So I was looking to literally buy Descent Journeys in the Dark (1e) today. I've been comparing/contrasting 1e and 2e by way of their main pages here as this is the source of 2e info, and youtube reviews of 1e.
I love big box games. Is this game getting a downsize? Granted, it still has an $80 price tag, but is it drastically different in depth? Is it made to be a simpler game? Or can we expect the same amount of quality pieces and tiles that we got the first time?
When I compared lists, the 2e seems to have less, at least at first. But looking at the pictures of the main box it looks smaller as well..or is it just more square instead of rectangular?
I bet the rules are better, in one way or another, as they get to reflect on feedback and errata of 1e. But I just hope they keep it as massive as before...unless "massive" is considered a thing of the past (not in my book!)