Trading Jasmine SR and Cresendo SR!

By RPG-Giova, in Agrabah Bazaar

Jasmine and Cresendo Super Rare! Trading it for a Riku, Dark Riku or a Sora Player Card.

What Sora player card. I can give you a Riku lvl 3, Sora lvl 1, Sora lvl 2 (1st set), Sora lvl 2 (3rd set), Sora lvl 3 for them.

Well, I was thinking about set three player cards. (Sora's and Riku's) sorry about not putting that first...

i only have a dark riku R and a sora uncommon from set 3

I'll give you the Sora, Riku, and Dark Riku all from set 3 for those?