Scale and others

By Enabaran, in Dust Warfare

Hi to all from Germanny

I like the Dust Tabel Top, but i have a little Problems with the Miniatures/Scale.

Some of the "Walkers" are only in 1:35 Scale.

why ?? Did this come later in other scales?

I know that the most items from Dust is a sclae 1:48. is that correct?

For the future i prefer more Walkers and Machines.

What for me is negative , is the Zombie/Horror Miniatues like Apes.

I wish that these will be stopped in then future.

In every "Nazi"/War Game the Nazis have Zombies etc. Thats bull!

Yrs Enabaran

Greetings and welcome to the game . Its a blast . The 1:35 scale models you see are not game pieces they are scale models that Paolo Parente has been working with for years. You may see some of the units used in the game in 1:35 scale but they are a scale model and not intended to be used as a playing piece. I believe there may have been at 1 time an attempt to make a game in the larger scale but it looks like cooler heads prevailed and the smaller 1:48 scale has been used instead. The zombies used in this game are not the usual slow moving zombies used in movies . These are fast and some can even use weapons. (I prefer slow mindless zombie mobs myself .) The Axis powers in this game are not quite the evil Nazis of history . Sigrid VonThaler assasinated Hitler in 1943 and history moved in a different direction from that point. So the good point is no" EVIL Nazis" .Of course that does leave all of the forces as a grey area instead of good versus evil. You can get the operation Seelowe rules from the Dust Tactics support page for free and it will explain the background a little bit better than my readers digest version.