RPGNet Review

By wazza, in Black Crusade

That sounds very interesting. More streamlining to the system, yay, although I liked the DH Psy-System best. And the system of player run missions is a great idea.

Agreed. It's certainly the most interesting take on the 40K Universe to date. The only danger inherent in playing "Evil" is that the PC's will turn on each other. Hopefully the new compact system will make this less likely. I will be picking up a copy when it's released.

wazza said:

The only danger inherent in playing "Evil" is that the PC's will turn on each other.

They will? Mine never did.

One general comment: I have become sceptical about anyone judging the substance of a book so shortly after its release. For example with Deathwatch some of its problems have only become apparent over time - which normally should be figured into the score. The review is more a matter of describing the contents - which is understandable at this point in time.

We'll see how it turns out. Since it isn't too different from previous products it can't be bad. ;)


That's a pretty solid review but it has some consistent mistakes when it regards Infamy.
The book states that for apotheosis 75+ infamy is recommended for starting players, 90+ is more difficult and players are just as likely to fail as to succeed, and 100+ is a very difficult threshold to not only achieve but to maintain and only the strongest of characters will reach apotheosis.
Also it fails to mention that before 20 corruption infamy points are very weak (one can't re-roll a test).

Overall a really comprehensive review though!

I'm certainly considering it as the next Campaign I run. Either that or Dark Heresy. I hope FFG supports it thoroughly, especially with adventures.


wazza said:

The only danger inherent in playing "Evil" is that the PC's will turn on each other.

They will? Mine never did.

Q: The only danger inherent in playing "Evil" is that the PC's will turn on each other.

From my own experience the best games I've played have involved a certain degree of infighting and plotting between the players against each other. I can of course see how it can cause havoc on the wrong group. Still I personally wouldn't mind a little infighting.

Gurkhal said:

Q: The only danger inherent in playing "Evil" is that the PC's will turn on each other.

From my own experience the best games I've played have involved a certain degree of infighting and plotting between the players against each other. I can of course see how it can cause havoc on the wrong group. Still I personally wouldn't mind a little infighting.

IT can be good if there is some, however (as an example) when an entire session is dominated by note passing between 1 player and the DM you can see that it hinders rather than helps the game, as thats a lot of playtime that the rest of the party cannot enjoy

I'm not actually sure how PvP will work in this. You can burn Infamy to just straight-up survive, so killing each other will be somewhat...difficult. I foresee much subtle dickery and people acting at cross-purposes in terms of Compact objectives. We should get some decent stories out of it, at any rate, as to long, protracted efforts to kill each other. You're going to have to be somewhat subtle, and just put someone in a position to die where it's not obvious you did it. Rat their position out to Inquisitors, give them false intelligence, things like that.