My models

By Necross, in Dust Tactics

nice, keeping up the good work there

Finished my Recon Boys :)


I finally got my walker decals, but I think I'm gonna do my 3rd Allied unit next and just get all my infantry done, then I'll get all the walkers finished.

They all look really clean and nicely done. Eyes seem to be everybodies painting weak point!

Keep 'em coming.

Yeah, luckily with the helmets I don't have to worry about the eyes, it's just on the characters. I'll try again with Bazooka Joe and see what I can do.

Yeah, I don't seee a reason to paint eyes on the normal troops. You can hardly see the eye area with the helmets. And while playing, looking at them from above, your really wouldn't be able to see the eyes at all.

The caki and green pattern on those recon rangers looks awesome. Period!

thanks :) I made the khaki color myself, it's a 50/50 mix of GW's desert yellow and bleached bone. It's probably similar to the commando khaki color, but I didn't have it. I was going to use desert yellow itself, but it was really transparent so it pretty much just looked like the primer color just a little lighter.

Mmmm...I´ll take that mix into account, since I chose a desert theme for both the armies, andGW standard kaki doesn´t do much for me.

As for the eye issue, It seems that even the sculptor didn´t fare too much on that and simply relied on teh helmets! I´m not surte to say you can´t see them, thay simply ain´t there!

Got some more done.. here's my Axis Command Squad :)



And a WIP shot of my Ludwig, still have to dirty him up more and do the base. Then that'll be all of my Axis models so I'll take some group shots then too :)


That command squad looks great...and on the move! Nice work, bro. cool.gif


They look ace!

When will you make a diorama?

I'll get some pics tonight probably, should be finishing the ludwig, just have to paint the base and it's done :) I may go back and add more rust to the feet though, after I sprayed it with varnish, the rust colors darkened a lot, now it looks more like dirt than rust.

Finished my ludwig :) here he is



That was my last Axis model so my whole army is done for now, here's a shot of the whole gang


You should be able to click here to get the full size photo with more detal, I didn't want to put that in the post and the whole page huge.

Now I gotta go finish all my allied models.. still have to do 2 units, bazooka joe and my 2 walkers.

One of the best mechs I´ve seen so far.

Excellent job!

And here's my BBQ Squad :)


Still have to do my allied command squad, bazooka joe, and my hot dog and pounder.

That Axis team is sheer class! Makes my blunt brushed fumblings seem like a joke.

Top work looking very nice, hope mine turn out half as good.

Necross said:

yeah my pics are a little light. I did her face with a base coat of GW Tallarn Flesh, then a wash of Ogryn Flesh, then Elf Flesh for highlights.

I dunno how the heck the pros paint eyes.. I even have a magnifying glass light thingy, and a super thin brush and it's always thicker than the eyeballs. Then I go back around the eye with flesh color and it all just ends up looking like a big mess. Been painting 20 years, still never got it right :)

There are some websites that teach you how. Heh, I remember my mom used to get people to take her classes for painting ceramics because she taught them how to do eyes right. I also remember her learning how herself and how the dirt driveway ended up with some filler ceramics for her earliest botched attempts after she had painted over the failures a few times to try again...

My eye technique stinks too, but it is actually getting better. One thing I did was buy some technical markers by Pigma with a 0.2mm tip on the smallest one for outlining details. Helps with the oopsies of crossing the line with a couple of stray brush hairs. Another is practicing on Space Marine helmet eyes, easier problem and lets me get the basics down. Since I do Black Templars, I dab a white primer on each eye and then prime the rest in black (including going over any stray white from the dab. I'm relying on the trick that the red I'm using doesn't burn through the black, so I can go back and basically dry brush away from the eye sockets to get the color in line.

I really like your color schemes! All of your models look fantastic.

they look great. wish i had time to paint my troops.

And I wish I had the patience... Or money enough to go Premium. Here in Europe, it's just way too expensive to get the premium kits.


Tell us the colours you used for your german infantry…

what type of grey? They look awesome. Best germans I've ever seen.