GENCON Demos???!! Corey? Huh?

By twthomas, in Blood Bowl: Team Manager

Now that its shown as being released in September is there any chance of Demo's at Gecon?

More importantly how about sales? Like Death Angel last year where I got completely screwed by being told on day one it wasn't being sold only to come back the next day and see people walking around with copies! :(

But back on topic, who do I have to kiss up to to get some info?

I am interested too... But, just remember, the almost always sell what they demo at Gen Con.. it may be limited release, but they usually have it. And, now that they are really stepping up their sponsership this year, I would really expect all of these new games to be piled into the back of our truck as we drive back to New York after the Con.. :)

Come try it at genCom Indy 2011 is a quite self-explainatory statement :-)

I will get it at Essen for sure