undead army (again . . .)

By pot the ferret2, in Battlelore

I'm new to Battlelore (and love the game), and I've read some ideas for an undead army and wanted to offer a more realistic idea (based more on zombie movies)

rules for all undead units:

no archers; no cavalry (zombies can't work bows or ride horse - terrible dexterity)

always bold; ignores all black flags (no fear)

all opponents are frightened of undead (except for dwarves, but they lose their bold status)

can only move one space (slow)

always gains ground (cause they're hungry)

all units regenerate into skeletons (one banner lower) ex- blue zombie unit destroyed, no flag awarded to opponent; next turn, a green skeleton unit is put on the hex (or adjacent one). When skeletons are destroyed, they don't regenerate.

all range units attack undead with -1 die and -1 range (hard to kill brain far away)

all undead units attack with -1 die (cause they're dead and slow)

all undead units have a chance of converting the enemy into skeletons one banner color lower (after a unit is destroyed, roll six die - one lore converts a green unit, two for blue, and three for red - effectively taken armor in effect) and also based on the fact that when someone's bitten they become undead

skeletons - basic unit; blue or green

zombies - another basic unit; blue or green; can regenerate

ghoul - heavy hitter, red, has spider poison rules

banshee - green or blue, ranged unit - can attack two spaces away

bit complex and convoluted; but follows the rules from classic films like night of the living dead

don't know how fun it would be to play since they're so slow - what does everyone think?

what about weapon rules?

no weapons . . . it's rare to see undead (at least in the movies) able to use any type of tool

you can always make it more Lore`ish ;-)

anyway - good idea. now all you need to do is scuplture some miniatures cool.gif

I just started my journey with BL so hope to prepare some of my stuff too. Firts need to think about Strange Eons plugin (if that wasnt done yet)
If you feel like chatting just PM me.
