SO. The RPG, then.

By IG-58, in X-Wing

There isn't a forum for it yet so far as I know, so these nascent boards will have to deal with everything SW-related here, I suppose.

As I mentioned on the WotC boards, Yoda's force spirit would pretty much have to personally gift me with the FFG version for me to consider it, as I love Saga edition and have every book. With books, hundreds if not thousands of miniatures, numerous maps and model kits as accessories I don't really need a new system. Or even want it.

But, FFG will make one. It's inevitable. So, what do you want to see in it that wasn't addressed in WEG's version, d20, or Saga? Or, are you pretty much good with one of those?

For one thing, I'd really like to see them lose the grid. I think it's a given that FF's RPG will feature miniatures (that's where the money is, after all), but I really felt constrained by the hard grid in WotC's Saga Edition. WEG's Star Wars Miniatures Battles had this right - I find it very freeing, as a roleplayer, to know that if I wanna run 'thataway', I can do so!

And it seems that this X-Wing game is dropping the grid (even WEG's Star Warriors didn't dare do that!), so my hopes are high...

I'm wondering that myself.

Like you guys, i've got WEG (not even close to 1/3 of the manuals), OCR, RCR and Saga.

I have seen the WFRP 3ed and the 40K mechanic, but not the other RPGs that FFG make. I do not think that they will be doing a D20 edition.



The only other RPG that FFG do is Anima, and that is a translation of a Spanish game. Unlikely to use those rules. I think the two most likely options are WFRP 3rd Star Wars, or a completely new system. It almost certainly won't be d20, and I don't see it being WEG d6 either.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who'll be wondering about this, do Fantasty Flight Games ship to countries other than the USA?

During the WEG days of SW RPG over here in the UK, one was able to get hold of the products via shops like Game, Forbidden Planet and other specialist game shops (many of which have bit the dust since the WEG days).

With the WotC SW RPG, most of the products we available via (at least that's where I got mine).

In recent years thinking that the SW RPG had finally been laid to rest by LFL, and never expecting another company to pick up the licence, I've been purchasing old WEG SW books that I either couldn't afford first time round or simply couldn't find in the UK.

Truth be told I was never that into the WotC version of SW RPG, however if FFG does it justice the fires could be rekindled.

Well, you can certainly get FFG product in the UK. My local gaming shop stocks all sorts of FFG stuff, and it would be more than slightly odd if the publishers of the 40k RPG (a distinctly British setting) didn't sell the product in the UK. If you find a local gaming shop they would almost certainly be able to sell you your SW goodies, and there will almost certainly be British online sellers able to get you your product.

As far as FFG itself directly selling to the UK (ie purchasing from their online shop) I have never tried so I wouldn't know.

Yes until they open up the RPG section this probably would be the best place for it all.

I've only ever played SW SE, I have a few of the other books but have only played the Saga.

Things I would want.

Fill in the gaps of the previous editions. Yes you need your core mechanics for your system. But if you want to gain a market share of from all the previous editions that is to fill in what is missing.

The following three are era of plays, heavy fluff and appeal in any RPG mechanic.

1. The Legacy Era is quite ripe with new stuff, especially after the last updates of Krayt/Cade etc.

2. Clone Wars also ripe to pick from as the majority of your younger players will know it best from the cartoon series. Yes many hardcore fans might groan a bit at the mention of the cartoon being canon, but we have to take into account FFG's need for a mass appeals.

3. KotoR and prior eras. How many of us would love to be part of the Hyperspace Wars when the Jedi were just founding or the Jedi/Sith Wars.

I found Saga lacking when it came to Space Station / Ship design. Yes you could modify anything and everything. But many things didn't make sense. Why is an Emplacement Point on a Cruiser taking up more cargo space than a Frigate? The mechanic made sense for ship-wide things like Shields or Engines, but on a singular item like a turbolaser it didn't mold well.

Trying to create a station from scratch is even more of a headache. I guess that was a result of not wanting a Stated out Deathstar. I ran across this recently when I wanted to create some defense stations for my groups world. I was using Golans to begin with, but I wanted to try to recreate something like the Mon Calmari ring except as a defensive ring vice a shipyard.

Other ship suggestion, on their stat blocks for cost, don't just put Illegal or Military only. Can we get three entries there? Something like this: Cost to Build / Market Price / Blackmarket Price.

Cost to build = How much it cost the company in materials to build (this would be huge to me in my current campaign as I started a ship building company)

Market Price = This is where you can tell us Unique, Military Only, and what it goes for on the open market.

Blackmarket Price = If I really really wanted, how many credits am I parting with to own that Star Destroyer.

That's just the start. :)

pocoyo_joe said:

I'm sure I'm not the only one who'll be wondering about this, do Fantasty Flight Games ship to countries other than the USA?

During the WEG days of SW RPG over here in the UK, one was able to get hold of the products via shops like Game, Forbidden Planet and other specialist game shops (many of which have bit the dust since the WEG days).

With the WotC SW RPG, most of the products we available via (at least that's where I got mine).

In recent years thinking that the SW RPG had finally been laid to rest by LFL, and never expecting another company to pick up the licence, I've been purchasing old WEG SW books that I either couldn't afford first time round or simply couldn't find in the UK.

Truth be told I was never that into the WotC version of SW RPG, however if FFG does it justice the fires could be rekindled.

pocoyo_joe said:

In recent years thinking that the SW RPG had finally been laid to rest by LFL, and never expecting another company to pick up the licence,

Lucasfilms announced almost at the same time that WotC annouced that they were not renewing, that they had all intentions of finding another game developer for the tabletop medium.

Lucasfilms never had any intentions of letting tabletop gaming products go away specificly RPGs.

FFG creates lavish RPGs. This will be a great product I have no doubts. I felt that the WotC d20 editions were a halfhearted joke. Mind you the d20 system and all isnt bad just that there seemed very little heart in the line. WEG Star Wars was great but died with them. Being a star wars fan for most of my 40 years (saw the original in the theatres at the age of 5 and it remains one of my vividest memories of early childhood) and an avid gamer and RPGer for most of that time as well this will be a welcome product.

I think I'd just like to see news about them bringing the RPG out again. After that, then speculation galore. Otherwise it feels empty to talk about. for me anyway.

Dimetrodon said:

I think I'd just like to see news about them bringing the RPG out again. After that, then speculation galore. Otherwise it feels empty to talk about. for me anyway.

It's in the main announcement. "Visit our X-Wing website or Star Wars: The Card Game website to learn more, and keep checking back. These two exciting titles are only the beginning, and we’ll be announcing additional Star Wars card, roleplaying, and miniatures games in the coming months!"

Start your speculation.

I meant more of a dedicated announcement, but yeah i missed that part in the blurbs I guess. Good to know its 100% at least hehe.

I too am a fan of the WEG version, I'm still trying to complete my collection, though I do have quite a lot of them.

I never liked what WOTC did to Star Wars or D&D.

I do like the 40K rpgs from FFG and am well up on the collection.

I just can't decide yet whether or not I will get this new SW RPG.

All my rpg campaigns have died out due to real life interference, I haven't even been able to start a 40k one even though i'm collecting the three(soon to be four) lines.

Just don't know if I can justify collecting another game I may never play, especially when I haven't yet finished collecting the WEG one.

There is already a very safe and traditional version of a Star Wars RPG. I would like to see them roll the dice (pun!) and try something really different and interesting.

Spike1382 said:

I would like to see them roll the dice (pun!) and try something really different and interesting.

I agree. I already have all the prior versions of the game, and don't want anything that's anything like any of them. They'll have to come up with a ruleset that's completely new, radical, and fun for me to get involved.

Well, in my opinion a Career based system for Star Wars like what Warhammer uses would work pretty well in my opinion. But for things like force powers might be a little bit of in issue.

I had did the contact us about creating an RPG section and got:

The website and forums are interconnected, and require a minisite to be constructed for a forum to be created.

There will not be a forum to discuss a Star Wars RPG until that RPG is announced.

So looks like we will be stuck here a bit.

That's cool. One thread oughta do the job until the game's actually announced, anyway.

I've played a fair amount of each incarnation of the game, and it seems to me they both had strengths and weaknesses. The d6 version was really easy to learn, and character generation went very quickly. I enjoyed the flexibility of the system, but the number of dice used for experienced characters, and the damage done by lightsabers at that stage of the game, was pretty unwieldly.

The d20 versions kept things in check better on the high end, but the class-based system always felt a little artificial. It was also much more complicated in terms of non-d20 players learning how to make characters.

D6 had an excellent starfighter combat system, and I'd like to see a new RPG tie into the miniatures game for ship-to-ship battles. A book on starships, with stats, deckplans and customization rules, would be excellent.

For eras, focus on the trilogies in the core book. I've enjoyed much of the Expanded Universe, but that can be handled in supplements.

Finally, I'd like to see good adventure support, to help bring new players to the game.


Nate said:

I'd like to see a new RPG tie into the miniatures game for ship-to-ship battles.

This is a big one for me, too. If I'm gonna be forking over all this dough for X-wing, I really want those minis to be fully compatible with the RPG. Of course player characters should have more options in the cockpit, but if these ships/cards can be used as ready-made mooks in the RPG, that's a win/win.

As for capital ships not being included in X-wing, but being pretty much necessary in the RPG, I say that's just fine - since fighters and capital ships don't interact too much anyway, any capital ships in the combat could just be considered to be 'around'. They could fight each other with just dice and storytelling, while the fighters duke it out on the table.

This assuming we don't eventually get a tactical capital ship minis game, too... gui%C3%B1o.gif

This is, what, their fifth RPG set in the Warhammer 40k universe? Does anyone think perhaps this one could be a testing ground for a system for the Star Wars RPG, should it ever come up?

"As Imperial Guardsmen, your characters will be called upon to undertake dangerous missions deep behind enemy lines. Your squad might be ordered to infiltrate an enemy base to acquire vital logistical plans, or to quickly set up an ambush against an incoming xenos convoy. With missions as varied as the galaxy’s innumerable warfronts, you and your squadmates must often rely on nothing but your own grim determination and your faith in each other"

Swap out some of the crucial words and replace them with Rebel-related ones, and what have you got? gui%C3%B1o.gif

Whatever they decide to do about producing the RPG, as long as it's interesting it'll most likely get my money. I've only ever played Saga, but that hasn't stopped me lavishing money on the other WotC or the WEG books. If they produce something that has an easy-to-remember rule set, stunning art, and infinite expandability, then I'll most likely be hooked. I imagine they'll just re-use the art commissioned for X-Wing or the LCG, anyway, as there does seem to be an interchangeability within their game-families, so that's one thing ticked off the list, at least!

The one thing that's putting me off, though, is the thought that it might be like Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. I foolishly spent a hell of a lot of money on that to see what it was all about, and the idea of a core set costing upwards of £70 to just get you started with the game really scares me. While the components can be fun, I do feel that in a RPG they can distract and get in the way somewhat...

I don't think it will use the 40k RPG system. It doesn't strike me as one which is well set up for the style of play a Star Wars game is likely to want: cinematic, heroic and streamlined. The 40k system, as much as I like it, isn't those. Its grim, bloody and a bit too detailed to properly represent Star Wars. Star Wars isn't the kind of genre where you would want to be worry about the bonus for fully automatic fire. That's why the WEG system looks like it suited the setting quite well, even if it had flaws, as it is fairly fast and loose.

I could see it using the WFRP 3rd, but I suspect it would have it's price point lowered in order to have broader appeal as it is such a big license.

I must admit, I made that post with no idea how the Warhammer 40k engine works... sonrojado.gif

I don't know what the difference (if any) between Warhammer 40k and Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay is, but I just watched

Also, I notice that that game is designed by a guy named Jay Little, who's also designed a game called... X-Wing. This gives me hope that the X-Wing ships will be compatible with the rpg, which would be, if you'll excuse a dated expression, rad. lengua.gif

WFRP 3rd uses a dice pool system, but unlike the Story Teller system, it uses dice specially made for the game, all in lots of different shapes and colours. The base dice are dependent on your stats (one for each point, and which vary depending on your approach to the task, either neutral, conservative, or reckless), plus the occasional bonus dice for training in skills (but different better ones), plus some basic negative dice depending on the difficulty. Added to this can be less significant bonus and penalty dice depending on more minor factors. Foll them all, check the symbols. Some cancel out others, and if you have any basic good ones left you succeed, if you don't you fail.

There are also bonus and penalty symbols which often cancel each other out, but if you have any left over can give you even further boosts or bad things happening (and this is regardless of the outcome of a roll, so you can have a successful roll with another annoying thing happen, or a bad roll which still gives you a little boost).

I quite like it (and I am not usually a fan of dice pool systems), and frankly I like the bits that come with it (the cards and the like) which have caused all sorts of complaints an uproar in some places. However, they do push up the cost of the game (even the special dice make it less approachable), so I woulc expect a bit of a reworking as a suspect FFG would want to mass appeal this game, so I would expect a core game aiming for about £40 or so, rather than the £70 of WFRP. That is the main reason I am not sure they will use the WFRP system, as I am not sure you really can do it properly for that kind of price point.

Oh, sorry, you were saying you didn't know the Warhammer 40k system. It is a percentile system. To pass a test you try to roll equal or under your characteristics (modified by circumstance and skill). Human stats average about 30. The combat system is by no means one of the more complicated ones, but it deals with a lot of crunchy things which seem below the interest of Star Wars as a setting, and it isn't very heroic (combat can bring even the toughest guys down quite quickly, and often quite randomly).