just a quick query about tyranid melee weapons here, the "optional" weapon update went a long way towards fixing tyranid shooting but the melee options for the big bugs still feel underwhelming.
The problem seems to rest with the base weapon profile, it's fine for the little guys, a hormagaunt scything talon doesn't seem to be a problem, about as lethal as a guy with a sword, which feels fine.
Tyranid warriors don't feel hugely elite when using the CC options though and Carnifexes and Tyrants are stuck doing about as much damage with less pen than am mid level assault marine, (somewhere around 1d10 + 23 ish), which fails to support there role as terrifying melee opponents and completley neuters them versus vehicles.
Compared to the dreadnaught CC weapon or the Greater daemons attacks the issue really becomes clear.
Has anyone had any luck or thoughts about a fix for this, I'm toying with an extra d10 for every 2 size grades but was wondering if anyone had any other ideas?