Scoring system for Red November?

By TehTentacle, in Red November

I haven't yet noticed if there's been an attempt to build a point scoring system for Red November. I thought this would be a fun addition, even though RN isn't really a serious game, but what would people here think about it?

I myself have been thinking of the basics for this, and what all should points be awarded for, i.e. should the points still be calculated even if the sub was destroyed. Also, how should the points be awarded for a gnome who abandoned his comrades. At this point, I was thinking if each gnome could actually have their own scoring tables, depending on how long have they survived, if they've killed Kraken and more... There are many possibilities, and there's more things coming up than I can manage to think.

Comment are welcome :) maybe we can build up something together

Scoring system? A nice idea, but I would hardly adopt it in my games... the original thought of assigning points for what feats the gnome performs (killing Kraken, extenguishing fire, mending all the disasters on board...) would not work. Now it is the gnome who is around and/or has the right equipment to do the task... in case of Kraken the one who´s lucky to draw an aqualung item tile. So this would probably ruing the team aspect of the game, which would subsequently lead to a ship disaster.

I am not saying the idea is wrong... but I am not sure if it would work.