My Home Brews

By Jon Gon, in Cosmic Encounter - Fan Variants

You're both right about Deceiver, without some sort of incentive he will not have many allies. I’ll try to improve him in that aspect…

I didn’t found the homebrew similar to Quarantine, even though there are probably other similar powers.

By the way, I tested Redeemer and Arsenal and here’s a minor addition, when using Arsenal in games with only 3 players , the number of points needed to victory should be: number of players x 25 instead of number of players x 20 .

I had a great time doing a game using only alternative victory powers so I hope FFG includes at least one alternative victory alien in every new expansion.

I think it would be cool to do a game of multiple powers where each player has one alternate victory alien and one other alien. You should try that since you have so many in your set. I'd love to but haven't been able to get the group together for a couple months now. :(

Adam said:

I think it would be cool to do a game of multiple powers where each player has one alternate victory alien and one other alien. You should try that since you have so many in your set. I'd love to but haven't been able to get the group together for a couple months now. :(

Yes, that’s something I want to do, but some members of my group dislike playing with multiple powers.

CRITICAL – Duplicates his attack card with Ns

You have the power of critical damage . When you are a main player in an encounter, before cards are revealed, play one negotiate card to duplicate your or your opponent’s attack card. The effect takes place after all effects are considered (Calculator, Mirror, Tripler).

Wild: Use this flare before reveal to duplicate attack cards played by you worth up to 8.

Super: After cards are selected, use this flare to take the two top cards from the encounter deck if any of them is a negotiate you can keep it or use it if it’s not discard. You must show them to your opponents

FORSAKEN – Benefits from all against one situations (Alternative Victory)

Game Setup: Place 12 cosmic tokens in your alien sheet (10 in the four-planet variant)

You have the power to isolate . During any encounter when all players gang up against one player (regardless of the combination), use this power before planning phase, to remove one token from your alien sheet. When you remove the last token you win the game. You can also win the game by the normal rules. In addition when invited by both main players you are always the last one to decide which invitation you’ll accept.

Wild: Use this flare after alliance like a forcefield artifact. Discard after use.

Super: Using the same conditions, remove 2 tokens every time all players gang up against you.

Note: Don’t use in games with 3 players.

Jack: You forgot to add the alternative victory label to Redeemer.

RECRUITER – Gets ships per foreign colonies

You have the power of recruiting . When a destiny card with your colour or that indicates you is flipped use this power to receive one extra ship per foreign colony.

Wild: In the beginning of your turn, use this flare like you would use a Warp Break, releasing all your ships from the Warp. Discard after use.

Super: Using the same conditions, receive 2 ships + the number of foreign colonies.

Note: Use a set of ships not in game or custom ones.

STEALTH – Replaces revealed Ns for other encounter cards

You have the power of infiltration .
If you are a main player or an ally and a player, other than you, reveals a Compromise card, you may replace it for an Attack Card or Morph from your hand. Conclude the challenge as if he had revealed that Attack card. Discard the negotiate card after replacing it. You can only exchange one card per encounter.

Wild: When you are a main player, use this flare before cards are selected to see up to three random cards of your opponent. You cannot reveal this information.

Super: You can now use your power when you’re not involved in the encounter.

Comments: This is a promotion of Empath’s super flare to an independent power. The differences are: You can replace the N for another attack card in any side. You don’t keep the N you replaced.

FALLOUT – Predicts outcomes to win ( Alternative Victory )

Game Setup: Place 12 cosmic tokens in your alien sheet. 10 in the four-planet variant

You have the power of outcome . Before cards are selected in any encounter, give your fallout token (declare if you prefer) to the main player that you believe it’s going to win. If you’re right remove one token from your alien sheet. A successful deal counts as a victory and a failed deal as a defeat.
If you remove all tokens you are victorious. You can also win via the normal manner.

Wild: When you are not a main player in an encounter you may place a bet in one of the main players. You may bet up to two ships by placing them in your alien sheet. If you are correct you receive one ship/card for each ship. If you are incorrect this ships are lost to the warp.

Super: When you predict correctly you can choose to discard one card from your hand or take a new one from the deck.

SOLAR – Flares can only be used once.

You have the power over flares . When any player plays a flare, except you, use this power to turn them into one-shot flares. They are immediately discarded after use. Solar’s power as precedence over flares that would otherwise be given after use.

Wild: In the beginning of your turn discard this flare and trade it for one in the discard pile. If there are no flares in the discard pile you cannot return this one.

Super: If another player uses a flare when you are a main player. Instead of being discarded the flare goes to your hand.

PHOBOS – Vacates planets.

You have the power of fear. When you are a main offensive player and point the hyperspace gate to a planet, all ships from the planet’s owner must be replaced in other colonies. If the player has no more colonies, the ships go to the warp. The encounter then takes place. In addition when you are a main defensive player the other main player can only have one ship when pointing the gate to your system.*

Wild: Use this flare after alliance phase to force one ship on the opposite side to withdraw from the encounter.

Super: When you point the hyperspace gate to a planet, all ships from all players must leave the planet. This includes attacks to your home system.

Comments: A specialist in taking down Virus, Macron, Anti-Matter … Very effective in making other players lose power.

* Amoeba and other special events can change this after Launch phase

INFECTION – Wins by infecting three foreign systems (Alternative Victory)

Game Setup: Place one cosmic token in each of your home planets. Place several cosmic tokens in your alien sheet. These are infection markers.

You have the power of propagation. Whenever you are a main player, independently of the outcome, you give on infection token to the other main player after resolution. The player that receives an infection token must position it on one of his home planets. This planet is considered infected. Whenever an attack occurs at an infected planet, all attacking players, including allies, receive one infection token. You win by infecting all planets in 3 foreign systems or via the normal manner.

Wild: If Infection is in the game, use this flare as a cure to prevent one infection token to be given to one player. Discard after use.
If Infection is not in the game use in the beginning of your turn to send to warp one ship of any other player that coexists with you in any planet.

Super: Whenever a deal situation occurs (successful or not) and you are involved, give two infection tokens to the other main player.

Note: Don’t use in games with 3 players

DEARTH – Reduces the deck

You have the power of scarcity. When a colour/special that indicates you is flipped from the destiny pile use this power to take ten cards from the deck. You cannot mix them with your hand. Look at them and place two on your alien sheet facedown; place the rest in the top of the deck in any order. The cards on your alien sheet are now considered out of the game.

Wild: In the beginning of your turn use this flare to make all players lose 2 random cards. You can keep up to two of these random cards. Discard this flare after use.

Super: You can now look at 12 cards from the deck and withdraw 3 to your alien sheet.

Comments: A power designed to explore other powers weaknesses; remove N’s if the Pacifist/Sorcerer are on the game; remove Cosmic Zaps if facing the Human; remove low cards if facing Tripler; remove other players flares…

MEGALOMANIA – Wins by stacking ships (Alternative Victory)

You have the power of ambition. You don’t lose your power by lack of home planets. To win you must have the higher stack of ships in 3 different systems (one of the systems can be your own). Alternate victory must be declared in the beginning of any regroup phase (A Mobius will have precedence). You can also win using the regular rules.

Wild: When you are the defensive main player use this flare after destiny phase to receive one ship from the warp. Place the received ship in any of your colonies.

Super: Whenever a colour/special that indicates you is flipped from the destiny deck, use this flare to relocate one of your ships.

OLIGOPOLY – Benefits from others completed techs. (Tech)

You have the power of technologic competition. When any player, except you, completes one tech, immediately complete one tech card that you currently own. If you don’t have tech cards, you immediately receive one from the top of the tech deck. In the second case the technology must then be researched.

Wild: In any regroup phase discard this flare and receive one tech card from the tech deck.

Super: Use this flare in the beginning of your turn to steal one researched technology from any other player. Discard after use.

Phobos and Dearth are good powers.

I also like Phobos and Dearth. Phobos is "Filth-like", and the only change to Dearth I would make is to have his super allow him to keep the 2 cards if he wants.

oatesatm said:

I also like Phobos and Dearth. Phobos is "Filth-like", and the only change to Dearth I would make is to have his super allow him to keep the 2 cards if he wants.

I think that a Super like the one you’re suggesting would be against the Dearth’s concept. It wouldn’t allow him to reduce the deck.
However, the Super could allow him to look at 12 cards and take 3 to his alien sheet or take 2 to his alien sheet and add one to his hand.

ARCHITECT – Builds Worlds (Planet)

Game Setup: Place 5 unused planets in your alien sheet.

You have the power to build worlds . Whenever you point the hyperspace gate to a system, before the encounter takes place, you can place a planet “under construction” in the targeted system. Place one planet from your alien sheet in that system (mono-coloured side up). This planet cannot be attacked while under construction. If there’s already a planet under construction in the targeted system you can choose to place a new one or to finish construction. You finish construction by flipping the planet and placing 1 to 4 of your ships on it. These planets belong to the system where they were built. Colonies won by construction don’t count as a successful encounter. If for any reason you lose a colony in a constructed planet, immediately return the planet to your alien sheet, sending all ships on it to the warp.

Wild: In the beginning of any player’s turn, use this flare to automatically occupy a vacant planet in any system with 1 to 4 ships. Discard the flare after use.

Super: When placing planets “under construction” or “finishing construction” receive two ship from the warp.

Note: Place only 4 planets in your alien sheet in the 4 planets variant.

OVERLORD – Gives N’s for alliances

You have the power of authority . When you are a main player in an encounter, before alliance phase, use this power to give an N card to one player. The player that receives an N from you must commit to your side with 4 ships if possible (Macron must commit only 1). This forced ally is not entitled to colonies or defensive rewards, if your side wins the ships return to their owner’s colonies. You cannot give an N to the other main player.

Wild: Play this flare after alliance phase to force one player’s ships to change sides. The encounter then takes place normally. Discard after use.

Super: You can give N’s to any number of players, except the other main player, forcing them to join your side.

STRIVER – Reverses Main Player’s Order

You have the power to challenge destiny . When another player draws a destiny card that indicates you as the main defensive player use this power to attack the player that drew the destiny card. If you win, it will count as a successful encounter for that player, if you lose his turn his over. When your turn comes up you will be the main defensive, draw a destiny card that will indicate the player that will attack you. If you win you must have another encounter as main defensive player, if you lose your turn is over. If you draw your own colour or wild, the offensive main player will be the player with less foreign colonies (ties break to your left).

Wild: Use this flare to ignore a destiny card and flip a new one.

Super: When a wild is drawn from the destiny deck, use this flare to assign a colour to the wild card.

Comments: This is a twisted power. He increases his number of encounters as a main offensive and lowers the number of his encounters as defensive player. He can also put other players in a situation where they can lose their right to a second encounter by actually winning their first encounter. In addition this power can seriously consider self-zapping in the beginning of his turn.

SLAYER – Builds Up To Spread Destruction

You have the power of carnage . In the beginning of any regroup phase you can take one ship from any of your colonies and add it to your alien sheet. When you are a main player in an encounter, in the end of resolution phase, you can decide to slay. If you decide to slay, your opponent must lose a number of ships of his or her choice equal to the number you have in your alien sheet. After slaying you must return all ships in your alien sheet to colonies you currently own.

Wild: In the beginning of any of your encounters use this flare to send to the warp one ship from any player currently in your home system.

Super: When you win an encounter as a main player use this flare to force your opponent to lose one extra ship, of his or her choice, in addition to the ships he would normally lose.

Alternate Super: All ships in your alien sheet count to your side’s total when you’re a main player.

DEVASTATOR – Places Planets Under Siege. (Planet)

Game Setup: Place 3 unused planets in your alien sheet. Place 2 in the 4 planets variant. These planets are your devastators. You can also use custom tokens.

You have the power of siege . When your colour is drawn from the destiny deck use this power to place one planet (devastator) from your alien sheet between two planets of any system. You can also choose to relocate one already deployed devastator. When you are a main player or an ally you may add or subtract 10 to your side’s total in any encounters targeting a world next to a devastator. You can only place one devastator per system.

Wild: When you’re the main offensive player use this flare to make all your ships currently in the targeted system add or subtract to your side’s total.

Super: Using the conditions of your power you can now place multiple devastators per system or stack them, adding or subtracting 10 to your side’s total for each one, when you’re a main player or ally targeting adjacent worlds.

Comments: I like the Lunar Cannon Tech so much that I adapted it to a power.

CERBERUS – Wins When The Warp Gets Crowded (Alternate Victory)

You have the power of the underworld . You win when the number of ships in the warp is equal to: number of players x 10 ( x 8 in the 4 planets variant ). The alternative victory is declared before the beginning of a regroup phase. In addition whenever a player lands a colony in your home system he must send one ship to the warp (his/her choice). You can also via the normal manner.

Wild: Use this flare in the beginning of any regroup phase to remove up to 4 of your ships from the warp. Discard after use.

Super: When a player lands a colony in your home system use this flare to make him lose 3 ships to the warp (his/her choice).

These two powers are basically the same and they introduce a neutral faction that doesn’t belong to any player. Instigator is a “regular” power; he causes rebellions that eliminate colonies and turns ships into rebels (at least for a certain time). Mutineer is a bit more powerful because he has all of Instigator’s abilities and a few extras. He can ally with the rebels, play an encounter card for them (without the Super), activate rebellions at the beginning of his turn and win the game when there are X number of rebel planets.

INSTIGATOR – Causes Uprisings

You have the power of riots . In any regroup phase you can place one negotiate card from your hand in front of any planet in any system. Whenever a wild destiny card is drawn you can activate a riot in any planet where you have a negotiate card. Discard the negotiate card and place one cosmic token in the planet to mark him as a rebel planet. All ships on it are now considered rebel and they belong to no player. When a rebel planet is attacked, the offensive player plays a regular encounter card from his hand and then draws from the deck until an encounter card comes up for the rebels. The encounter is then resolved as usual (Compensations are paid to the discard pile and drawn from the deck). When rebel ships go to the warp they return to their owners possession.

Wild : Use this flare in the beginning of your turn to eliminate one ship from another player from any planet in your home system.

Super : When the rebels are attacked, you can play an encounter card for them instead of letting the offensive player draw from the deck.

MUTINEER – Causes Uprisings To Win ( Alternative Victory )

You have the power of rebellion . In any regroup phase you can place one negotiate card from your hand in front of any planet in any system. Whenever a wild destiny card is drawn you can activate a riot in any planet where you have a negotiate card. Discard the negotiate card and place one cosmic token in the planet to mark him as a rebel planet. All ships on it are now considered rebel and they belong to no player. When a rebel planet is attacked, the offensive player plays a regular encounter card from his hand and then draws from the deck until an encounter card comes up for the rebels. The encounter is then resolved as usual (Compensations are paid to the discard pile and drawn from the deck). When rebel ships go to the warp they return to their owners possession. You can ally with the rebels every time they are attacked and play an encounter card for them (instead of drawing from the deck). When there are 5 (4 in 4 planets variant) rebel planets active you win the game. You can also win via the normal manner.

Wild : Use this flare in the beginning of your turn to eliminate one ship from another player from any planet in your home system.

Super : In the beginning of your turn use this flare to activate one riot in any planet where you have a planted negotiate card.


ARCHMAGE – Emulates Artifacts

You have the power of magic . Whenever you’re a main player, after destiny phase, add one cosmic token to your alien sheet. These tokens are considered your mana points. You can discard two tokens from your alien sheet to unleash the effect of any artifact. The only restriction is that you must perform this action at the correct timing of the artifact you’re emulating.

Wild : Use this flare like an artifact of your choice in the correct timing. Discard after use (Vulch can salvage this card).

Super : Use this flare to receive one cosmic token when you participate in an encounter as an ally.

BUSHIDO - Concentrates To Inflict Killer Blows

You have the power of the seven virtues . In the beginning any regroup phase add one of your ships, not in the warp, to your alien sheet. When you reach 8 ships in your alien sheet you can’t add anymore. When you’re a main player in an encounter, after cards are chosen but before they are revealed, you can call “Bushido”. This adds or subtracts 42 to your attack card; it has no effect in negotiate cards. After using your power return the ships on your alien sheet to any of your colonies.

Wild : Use this flare after reveal to play an extra encounter card. You must however lose three ships of your choice to the warp. Discard after use.

Super : You can use your power as an ally.

Alternate Super : Whenever you lose ships to the warp, use this flare to place one of them in your alien sheet. Only applicable if you have less than 8 ships in your alien sheet.

NANOID – Can Establish Second Colonies On Planets

You have the power of nanotechnology . You can establish a second colony in any planet where you already have one. Keep separate stacks of ships for easier tracking. Your power is also applicable to your home system. If you’re attacked in a planet where you have more than one colony, the offensive player must declare which one he is attacking.

Wild : Use this flare to use your power if you have at least one home colony.

Super : Use this flare to try to establish a third colony in a planet.

Alternate Super : You can use your power as an ally.

PRIVATEER – Wins By Driving Off Colonies ( Alternative Victory )

Game Setup : Place 6 cosmic tokens in your alien sheet. Place only 5 in the 4 planets variant.

You have the power to raid . When you’re the main offensive player you can attack any colony from any player in the system indicated by the destiny deck. When any player draws a wild destiny card, before the regular encounter takes place, you can attack any foreign colony in any system (if there’s any). Whenever you drive off a foreign colony remove one cosmic token to your alien sheet. When you remove the last token you win the game. You can also win via the normal manner. In addition, as a main player, reinforcements played on your side are worth the double.

Wild : In the end of your turn use this flare to make an extra encounter. Do not draw a destiny card. This extra encounter can only be used in trying drive off colonies from your home system.

Super : When you successfully drive off a foreign colony use this flare to take one card from the colony owner’s hand for each ship that was in the destroyed colony.

ARCHRIVAL – Wins If Others Lose Power ( Alternative Victory )

You have the power of rivalry . After receiving this power give rival tokens to two other players, these players will be your archrivals. When you are the offensive main player you can choose to attack any of your archrivals instead of drawing from the destiny deck. If at any point both your archrivals lose power you win the game. You can also win via the normal manner. In addition, you can discard a reinforcement card in the beginning of any regroup phase and make one of your archrivals lose a corresponding value of ships of his/her choice.

Wild: If any player currently owns two or more colonies in your home system, use this flare in the beginning of any regroup phase to get one extra encounter against that specific player’s home system. Discard after use.

Super: In the beginning of your turn you can reassign one of your archrival tokens.

PALADIN – Wins By Having No Ships In The Warp ( Alternative Victory )

Game Setup: Place 10 cosmic tokens in your alien sheet. Place 8 in the four-planets variant.

You have the power of the light . In the beginning of your turn you can attack the warp instead of drawing from the destiny deck. There are no alliances; the warp is worth the number of ships on it, if you win you free all your ships, this counts as an encounter. You can also raise one ship from the warp whenever you win as main player or ally. The downside is that if you’re invited by both main players you must ally with one of them. In any regroup phase if you have no ships in the warp you discard one cosmic token. If you discard all tokens you win the game. You can also win via the normal manner.

History: The righteous Paladins have sworn to fight the forces of the warp and protect the cosmos from darkness. Following a strict moral conduct, the Paladins cannot neglect the distress calls of other races. Now their enemies know their weakness…

Wild: Use this flare in the beginning of your turn to attack the warp. The warp is worth the number of ships on it, there are no alliances. If you win you free all your ships. Attacking the warp counts as an encounter. Discard after use.

Super: Use this flare in the beginning of any regroup phase with the effect of a mobius tubes. Discard after use.

Comments: This power is basically a reverse Masochist.

TEMPEST - Generates Storms

Extra Components: one regular dice

You have the power of storm . When you’re the offensive main player use this power before planning phase to generate a storm in the targeted system. You can rearrange all ships from the system’s owner in any way you like as long as you respect the following conditions: you cannot vacate planets, you cannot occupy vacate planets. The encounter then takes place as normal. When you’re the defensive main player before planning phase, roll one dice, the number revealed corresponds to one of your home planets starting leftwards, this will determine where the attack takes place. If a 6 is rolled the encounter ends immediately and all attacking ships go to warp.

Wild: Use this flare after resolution phase to roll one dice with the same effect of reinforcement card.

Super: After destiny phase if you’re a main player in an encounter, immediately roll one dice. The other main player loses a number of ships of his/her equal to the rolled value.

PROKAR – Duplicates Ships

You have the power of binary fission . When you’re the offensive main player before cards are chosen use this power to remove from the warp a number of ships less than or equal to the number of your ships on the hyperspace gate. These ships are placed directly on the gate. When you are attacked use this power, after planning phase, to remove from the warp a number of ships less than or equal to the number of your ships in the attacked planet. With these ships create a second stack on the target planet. The offensive player chooses which stack to attack. If you win the encounter merge the ships in one stack, if you lose the non-attacked stack stands.

Wild: Use this flare in the beginning of any regroup phase to remove half your ships from the warp (rounding down). Discard after use.

Super: Use this flare in the beginning of your turn to permanently divide one ship stack in a foreign colony into two foreign colonies. This action counts as a successful encounter. Discard after use.

CARTHAGE – Hires Powers As Main Player

Game Setup: Place the unused flare deck near your home system. These flares will be used as power indicators only.

You have the power of mercenary armies . Keep 3 unused flares faceup near your alien sheet; these are your mercenaries. Discard flares with alternative victory conditions and game setup. In the beginning of any player’s turn, before destiny phase, use this power to choose one of the 3 available flares as your power during that player’s turn only (place the chosen flare in your alien sheet). After using one power discard the corresponding flare to your private flare discard pile. Draw a new flare card and refill the available mercenaries to 3 again. If the unused flare deck runs out, reshuffle your discard pile.

History: The Carthages accumulated an admirable fortune in intergalactic trading. Lacking a professional army they started recruiting mercenaries to defend their trade routes. Over time their power grew and so did their ambition.

Wild: Play this flare combined with another to use the super instead of the wild.

Super: Use this flare to use your mercenaries super instead of the regular power.

OMEGA – Collects Tokens To Destroy Ships

You have the power of omega missiles . Whenever you participate in an encounter as a main player or ally add one token to your alien sheet. After any alliance phase discard 4 tokens to send to the warp all ships of one allied player. Alternatively, in the beginning of any turn you can discard 8 tokens from your alien sheet and send to the warp all ships in any planet of any system.

History: The maniac Omegas specialized in developing ballistic weapons and interplanetary missiles. After blowing away all life forms of their home galaxy the cosmos is their next frontier.

Wild: Use this flare after reveal to allow you to play one attack card of any value as a reinforcement card. Discard after use.

Super: Use this flare to discard 2 less tokens when using one of the effects of your power.

OBLITERATOR – Affects Adjacent Planets

You have the power of mass destruction . When you win as main offensive player send to the warp one ship of any player from all planets adjacent to where the encounter took place. These lost ships are chosen by you. As defensive player all your ships in adjacent planets count to your side’s total even though they are not at risk.

History: The Obliterators engage war with such furious and destructive tactics that the trail of destruction puts at stake all nearby planets. When the Obliterators are around no one is safe.

Wild: After losing an encounter as main player use this flare to force the victorious main player to lose half the ships he had in the encounter, rounding up.

Super: When you win as main offensive player or ally use this flare to send to the warp one ship of any player from each planet of the system where the encounter occurred. Ships are chosen by you.

AJAX – Sells Foreign Colonies to Win (Alternative Victory)

Game Setup: Use only half the normal ships.

You have the power of conquest . Each of your ships is worth 10. You can only send one ship as ally or main player. If you win as offensive main player you can always have another encounter. Whenever another player draws a wild destiny card, a mandatory auction for one of your foreign colonies starts. The colony goes to the highest bidder (your decision), if there are no bids it goes to the player that drew the wild. Your ships are removed from the colony and replaced by 1-4 ships from the buyer. After selling one foreign colony add one cosmic token to your alien sheet. When you have 4 tokens in your alien sheet you win the game. You can also win by the regular rules.

History: The Ajaxes are a race of legendary and outstanding warriors, however millennia of cosmic warfare and conflict dramatically reduced their population. To expand their empire the Ajaxes now operate on a delicate balance between maintaining foreign colonies and selling them for large profits

Wild: Use this flare at the end of your turn to be entitled to a second or third encounter depending of the situation.

Super: Use this flare in the beginning of any regroup phase to bring one unused ship to the game. If all your ships are already in game use this flare as a +10 reinforcement card. Either way discard after use.

Comments: Ajax is extremely powerful however the lack of ships and resources make him very vulnerable to effects like the plague and powers like Shadow. This will force him to follow a strategy: going for a quick victory or delaying the game until enough wild destiny cards come out.


Jack if possible I would like change my Acsta’s power game setup to the following:

Game Setup: After powers are selected, choose 5 unused powers (without game setup or alternative victory conditions) from the flare deck. Place one flare face down underneath each one of your home planets.

Also, Privateer is an alternative victory alien.


ALCHEMIST – Stores Artifact Cards ( Alternative Victory )

You have the power of Relics. In the beginning of any Regroup Phase you can place one artifact card from your hand on your alien sheet. Whenever you’re a main player you can activate the effect of one of the artifacts in your alien sheet. Activated artifacts can also be card zapped. When you collect 6 different artifacts you win the game.

History : The secret code and strange practices of the Alchemist are unrevealed mysteries. After mastering the manipulation of ancient artifacts the Alchemists embraced the quest of collecting these relics. Their purpose is unclear but some speculate that they wish to recreate themselves as the Precursors.

Wild : In the Regroup Phase you can discard one artifact and take three cards from the draw deck.

Super : You can activate one artifact on your alien sheet as an ally

Comments : If the Alchemist stores a cosmic zap he can work in a similar way to CEO’s Martian, if he stores an Emotion Control he can operate like Empath. If he stores a different artifact, for example the Mobius Tubes, he can free all ships in the beginning of an encounter. Since he can store multiple artifacts he has the flexibility to choose what is more convenient to him whenever he’s a main player. The alternative victory was added as an extra plus, but I think the power also works well without it.

GUARDIAN – Defends The Divinity ( Alternative Victory )

Game Setup : Place 6 cosmic tokens in your alien sheet. Place only 5 in the four planet variant.

You have the power of the keepers. In the beginning of the game declare one player as the Divinity (use a token if you prefer). When the Divinity is the main defensive player you can always ally with him (with up to 8 ships), even if uninvited. When you ally with him you can give him one card from your hand (he must accept). You cannot attack the Divinity (attack a foreign colony in the Divinity’s system or redraw from the destiny deck). Whenever the Divinity wins an encounter, and you were present as an ally, remove one cosmic token from your alien sheet. When you remove the last token you win the game. In addition if another player wins the game and the Divinity has colonies in all home planets you share the win. You can also win using the regular rules.

History : The Guardians were slaves during millenniums, trained and bred to be loyal cannon fodder in warfare. The brainwash was so brutal that they began to believe that their masters where their gods. Now, orphans of their masters, the Guardians avidly seek news gods to command them.

Wild : When you are a defensive ally and your side wins, use this flare to receive 2 extra ships/cards rewards.

Super : You can play attack cards 08 as reinforcements in an encounter where the Divinity is a main player.

Comments : An alien power with three victory paths: the regular one, discarding the tokens, protecting the Divinity’s home system.

APOTHECARY – Discards For Perks ( Alternative Victory )

You have the power of enhancement. In the beginning of every regroup phase you may discard one encounter card from your hand and return one ship from the warp. Alternatively if you discard one flare, reinforcement or artifact you may add one cosmic token (enhancement token) to your alien sheet. Each of these tokens counts as +1 for combat purposes. If you manage to obtain 12 enhancement tokens you win the game (10 in the 4 planet variant). You can also win via the normal rules

History : The Apothecaries evolved in a system rich in rare materials that allowed them to developed groundbreaking experiences of enhancement and healing. Eager to evolve and test new formulas they now venture to distant galaxies.

Wild : In any Regroup phase you may discard a negotiate card and return 1 ship from the warp.

Super : When you discard a flare or an artifact add 2 tokens to your alien sheet.


Deathstar Revision:

DEATHSTAR – Destroys Colonies

You have the power to destroy worlds. When you receive this power place one Deathstar token in front of your home system. In the beginning of any players’ turn, move this token to a new system in clockwise order. Whenever a player (main or ally) lands a colony in your home system or drives you off a foreign one, if your Deathstar token is currently orbiting any of these players home system, use this power to send to the warp all ships in one of that system’s planet. In addition when you operate as main player or ally in the system where your Deathstar stands you get a +5 bonus to your side.

History: Once considered insignificant this race of brilliant engineers dazzled the cosmos with their spaceship technology. Their Deathstars now roam through the galaxies consuming all life forms that dare to stand in their way.

Wild: When another player lands a colony in your home system as main player or by using a flare, use this card to send one of ships to the warp (your choice).

Super: If more than one player establishes a colony in your system, you may target two different planets where they have ships in the system where your Deathstar token is.

Alternate Super: When using your Deathstar, remove the targeted planet from the game and all ships on it. No player can be reduced to less than three home planets and/or less than 5 ships.

STARFORGE – Captures Ships From The Warp

Note: Place a custom and reasonably sized Starforge token near the warp. Alternatively use your alien sheet.

You have the power of Refabrication . In any Regroup Phase remove one ship (from a player of your choice) from the warp and add it to your Starforge token. Alternatively if you already have ships in your Starforge you may retrieve all or some of these ships back to the warp and receive 1 card or ship for each one. Mobius Tubes doesn’t release ships from the Starforge. You may not reduce a player to less than 5 ships.

History : An automated shipyard of epic proportions, designed to create the most powerful army of all time. The Starforge drains energy and matter from the warp providing an endless supply of spaceships and military hardware.

Wild : Use this flare in any Regroup Phase to retrieve one ship from the warp.

Super : As main player ships on your Starforge add to your total.

ENVOY – Decides Rewards

You have the power of Mediation . Whenever you are involved in an encounter as main player or ally, after alliances are formed, you may call mediation. You may declare that allies will receive reverse rewards or normal rewards (if playing with reverse cone) during this encounter. In addition, whenever a successful deal situation occurs you may draw a new hand or release all your ships from the warp.

Wild : Whenever a player receives compensation take 2 cards from the deck. You may then decide to keep or discard one or both of these cards.

Super : Whenever a successful deal between other players occurs, you may immediately establish a foreign colony in any of these players’ systems. Discard after use.

HYPERION – Destroy Ships By Outnumbering

You have the power of Lightning Strike . As main offensive player, in the beginning of Planning Phase, before cards are chosen, if the ships on your side outnumber the ships on the opposite side, all opposing ships are sent to the warp. If you are the main defensive player only one ship from the other main player remains (i.e. is not sent to the warp).

Wild : In an encounter, before Planning Phase, if your side has more ships you may force one opposing ally of your choice to withdraw from the encounter.

Super : You may use your power as an ally.

Alternative Super : You may launch up to 6 ships in the hyperspace gate.

Alternative Super 2 : When you have more ships on your side, use this flare to win the encounter. No encounter cards are played. Discard after use.

VAGRANT – Gains Extra Encounters

You have the power of Hyperspace Gates . When a destiny card is drawn you may place one of your ships in front of the system determined by destiny. These ships are considered in orbit. If a wild is drawn you may place the ship in a system of your choice. Whenever you participate as main player or ally in an encounter in a system where you have ships in orbit, in the end of Resolution Phase, use this power to immediately launch an attack to this system using all your ships in orbit (even if they exceed 4). These extra encounters start in Planning Phase. After your extra encounters play resumes as usual.

Wild : In the beginning of any player’s turn use this flare to attack another player’s colony in your home system or to reestablish a home colony. Afterwards play resumes as usual.

Super : When using your ships in orbit to have an extra encounter it's not mandatory to use all of them. You must use at least one.

AEOLIAN – Repositions The Hyperspace Gate

You have the power of Tempest . In any encounter, during Launch Phase, after the hyperspace gate is positioned, use this power to discard an attack 06 or less. You may then move the hyperspace gate the corresponding value to planets leftwards or rightwards. This power may force the encounter to take place in a different system.

Wild : As an ally, after Alliances are formed, you may move the hyperspace gate and therefore the encounter, to an adjacent planet in the same system.

Super : You may discard negotiate cards using them to move the hyperspace one space when you use your power.

Alternative Super : You may discard cads up to 10 to move the hyperspace gate.

SAPPER – Blows Up Encounters

You have the power of Demolition . In the beginning of any turn place one encounter card from your hand facedown on your alien sheet. Whenever a player uses a card equal to the one on your alien sheet you may call demolition; all offensive and defensive ships involved in the encounter are sent to the warp and the encounter ends immediately. After using your power discard the card on your alien sheet. You may trade the card on your alien sheet in the beginning of any turn with another from your hand. The encounter card on your alien sheet is not considered part of your hand.

Wild : Whenever a player uses an encounter card you may discard a matching card and make that player lose 1 ship to the warp (his/her choice).

Super : When calling demolition you also send to the warp all bystander ships in the planet where the encounter is taking place.


Wild Obliterator : As a main player, in Planning Phase, use this flare to send to the warp one ship from the other main player, that shares a colony with you or is in your home system.

I rewrote and altered many powers from this thread. I abandoned many of these ideas because they were too similar to previously created aliens and/or not good enough. I did an effort to rewrite them according to the FFG’s style. If you’re interested in reading these powers, use the following link: