New to the A Game of Thrones Card Game. Posted up in Atlanta.

By Kozel of the North, in A Game of Thrones LCG

I was wondering if there are any other users out there located in the A that know of any event/gatherings pertaining to A Game of Thrones Card Game. If so an invite or message would suffice. Or pointing me just in the general direction of where i mite find one.

Thanks is bid to you from Kozel of the North

I generally do all of the organizing for a group in the Northeast Atlanta area. We do not have a dedicated store. I sent you a message via friend request through FFG. Get back to me and I will add you to my lost.

I always forget this area is down here, so I missed this thread when it was first posted. I've been looking for months for some other Thrones players in the Atlanta area. I'm actually meeting someone today that I met over in the local meta subforum to try and play. We're both new and looking for people to play with. I know I'd love to come and meet you and your group and play some Thrones. I know you said you don't have a regular store, but how often do you meet up to play? I'm really looking to meet some fellow players, so if you'll have me, please send me an invite!

I too only recently discovered that there was this other forum hiding under all the sub-forums. I started the thread in the meta-game forum NthDoctor was referring to. So far I've just been taking my Core Set with me to board game meet-ups I've found online to try and get games going, but if anything more substantial is happening in Atlanta, please oh please let me know.