Should I bother getting the other 1e expansions?

By Coldmoonrising, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hello gang, I'm sure you're all as excited about 2e as I am when I saw the opening page on FFG's website. I've had the core set and the 1st expansion (Well of Darkness) for probably about 1 year now. My question is: should I bother getting the other expansions simply for the monsters and heroes so that they can be converted to 2e?

On a side note, when I heard about 2e coming out and the changes made, I started wondering if I should separate my core set and 1st expansion and sell them off to make up the money for when 2e finally comes out. Considering that only heroes and monsters move on, I was a bit disheartened to think of what I should do with all the old pieces but put them in cold storage (e.g.: put them back in the core set box indefinitely).

Well, depending on the amount of money you want to spend for games and your desire to upgrade to 2nd edition, it has little sense to sell your 1st edition core set and Well of Darkness boxes. That's still a wonderful and valuable game to play and the other expansions are definitely worth getting, not because they will be used in 2nd edition via Conversion Kit, but because they make up for a great gaming experience with plenty of variety, components and issues (yes, issues are also inside the box).

If you like 1st edition and don't mind spending the money to get the other products, everything's fine. If you're convinced that 2nd edition is what you want and need, then you'd better save money for the new core set and expansions. Before making final decision, it will be wise to have a look at the rules and see what it is all about. This means waiting until December 2011.

1st edition is surely a good game and you can simply choose to take the best of it by selecting the expansions to buy (plenty of information on Boardgamegeek and on the 1st edition forum). Some will be difficult to find right now, because they've been out of print for a while. I don't think they will ever get reprinted. But I won't sell the old Descent for less than its value: it is a huge game with lots of bits and quality pieces, it's a thing that I will keep at least to own a copy to show to my future children (that surely will laugh and compare it to contemporary games).

How much time and effort do you put into custom quests?

We know D2e will be the same scale as D1e (it has to be if it can convert the old minis,) so if you really want to reuse other components from 1e in 2e, you could do so by making custom quests that use those components. (kitbashing house rules where needed for special tokens/tiles.)

If you have no particular interest in making custom quests (or playing those made by others) then this really doesn't help you. If you don't think the minis are worth it alone then there's not much point in buying more 1e or in keeping what you've got.

I'd say at least keep what you already have until after 2e is out, though. If you decide you want to keep it, you can and you'll at least have as many minis as you do for conversion. If you decide you want to sell it, copies will only be that much rarer by then.