By player359820, in Dust Tactics Rules Discussion

Ok, I posted this on General Discussion without a response, so I am posting it here now.

I just received my Axis and Allied Light Walkers. It appears to me that the Axis Walkers are missing the FAST ability, regardless of the fact that without it they really suck compared to the Allied Lights. I am sure this is a typo, but does anyone know the truth?

It doesn't really look like it's a typo. They wouldn't make the same typo on BOTH axis cards, would they? No, they just decided that Light Walkers aren't as fast as you'd imagine. The very nimble looking allied light walkers are no faster than BBQ squad on foot, and the slightly heavier looking axis light walker are slower than the medium Mickey. Go figure...

If you compare the 2 Axis to the 2 Allied in current form, they really suck. If you add FAST, they balance out.

The only benefit to a Heinrich is unlimited range. I do not see much benefit to a Hermann. True the range on both is better than the Allied, but still, without fast they just suck.

Why would they not be fast???? That is what I do not understand.

And the Allied walkers have exposed drivers? How does this effect play? Can a sniper wipe it out like a unit? At least give the Axis walkers a cover ability to something like Agile.

I said that earlier - all AXIS walkers should have fast - (some already have in fast ver. charge)- FAST vs JUMP balance .

The more I think about it, the only thing that makes any sense in the Axis Light Walkers not having fast is that perhaps Tactical Doctrine uses them as Support platforms. If this is so, it is the same doctrine everyone had wrong in the beginning of WW2 if you mix them with Infantry, but does work well if you put them with Walkers. I will put my Heinrich with my Jagdluther and use them as a team, and I have no idea how to put Hermann, unless you can hide him and use him as an ambusher.

Yep thats more less my idea. Use Heinrich to screen Ludwig and JagLuther from pesky BBQ squads.

but that makes Lothar and Loth that much useless.

Its young game - balance will come with time i guess

After our game last night, the Heinrich definitely does not need fast. My infantry got chewed up vs the 3 I faced last night that covered firing lanes clear across the board. Fast would make that walker stupid.

blkdymnd said:

After our game last night, the Heinrich definitely does not need fast. My infantry got chewed up vs the 3 I faced last night that covered firing lanes clear across the board. Fast would make that walker stupid.

Good work.

What about Hermann?

Grand Inquisitor Fulminarex said:

blkdymnd said:

After our game last night, the Heinrich definitely does not need fast. My infantry got chewed up vs the 3 I faced last night that covered firing lanes clear across the board. Fast would make that walker stupid.

Good work.

What about Hermann?

i got nothin' for Hermann :) except it does have an unlimited laser, which is nothing to scoff at. i think they seem to try to balance the germans by giving them range over speed.

Unless my card has a typo it is Range 6.

DoomOnYou72 said:

Unless my card has a typo it is Range 6.

yourr probably right, my bad. i'm an ally player and havent faced it yet. thought i had seen it was unlimited

See I don't think so they mention in the story at one point the axis tech was far advance over the allies but then they mention later that the Allies tech became more advance. So maybe we're seeing at a switch from where the Allies slightly sucked more than the Axis to a swap. I mean it's mentioned somewhere that the Allies were the first to make the heavy suits while the Axis made gorillas and zombies.

"Unfortunately for the Blutkreuz Korps, Leopold Von Thaler’s
death deprived them of a genius and the only scienstist
in the organization who had a long-term vision for VK’s
potential. Even though he was always working with other
great scientists, it was Von Thaler who gave direction to
their research. After his death, the research became more
convoluted and disorganized. Most of the later Axis innovations
were merely continuations of the same projects
that the Baron had already started. The scientists of the
Blutkreuz Korps drew upon his knowledge, but could not
innovate beyond his ideas." Pg 6 Operation Seelowe