Any word on the collected rulebook for Tactics?

By Budsky, in Anima: Tactics

The mini-sized rule book supplied in the starter is pretty bare bones and can be a little vague in spots. Plus I always love having a nice hefty book in my hands while on the battle table. Gives me a place to stack casualties when I'm not looking up rules gran_risa.gif

I would second the call for some indication as to the release of the English version of the rules for Tactics! Would it be quicker for me to learn Spanish? I have a close association with the distributor for FFG here in Australia and they are most frustrated that they receive little or no information from FFG regarding this and other products that FFG supply.

My major concern is that many people who have bought the product in anticipation of a well supported game system will be put off by the lack of information and support. The issue that we can now own figures that we can not use due to the fact that the rules are not published for those miniatures is most frustrating. Furthermore, retailers who have commited funds to stock the product in their store, can only shrug their shoulders to their customers when asked "what's comming and when?". The drop off in sales due to this can only serve to disencourage retailers to stock the product in future; thus adding to the lack of players to pick up the game and enjoy what is a very enjoyable rule system.

I still love the game but.....come on Cypher and FFG, give us a sign!


So it's no use buying this, since the game has no rules?

If i buy some minis and the starters, i won't be able to play?

You can play using the basic rules that come with the starter packs and they are also available as a pdf download; my concern is that, if you buy the later figures that have come out in the subsequent releases, the special rules relating to these characters' abilities are not covered in the basic rules.

I have recommended this game to many people and will continue to urge gamers to give it a try as it is a great game however, for people such as myself, who bought it when it first came out (and bought everything for it since) it is frustrating not to be able to expand the gameplay. The continued silence from Cypher/FFG on a release date or even an update is also dissapointing.

Don't hesitate buying the game and playing it; just stick to the early figures until the full rule book is released. Look on the bright side; you will not have to wait as long as I have for the full published rules!


Aah i see.
Query, what figurines were in the early release for Samael, Empire and the Wanderers? It would help selecting starting figs.

Figures that you are sure to be able to use with the basic rules are as follows;

  • Bael (Dark Starter set)
  • Alessa Raincross
  • Azriel
  • Dark Chesire (Dark Starter set)
  • Herod
  • Kronen (Light Starter set)
  • Evangeline (Light Starter set)
  • Janus Faith
  • Khaine D'Lacreu
  • Duncan Reid
  • Akio Kageshima
  • Jiang Pao
  • Faust Orbatos
  • Sophia Ilmora
  • Lin Pao
  • Celia
  • subasa Kurokami
  • Feng Yi
  • Dereck Shezard

There might be others but I know these will work.



I forgot to include Shingami Ayl.


Thanks. Regretfully i already ordered with several being of the 'newer' sort.
Ah well, hopefully the new rulebook will come out shortly.

We have stopped playing it until the rulebook comes out. We just seem to be getting the stream of new figs but the rulebook seems to be stuck in permanent limbo.

We are loosing a lot of the intrested gamers here !!!

The hard work from a couple volenteers building up an AT community will be lost if the rules book isn't for the near future.

Gamers here like the game but if they don't have the rules book then they look for other games and the competition for good skirmish games is hard at the moment here !

It's time that we have positive news about the release date.

I still cann't understand we haven't an official answer from FFG here on this forum ???

Animabe said:

I still cann't understand we haven't an official answer from FFG here on this forum ???

Perhaps it's because FFG has nothing to do with the making of the Rulebook, although I'm sure they will add their own delay time to it's release date. It's edge entertainment that is taking so long . The last time they put out news about it is when they released a couple "preview" pages of the book here . They also gave a January release date, but obviously that didn't work out. No news has come out since, other than its coming....

Yeah. It's quite annoying. On the other hand, got the first batch of my order.
It gives me more time to slowly prepare the minis and get accustomed to the basic rules.
I'm going to try to do better paintingwise for these mini's.

Still it would be nice for it to come out. I hope a lot of bio and background info will be included as to make 'scenarios' more easily created.

FFG is doing the English translation ???

Hi Animabe. Long time no see! ;)

And yeah that's the impression i got.

If FFG does the English translation and a couple months ago 50% or more was translated, then still is my question why we still don't see any official FFG reaction on this matter ???

No English translation in the near future isn't good for the AT community !

The essentials of the Saga 2 rules can be downloaded here in Web Addendum 2: . This covers rules for Gnossis points, new army building rules and other stuff.

The document that clarifies Khaine D'Lacrue's Throw ability is in the Web Addendum 1:

Among the above, you should find something that addresses the interesting abilities of each character that aren't quite addressed in the Saga 1 starter rules.

Addendum 1, 2 , ... isn't a rule book !

A gamer need a rule book not only for rules but also for the fluf and stuf about the game.

The delay is long now and for a lot of people it's geting ...

That we still didn't have an official reaction from FFG on the official FFG forum here is, hmm ???

Dont´t worry, we also have no words from FFG about Mutant Chronicles. So welcome to the club. happy.gif

By the way ... ANIMA Tactics is also a very nice game.

Edge is doing all of the translation for the rule book. They have some translated pages on the official US forum. I wish I could speak Spanish! I think FFG is only hands-on with the RPG and the card game.

Does anyone know where I could get my hands on a German version of the rules? I speak German fairly well, and should be able to do a good enough job translating it to get the rules right. Is it anywhere on the internet? I've tried typing in a Google search for German rules, but it doesn't get me to the rules.

I agree that it's frustrating waiting for the rulebook to come out, and Cypher seems to be stuck in the mindset that as long as they continue to crank out minis the game will keep going. Well, as long as the minis are as pretty as the ones they've been turning out I know I'll keep buying, but my old opponent has stopped buying anything until the rules hit.

Now, I bought Confrontation minis for years and have never played a single game, but most people will want to do something with the mountains of pewter and cardboard they've poured (a fairly substantial amount of) their hard-earned money into. I don't blame them. I buy 40k figures to play games with them. Same when I was into AT-43, Flames of War, and Hordesmachine. Say what you will about the Evil Empire of Gaming (I think we all know who I'm talking about here) but they do one thing well- they keep the game fresh. A new edition of the game, a new army list, these all keep us coming back. Like little crack-addicted lemmings.

It's hard to keep a game fresh that half of the people out there don't really know how to play.

Don't get me wrong, the game IS playable, and I DO enjoy it, but it's frustrating to get all the rules together, there was never really any notification as to what symbols belong to which faction, and the parent company just keeps stringing us along.

I guess what all that rambling was trying to get at is this:

I've bought every Anima release so far, and the stuff is gorgeous, but I understand those who give up on the game all the same.

Hi everyone. I am a player from spain, and fairly active on the official spanish forums, mainly the RPG but stil. I was reading through and decided to post to try and mabye shed a bit of light on the state of the book. Please keep in mind that this is not official, and not to be took as 100% exact it is just my view of the situation from different comments on the forums and such.

To start of with, so far there is no rule book, it has not come out in spanish or any other language, sadly edge is just as quiet about the status as FFG seem to be with you, and over in spain we also are biting our nails in anticipation. However, at the moment AS are hard at work on the next RPG book, this and the fact that previews in english exist, leads me to believe that the tactics book is complete and has been for a while now. Some time back AS told us that the different companies were discussing the posibility of a coordinated international release and that we might not neccessarily get the book in spanish before it comes out in english. The situation as it is makes me think that this is going to be the case, when the translations are finished we will all get the book about the same time, and as there was talk about a january release. mabye it wont be to long before it appears. I hope this helps solve a few questions, or at the very least let those who are trying to get it in german/spanish etc know why they cant find it XD and again please dont take any of this for certain, I may be mistaken on any or all of it (except there been no book in spanish yet and no information from edge as ti when we will have it :( .... )

I will try to take a look at this forum from time to time, to try and help out with questions or such, especialy in the RPG section :P

Ok, that helps to make sense of things some more. I'd guess that the economic changes in September of last year are also partly to blame for the delays. Lots of companies had to drastically change their plans, I'd think the makers of the game have to deal with such changes to the business world. They've probably had to slow down development of things at the very least.

Wish it were possible to know more exact details about the status of the game rules, but I guess that's the vague-ness of the creative process at work. Can't rush things like that. Will work on mastering the basics and painting up the minis while I wait for the rules I guess.

Hopefully the game won't go that of Mutant Chronicles. -___-

I almost started playing that game, i'm glad i foresaw trouble.