FAQ 1.5 & Tournament Rules 1.3

By TheProfessor, in CoC General Discussion

Hellfury said:

Oh man, Johnny Shoes. We Have missed you.

On a side note concerning mulligans: Where was all this ire last year from Magnus when the rule was first introduced?

Just giving ya some crap, Magnus. gui%C3%B1o.gif

Love u too Hellfury. Still, best of 1 with mulligan is better than best of 1 with no mulligans. Still pulling for best of 3 with no mulligans. Sides, I was willing to try mulligans out and see how it effected the game exactly... and it let us break the game with endless interrogation.

Honestly, I didn't mind best of 1 with mulligan. It is certainly better than trying to cram 3 games in 50 minutes and I am not a fan of a single game without mulligan.