SoCal Player Poll

By ARMed_PIrate, in UFS Fan Announcements

Do you live in SoCal and play UFS?

Where do you play?

How many other players do you encounter on a weekly basis?

Hi! I'm from Poway, and I USED to play UFS. There's not really anywhere to play so I don't really play anymore...the only person I play with anymore is my brother, and we hardly play at all.

I used to play down at Artifex. For a while there were around 6 person tournaments going on...but there started being less and less people, and eventually only me and my bro would show up. Some new players started playing, but only 1 or 2 stuck with it, and then some of the old players came back so we had tournaments still...then...nothing. The only UFS players who would show up where me, my brother, and one other guy. It kind of stopped there. That was about...a year ago? I think.

I don't know what happened. I heard some rowdy Oceanside players showed up and were being...rather obnoxious...or so I heard. I think there was a topic, on like...the older forums here or Sabertooths forums (I don't even remember) and someone from Oceanside was asking for somewhere to play in my area, so I suggested, I'm not blaming them, I have no idea who was responsible, but I feel it may have been partially my fault. It was around this time when people stopped playing at Artifex. I thought maybe I could go over to Game Empire (even though it was farther away) but I heard all of the UFS players there kind of stopped playing at the same time.

I don't know if this helps or be honest, I haven't even been to Artifex for about half a year or more...but their newest cards are like, Deadly Ground and Realm of Midnight...and we called and they said no one really plays UFS there anymore. Oh well.

Assuming, Pirate, you are who I think you are, this is Alex and I still go to the Game Empire in Pasadena, CA.

Yes the UFS crowd still gets together for releases, but that is really about it. Most of us still come in on Sundays, but it's mainly to see if there is an event and then we all do whatever. I haven't actually played anyone this month.

I would say the player base started to falter after the group came to realize the impact of Domination and Cutting Edge. This forum can say all they want about the balance of the game, but that's off topic. What is on topic is that those who hated the set left, and those who liked it got bored of playing the same decks against each other week after week. It didn't help either when people from other places would come in for say...a team event and RUN THE SAME DECKS only with more copies of Addes or Revitalize (although I admit turn-2 Criminal Uppercut finishes on these decks were more satisfying).

I honestly do like the latest sets (Leona and Lunar Slash being my favorites from the last two releases), I still update my decks and bring them on Sunday, and I wouldn't refuse a game with a non-regular of the store. However, to say there is a UFS group in Game Empire Pasadena would be misleading as we rarely play anymore.

This is great info, guys.


As far as what happened to the Game Empire group in San Diego--my understanding is that there was a falling out between the scout there (who was a motivating factor in his playgroup) and the store, which also became a falling out between the scout and STG. The playgroup did all drop the game at once, which is too bad considering how much fun some of them were to play against.

A similar, though not quite as bitter, event occured at GMI in Riverside. There was a falling out between the scout and the store, and most of the playgroup left the game with the scout.

Pick up as much as you can of Realm of Midnight. It's old, but a lot of folks still want it. Heck, if you ever brought a box my way, I'd give you a decent price for it.

I doubt that anywhere in the Los Angeles area is convenient for you, but we have a small group at Gameology in Claremont. We meet Tuesday nights, but we will also have a draft two Sundays from now (February 8). As Alex mentioned, Game Empire Pasadena has a few players on most Sundays who would be happy to play a game.


Great to hear from ye. Yep, it's me, Justin. If you can get the players (or just yourself) away from Game Empire for a day, you're very much invited to draft with us on Sunday, February 8, at Gameology. Whether or not you do, keep on truckin'. I'm sad (though not surprised) that there isn't a steady playgroup, but happy you've kept up with the game.

I suppose I should answer my own questions.

I play at Gameology in Claremont, on Tuesday nights (and occasional Sundays).

Last night there were 3 players: NintendoMan, myself, and PatchedArtist (the scout). It looks like we're going to be the regulars.

We're trying to get the Logue brothers to start showing again (though James is busy with college), as well as Russ and Nate (though they're busy with work most nights). I don't have contact info for Ed and Joe, but hopefully they'll be able to make every couple weeks (if not every week). Chris, if you're reading this, you and Jon are invited, too.

We're also going to start running demos during Friday Night Magic and see if we can recruit a few new players.

Oh, I think that's rather far away. And since my decks are usually sub-par, it would be a long drive for an almost guaranteed lose!, sorry if I'm sounding negative. If I had a good way to get there, I probably would try and play. Maybe some time...maybe.

On the subject of Realm of Midnight, they probably don't have THAT in stock. Then there would actually be something special about the store involving UFS! I just meant that was the newest stuff they ever had in stock, I think.

Sorry I'm not much help for this.

Sorry to be off-topic, but why is Realm of Midnight so hard for you guys to come across?

It is hard to come by for alot of us because it is easily one of the best and funnest sets so far for UFS. I bought two boxes of it instead of my one, sure alot of people bought more of it then usual.

bloodocean said:

It is hard to come by for alot of us because it is easily one of the best and funnest sets so far for UFS. I bought two boxes of it instead of my one, sure alot of people bought more of it then usual.

Well, that's very understandable. I love the set myself, however, my store seems to have an abundance of Realm of Midnight, so I guess I'm lucky. ;)

hey man, i know that i'm a bit north of ya (San Jose) to be precise. but i have some dudes that play up here at Game Kastle in Santa Clara.

blankadude said:

hey man, i know that i'm a bit north of ya (San Jose) to be precise. but i have some dudes that play up here at Game Kastle in Santa Clara.

Here here!

I have no problem with this thread being used as a general database for California UFS playgroups. Just be sure to say where and when you play, and how many people show up regularly to your tournaments.

hi my name is chris,

In santa maria (3 hours north from LA) we have a 6-8 player group and we get together twice a week on saturdays and fridays its a fun and relaxed place we play at lesure time games in santa maria's mall so if anybody is driving through stop by

Anyone know of any gaming stores in San Diego? I might be going there sometime soon, and if I go, I know I'll be tempted to bring my UFS. So, I might as well hit up a game store somewhere in San Diego, or at least some place near.


well my group is compirsed of 4 Players (5-6 if you count the ones who hop in and out) we are based out at GMI Games in Riverside, CA. our local tourny's are small but we still show up for a compeditive edge. And to quote our Justin the Pirate who started this thread, "Down With Silver Bullet Cards!!!" but yeah Realm of Midnight is always hardcore sold out here which is tears, but yeah iono what else to post but GO UFS DRAG YOUR DIEING CARCUS OUT OF THIS HOLE AND BE JESUS AND FLY!!!!!! lol >.>

Sorry for late reply, I've been bogged down in midterms so I haven't check back since my original post.

Justin, for the draft, what time does the draft start, I might have a schedule conflict but will come if I don't.

Silver bullet cards? What are those, anti-Talbain tech? I hate the series of Soul Calibur "possessive" promos (like Olcadon's and Chester's) but I'm sure that's not what we're talking about.

Tepes said:

Silver bullet cards? What are those, anti-Talbain tech? I hate the series of Soul Calibur "possessive" promos (like Olcadon's and Chester's) but I'm sure that's not what we're talking about.

Actually that is exactly what we are talking bout. Those cards make the game faster than they should be and makes the games extreamly 1 sided if the oppeant does not have any. Silver Bullet Cards refers to the fact that everyone who wishes for that compeditive edge will use them, has them for disposal and does whatever is really neassery to get them.

I live in Walnut, CA (near LA and Diamond Bar) but I'm moving to fullerton soon :(

I'd love to find a playgroup near me, but they're all pretty far.

And gas is not cheap.

AsianUFSNoob said:

Tepes said:

Silver bullet cards? What are those, anti-Talbain tech? I hate the series of Soul Calibur "possessive" promos (like Olcadon's and Chester's) but I'm sure that's not what we're talking about.

Actually that is exactly what we are talking bout. Those cards make the game faster than they should be and makes the games extreamly 1 sided if the oppeant does not have any. Silver Bullet Cards refers to the fact that everyone who wishes for that compeditive edge will use them, has them for disposal and does whatever is really neassery to get them.

Sadly, the Gameology thread got pushed to the next page. The draft is going to start around 1-ish, if we have enough players, because the store closes at 6pm on Sundays.

A card is a "silver bullet" if it was designed to be a single-card answer to a big problem. Destiny was the "silver bullet" against CCHax. If you don't like getting your checks hacked, you run the symbols that let you run Destiny, and you maindeck Destiny; it's as simple as that. Tira's Contract was a silver bullet against Throws. Absurd Strength was supposed to be a silver bullet against large HSers, since it did more damage the bigger your opponent's hand size was; it was also supposed to be a silver bullet against over-effective momentum generation. Chester's Backing was supposed to be a silver bullet against the "wall of gray" effect, where foundations dominated the game, since it gave easy negation and punishment to the use of any gray card. Seal of Cessation was meant to be a silver bullet against actions.

The problem with silver bullet cards? 1) If you're running symbols that aren't on those cards, you're screwed against that effect. 2) If you can't get those cards, you're screwed against that effect. 3) Most importantly, these cards were incredibly unbalanced.

Tira's contract doesn't just shut down throws. It's non-unique, so if they get 3 out, you HAVE to be able to shove out more than 3 attacks in a single turn in order to get damage through.

Absurd Strength wasn't just more damaging against large-HSers, is was more useful BY large-HSers. It made any large attack into a potential kill card, while making momentum gen damaging.

Chester's Backing does put a stop to a lot of gray cards... BUT IT IS A GRAY CARD! So control decks just added _it_ to their wall of gray. If you don't have one in your deck, you're probably going to get hosed by someone who does.

Seal of Cessation was meant to to provide some control over actions, which had no answers... But they ruled that it counters any ability, making it one of the ultimate control cards.

And Destiny? Well, if you manage to get it out, it pretty much shuts down an entire form of control. CCHax can't function while it's in play. But... if your opponent has Olcadan's, they can just throw it to your discard pile and you're no better than you started off with.

The moral of the story? Don't put all of your eggs in one basket. When you design a CCG, don't provide all answers to one problem in a single card--you're probably creating at least as many problems as you set out to stop.

exactly just like how Mister Armed Pirate explaines Silver Bullet Cards = CAKES! lol and cakes is usually a good thing lol

dear Ukyo Sakazaki Classic and Gummy Bear.

My name is JT. i play at artifex and i have about 3-4 other people who play UFS now and since the relase of realm of midnight, i got them hooked to the game. though for some reason they skipped out on kof 2006 and flash of the blades, the store owner decided to restock on domination, realm of midnight, warrior's dream, and flames of fame.

i've talked to some people, JJ (if you remember this big black guy back from the game empire days) said he'd come back when tekken comes out, and another guy morgan (dunno an accurate description) said he'd come back for the fun of it and tekken also. then i have 2 other people who are considering trying out the game too.

to anyone who still wants to play UFS in san diego, artifex is the place. my play is typically yugioh but things right now have died down and i've felt like i need to devote more time to ufs. mainly because i love this **** game. just look for a filipino guy who sometimes throws a yoyo in the store....and is typically loud.

we're there usually saturdays like clockwork.

JTakaS4 said:

dear Ukyo Sakazaki Classic and Gummy Bear.

My name is JT. i play at artifex and i have about 3-4 other people who play UFS now and since the relase of realm of midnight, i got them hooked to the game. though for some reason they skipped out on kof 2006 and flash of the blades, the store owner decided to restock on domination, realm of midnight, warrior's dream, and flames of fame.

i've talked to some people, JJ (if you remember this big black guy back from the game empire days) said he'd come back when tekken comes out, and another guy morgan (dunno an accurate description) said he'd come back for the fun of it and tekken also. then i have 2 other people who are considering trying out the game too.

to anyone who still wants to play UFS in san diego, artifex is the place. my play is typically yugioh but things right now have died down and i've felt like i need to devote more time to ufs. mainly because i love this **** game. just look for a filipino guy who sometimes throws a yoyo in the store....and is typically loud.

we're there usually saturdays like clockwork.

Really? This is surprising to hear! I haven't been to Artifex for...a long time, so I shouldn't be too surprised something happened while I was a away.

Just a few questions though...

1. What time do you play? Back when I still went to tournaments, they started around 6 PM, is that around when you play?

2. Is there actually tournaments now, or are you just playing for fun and stuff?

3. Is there any prize support? If so what is it and how is it distributed? (by distributed I mean how many Promos each player gets)

Well, anyway, me and my bro will try and be there this Saturday, but...we might not be able to make it. Your name sounds familiar but I'm not completely sure who you are. I was the guy with long brown hair who didn't talk much and I usually got last place...does that sound familiar?

yah i remember you!

well so far tournament wise, we don't have one. mainly because gil is the scout but kinda has me in charge of stuff.

he gave me his promos (or at least what he has. surprised i found some legal stuff in it)

as of right now, we play throughout the day. i get there around 12, stay till like 6 or 7

and btw...i remember you guys beating me out a bunch of times. and i was using legacy decks lol. but since i was able to really brush up on cards and stuff, i think you'll like the decks the few of us have.

but yah, we're mostly playing casuals at the moment. i could technically host a tourney though and just talk to who wants in or not. 1 time i actually got an 8 person draft. dunno how i did that but that was lots of fun. if we were to handle distribution of promos, there's legacy character promos, and then there's the 4 star promos, and i'd probably give like top 3 get characters. first get 3, 2nd get 2, 3rd gets 1. or something like that.

i wonder if i can get scout-ship cuz gil is doing other endevours while i'm promoting ufs n stuff.

i'd also probably do a legacy tournament just because alot of us have old cards and returning players only have old cards. its still all in the air but if this is the year for ufs like steve says, this should be a fun one

So, no real tournaments at the moment? That's fine I guess, it's not like most of the tournaments we had were actually reported and stuff.

And, you must be confusing me with my older brother. He usually had pretty good decks. I rarely of my only good decks was that Air Hanzo deck I used a little. I don't know if I ever used that against you.

About the winner prize support thing. I always liked the whole "every player gets a promo but 1st place picks first, 2nd place picks second, etc." thing. It was good for new players who wanted more promos. And I know for a fact that I got last at least a few times, so it was also nice for me...But it's not really up to me.

Anyway, Legacy tournaments huh? I'll think about that when making a deck...

I'm glad you posted here, I was too lazy to try and go to Artifex to find anything out, and it turns out something is actually happening!

i may show up a little late on this coming saturday because there's a bunch of street fighter 4 tournaments that i wanna check out. but on average i'm always there on saturdays. but we'll see. i'll probably end up going to artifex in the end anyways.

and i think you beat me a couple times. like that air or fire deck with the multiples and that amassed momentum and then you did tsunami saber with powerful 5 or something. that one was fun.

Yeah, that was my Air Hanzo deck. Probably my only truly effective deck. I had a lot of decks that didn't really have any "win" conditions...

Anyway, we will probably be there this Saturday, don't know when, but whatever. I probably won't use that Hanzo deck, I don't feel like rebuilding it right now (and I can't perfectly rebuild it anyway, because it had Military Rank, which is currently banned)