Tyrant's due pod cast Black crusade Q&A! And a chance to win a copy of Black crusade

By Postal Patriot, in Black Crusade

This Saturday The Tyrant's due podcast crew www.tyrantsdue.com will be bringing a far more detailed review of black crusade to the table. We have our first impressions in our last episode 9 part one, however given it was our first on the road show a lack of sleep and the general care free fun of gencon taking place we wanted to really dig into the meat of black crusade.

I also wanted to include the community a bit! So here's what I need from you guys. Have a question about Black crusade? Ask here and this Saturday when we record it will get answered! (With in reason don't expect exact wording!)

Oh and if having your question answered was not enough for you, One lucky Question, urr questioner? Will receive a Copy of Black crusade! The winner will be announced at the end of the show. That is assuming you guys step up to the challenge ;) So What do you want to know! We've been sulking on various fourms for a while now and i figure its about time we show people we can be more then just goof balls hope there is interest.

Tom, Tyrantsdue.com

Awesome! Sounds great! So, here are my questions:

1. How is the open skill-system build? Is it closely connected to the four chaos gods or respectively easy to use for loyal campaign Charakters?

2. How are the Necrons incorperated into the setting? (I know this could probably be to much of a spoiler)

Thanks for answering questions in you podcast in advance!

(sorry for my weak english, but I´m no nativ speaker. I hobe everything is comprehensible)

1.What are the Pride, Failing and Motivation mechanics, and how do they work?

2.How does infamy work and is it a completely new mechanic or based on Profit factor or Renown or the like?

3.How does character advancement work?

I'm looking forward to your review!

EDIT: and where the hell are they talking about Black Crusade, I can't bear to listen through more of that....can someone give me a time-stamp?!

I can't wait for a review! My question is pretty straight forward, as I know "generally" what is in the core rulebook. But I'd really like to know if there is any kind of scenario contained within?


  1. Since Infamy seems to be treated as just another Characteristic, can it be raised through the spending of experience points like any other characteristic?
  2. As it seems that a character's Fate Points are related to their Infamy Bonus, when Infamy increases by 10, dose the character receive another Fate Point?
  3. In essence, can a character raise their Fate Point total through the spending of experience points?

Question: Are PC's aasumed to be in service to the Chaos Gods and If so how is the rivalry between them handled in the game?

bladerunner_35 said:

EDIT: and where the hell are they talking about Black Crusade, I can't bear to listen through more of that....can someone give me a time-stamp?!

Your not missing much! I typically do time stamps for that reason, however when an episode is totally derailed and a train wreck I want to beat my head into the wall. That was one of them! I wouldn't even have put it up were it not for a request! Kind of hard to organise a show in a hour so some times we just let the chaos roll. there is allso the wonder of editing! Which that show totally lacked to me not wanting to spend hours on my vaction doing it. I do however promise The black crusade QNa will be Time stamped, and fully edited. A lot more Serious! For reals! That aside Keep the questions coming.

We could just do a flat out review, but i figure asking you guys is the best way to see what people want to know about the most. Don't be afraid to repeat questions if its something you really want to know your self. Add to that we have some many copies of black crusade its redonkulous

Got anouther one:

In both Rogue Trader and Deathwatch there have been two different systems for mass combat. Seeing as how Black Crusade apparently has minions as a rule feature themselves, dose BC also have rules for mass combat? And, if so, are they patterned after the Horde rules in Deathwatch, the ground wars system in Battle Fleet Koronus, or is it an entirely new animal? If the latter, can you give us a rough idea of what form it takes?

I understand that there are to be changes to the core mechanics of the game. If so, what are they and how have they changed?

On a side note...what kinds of characters would you play? I do not really care, just going to enjoy the answers.

My major question is how much potential is there for mixing characters from the different systems with this one? Such as having a Deathwatch Marine go traitor, or Rogue Trader who's become corrupted through heretical materials? And if mixable, just how would one go about mixing them.

postalpatriot said:

bladerunner_35 said:

EDIT: and where the hell are they talking about Black Crusade, I can't bear to listen through more of that....can someone give me a time-stamp?!

Your not missing much! I typically do time stamps for that reason, however when an episode is totally derailed and a train wreck I want to beat my head into the wall. That was one of them! I wouldn't even have put it up were it not for a request! Kind of hard to organise a show in a hour so some times we just let the chaos roll. there is allso the wonder of editing! Which that show totally lacked to me not wanting to spend hours on my vaction doing it. I do however promise The black crusade QNa will be Time stamped, and fully edited. A lot more Serious! For reals! That aside Keep the questions coming.

We could just do a flat out review, but i figure asking you guys is the best way to see what people want to know about the most. Don't be afraid to repeat questions if its something you really want to know your self. Add to that we have some many copies of black crusade its redonkulous

He said "...let the chaos roll" hur hur hur. ;)

As long as there is some structure to the actual review it's all good.

A few more of mine then:

1. How "chaosy" are the rules? Is it workable to use them with any campaign idea, say a campaign focusing on a mercenary corporation that is neither inherently good or bad?

2. How polished are the rules compared to earlier versions? Have they been given a major overhaul or just some spit and shine?

How does BC Corruption relates with other games' Corruption?

An acolyte with 20 CP is just as corrupted than a CSM with 20 CP?

A question for FFG. "What advice and rules have you incorporated into Black Crusade to help GMs and players create sustainable campaigns that don't self-destruct or degenerate into chaos (and not the good kind)?"

My question:

-As long I Known, the wealth mechanic on black crussade works using infamy to get Items, services and another things. But, this works on chaos controlled world. Think about a infiltration group of black crusaders (my name for Black Crusade PCs) on a Hive world. They want to bought weapons to prepare an uprising on the upper hive. How they would they would use their infamy??

Nice scam... er... technique to get new listeners. Someone already asked my question about interoperability with the other 40K RPGs. I have the feeling that this thing could go south quickly like other RPGs with "evil" characters in a hurry. Is there anything built in to the system keep it from turning into a bunch of mindless **** and slaughter? I mean, those things are ok, as long as they serve a purpose. Also, did they happen to include a useful way to play Xenos characters?

Since I believe any game, even the most valor-themed, can drift down into mindlessness if the players are so inclined, I'm not concerned about BC's "evilness". But there are some other things I'd really like to know about the game (just to make the waiting time even harder, yay^^):

1. How well does the balance between Chaos Space Marines and non-CSMs work? Have CSMs been reduced to single-purpose killing machines to not steal non-Marines the show in noncombat situations (I got that feeling from "Broken Chains")?

2. Since there are no careers and all advances may be purchased freely (or not? Certain implants for hereteks only?), does that mean everyone can become a Psyker?

Is it mainly focused on 'let's go **** and pillage the Imperium' or does it also include the inherit feuding between the Chaos Gods and their minions?

Are we looking at "end game" the power of daemon princes? Greater Daemons? Or better yet where do we stand at starting in regards to power and how far/much can we take that?

What way does Black Crusade seem to be leaning, RP or combat? Are we more expected to try and implant ourselves on a planet and slowly corrupt and gain power or is it more land on planet kill those who don't bend the knee?

How extensive are the rules/info in the book? Are we looking at numerous or a few supplements to fill in some gaps?

My question - is my name (Jordan Millward) in the front of the book? I've not got a copy of my own, so I've not had a chance to check! lengua.gif

So hyped to have been able to help work on a core rulebook!

Sorry, my curiosity is forcing me to ask another question, this one in regards to the setting:

I've always been interested in the shear madness that could describe a daemon world or one held by the forces of chaos. Since, apparently, there will be a whole section discussing just such things, could you tell us about your favourite and/or most interesting planet in the Screaming Vortex?

If you prefer not to answer that one then can you tell us, verbatim, what is says on pages 1 through 350?

I have also another question; are the extended rules for dark pacts? Maybe a similar Mechanic?

my question is: How does the Game handle the extreme end of Chaos? If players want to engage with the meta-game (ie:daemonhood) do they need to engage in increasingly debased and insane behavior (as previous background to Chaos states)? On a related note, how does the Game handle 'mature content', your high Infamy Slaaneshi champion would probably get up to some pretty obscene stuff.

@Millandson: Which bits did you work on? Or must you hold your tongue for a little while longer?

Agmar_Strick said:

@Millandson: Which bits did you work on? Or must you hold your tongue for a little while longer?

I was a Playtest Lead for it - worked quite closely with some of the writers during that time.

I would like to see if any of my suggestions made it into the book though lengua.gif

Would it be possible to play daemon hosts in BC? If not, will they appear in the Players' Guide?

I would like to know about the rule changes to combat. Do both full-auto and semi-auto work as described in broken chains? What about accurate weapons? Any new combat actions?

I'd also like to +1 the question about advancements and how they work.

Most of all though, I'd like to know the rules for converting dark heresy acolytes into black crusade.

My question is:

Given that Chaos is infinite and that the universe is also infinite.. would you like any toast?