within the rule rather than within the rules for the weapons/attacks that bypassed it.
True. It would be cool if the zombies' Damage Resilient didn't work with flamethrowers. KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!
asbestos said:
How in the world is that a sign of poor rules development? There are exceptions to 'cover', except its spelled out in the rule for the specific weapons/attacks that ignore it. The Damage Resilient rule was no different, except all of the exceptions were spelled out within the rule rather than within the rules for the weapons/attacks that bypassed it.
No exception is standard practice in quality rules as it means one less thing to try and remember correctly. I can't remember what game it was now but there was one really irritating as it had various exceptions depending what else was happening, a right pain in the ass as you had to keep refering to the rule. There are no situational variations on the cover rule at all, thats straight forward, you just roll your cover save dice as shown on the card.
Major Mishap said:
Except there are; flamethrowers, close combat, phasers, artillery, and grenade launchers all ignore cover. How is that different than various weapons ignoring Damage Resilient?
Loophole Master said:
True. It would be cool if the zombies' Damage Resilient didn't work with flamethrowers. KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!
I like this. I like the idea of each individual unit with Damage Resilient has its own weakness. Like a robot would have DR (Phasers) or a Zombie DR (Fire) or a Vampire (Lasers) or a Werewolf (Grenades) or something.
you would think flame weapons would be the exception for the zombies .... and I wonder when we'll see the vampires and werewolves (LMAO)
Exceptions for rules work when they are easy to remember due to common sense. Flamethrowers lapping around cover, blasts (phaser or chemical)covering the area to the point where cover becomes less effective, etc.
Saying DR works against knives in close combat, but not against a rifle round, is a counterintuitive rules exception, and thus more of a pain to remember, as well as not making much sense.
Mummies have the problem with fire. Well, trolls have some too, but that depends on the flavor of paganism that is the source of the "troll". Humans have a lot more trouble with fire, it hurts, for zombies, it just doesn't matter until they fall apart.