During our recent games, an issue came up over how to deal with units withe special movement abilities during deployment. Namely units with Fast and Charge, can they use their abilities at the same time as they are deploying? Deployment rules say that: "Their first action on the battlefield is always a one square move, symbolizing the fact that the unit “enters” the gameboard."
1) By the rules of Fast, the unit can move an extra square with a Move action, so can he enter the board, move that extra square and then use his second action to fire?
2) With Charge a unit can make a double move and still attack, so can he enter the board, make a second Move and then attack an adjacent enemy with Range 1 weapons?
3) What about units with a Move greater than 1? Say, Move 2. Can then enter the board, then move one square and then use the 2nd action to attack?
My thoughts are that 1 and 2 are correct, but not 3.