Savage Worlds/Star Wars roleplaying game: a joint effort by Lucasfilms, Fantasy Flight Games, and Pinnacle Entertainment Group??????????????????????????????????????????

By newmarduk, in Star Wars

Star Wars, of course, is a trademark of Lucasfilms, and Savage Worlds is a trademark of PEG. FFG, as it is well known, already obtained a license for producing Star Wars-oriented games (collector-card games, miniature games, and RPGs). Now, if FFG could get permission from both Lucasfilms and PEG to produce Savage Worlds Star Wars.

It's a good dream, as dreams go. However, what we're like to get is something with more crunch than a Nestle bar. I would be surprised if FF did something as rules-light as Savage Worlds. I'd be pleasantly surprised, but surprised nonetheless.

I have say, while savage worlds is a nice system, it doesn't capture the epic saga game play star wars needs. Sadly, FFG will have to build a new system ground up.