descent RTL. Map 15: The crypt. A question.

By Minighi, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Played this level a few times. got drawn a little l8r this time and my champs have many fatigues, and this idea just occurred to me:

Since the card map card says that the leaders are spawned on the sarcophagi after the heroes first turn. Is their any reason why I can't bumrush/search each sarcophagi, remove it, and give the OL no place to spawn the leaders? I see nothing in the book nor FAQ that says i cannot, and since sarcophagi are removed after searching...this seems legal.

Any input would be appreciated because OL doesn't want to continue until we have an answer to this question.

Page 13 of the FAQ. it states that they cannot be searched in this level.

Thanks for the response. We actually found it in the FAQ about 10 mins later...felt a little stupid...then continued for, well, a long time :) and i forgot about this post, sorry. Thanks again.