Any suggestions of a Malleus radical concept?

By Milova, in Dark Heresy Gamemasters

Alright so I'm running a campaign that takes place during The Zephillim Crusade (Used to be the Djoul Crusade for anyone who cares) and there's 9 Inquisitors there reprisenting the Inquisition. Three High Inquisitors, one from each order, and two subordinate Inquisitors there. There's plenty of intrigue that will cross between them, but I'm having some trouble. I've come up with eight of them, and I'll admit my creativity is running low. My Malleus group already has their High Inquisitor and one Subordinate Inquisitor. All I know is I want the second subordinate to be a radical (he'll have plans for summoning/helping to summon/let summoning occur for a daemon army to come forth and do battle with the Tyranid menace.) Any suggestions?

Oh yeah!

Inquisitor Robidai:

He abhors the daemon, the warp, and all that is unclean in The Emperor's sight, but deep down he knows that it'd be a lot easier, faster, and more effective if he harnessed some of the weaker daemons to use against the stronger ones. It's not really a big deal because, see, they're weak daemons and easily defeated. So there's no chance for taint, right?

Nevermind that he gets a bit of a thrill from binding them.

Nevermind that he almost messed up and died that one time. But only almost, so it's okay.

Nevermind that he made a small pact with that really really weak daemon in order to have strength over other daemons.

He puts on the airs of a Puritan-leaning Centrist, "Oh, those radicals who dabble with the warp and daemons, how quaint but foolish of them."

But it's getting harder to hide the evidence of his daemonic pact and no one else seems to share his ambivilent view of the radicals.

In fact, they think those radicals should be purged. With cleansing fire.

But they don't understand... Robidai can help them understand... right?

He just has to have a chat with a friend, first.

He will fit very well.

Usually radicals have an intensive use of xeno artefeacts, daemonic object and every sort of pact from daemonic one to just a small cult that is protected for his very interesting information.

If you want to run a campaign with only one of 9 radical, take care to have him very secretive about this. Other would otherwise kill him and all is accolyth prety fast.

Oh yes, I think Inquisitor Robadai will fit in quite well. Since you were eager about sharing Robadai would you have any comments on his first name, appearance, and retinue? (Part of why the creativity dried up is I made their acolytes as well.)

Oh and I wouldn't worry, he won't be the only radical there. The Ordo Xenos has them a nice dashing young man who wants to enslave himself a synapse creature and see if he can replace the severed hive mind. Not to mention uber puritan Hereticus who don't trust the others, rivalries between a couple, and the Malleus High Inquisitor secretly being an mutant. Oh and not to mention the Genestealer Cult running around in the Imperial Guard high command. So yeah, lots of intrigue and running around for acolytes. Was debating typing descriptions up for the Inquisitors and posting them on here for others to use. Not sure if that seems pretentious though...

Luc Robidai, early 30s in appearance. He looks like Michael Biehn.

Being rather impetuous at times, he has a dueling scar from his left temple to his chin. He dresses practically and tends to travels light, though he is rarely without, Veronica, his faithful Hecuter.

He prefers to work alone, but knowing that there is power in numbers, employs Frederic, an adept so crazed in his pursuit of knowledge that he cares little for cost or consequence, Moonhowler, a warrior from Dusk, happy to be off that forsaken planet, and Crazy Eight, aka K8, aka Kate, hive born scum looking for money and excitement, of which she's found a lot in the employ of Robidai.

Frederic is slightly older than Robidai, thin, grey hair, unkept, ink stains on his fingers, and always reading something. He once spent an entire firefight reading a thesis on the finer points of the Metallican Gunslinger Culture and somehow avoiding all attacks towards him.

Moonhowler is in his 20s, tan skin, long black hair, pulled back with bits of bone and feather braided into it. He initially avoided wearing armor until he saw, or rather felt, first hand the consequences of doing so. He was raised to be a hunter for his tribe, but preferred the killing over the sneaking. He is strong and silent and is slowly developing an addiction to various combat narcotics. He is indifferent to his Inquisitor's actions as long as he is paid and sees plenty of action.

Crazy Eight is 18 or 19, lithe, sharp, incredibly beautiful. She handles Robidai's covert operations. Her body glove leaves nothing to the imagination, which helps in case she's spotted. She prefers to use bladed weapons and poisons, though she carries a combat laspistol in case of emergencies and is trained in basic las weaponry. She is not aware of Robidai's dabbling in the warp and cavorting with daemons, though she has noticed him acting a bit strange recently.

Let me know if you need more.

Thank you, Luc and his Acolytes will be most helpful. I will have to let you know how thinsg go with him in my campaign. Let me know if you ever need Inquisitors to plug in yourself. I have an entire list now.