Scenario 1 Operation SeeLowe

By Dcal12, in Dust Tactics Rules Discussion

The building setup for scenario 1 in operation SeeLowe only has one entrance to get to the generator, and this is located two squares from the attackers deployment square.

I was playing the allies and moving through the building when I realized that I couldn't get to the generator from the entrances close to my deployment squares. Anyone else notice this? Does the allies even stand a chance in this scenario?

I don't understand what you're talking about. I haven't played the mission yet, but looking at the map I can't see how it would be impossible to get to the generator. The objective is at least 8 squares away from the attackers and 6 squares away from the defenders. SUre, there's a bottleneck when you reach it, but you have to fight your way through that.

No, wait. Now I see. The two rightmost hangar tiles actually block each other so there's no connection between the two. This is ridiculous!! The Defenders have to all the way around to the Attacker's side of the building to enter it.

%$^#$&Q#(*&48 you Loop. I went and set the board up, took a picture, Photoshopped it, saved it to photobucket and came back here to find out you saw what I was talking about. And not only that, during the entire process I was like.... "Loop is going to point out what you are doing wrong" LOL Well I will still put the photo up here so others can see what we are talking about.


Don't feel bad. I only figured out what you were talking about as I was halfway through my OWN photoshop edit of the scenario image! Hehehe.

Obviously they screwed up when setting up the tiles in the scenario image. I imagine the upper tile is supposed to be rotated 180ยบ, so the whole building looks exactly like the one on scenario 6 (minus the adjoining 1-square toom). This way the passages line up.

I do think you are right, and that is how I will play it. Thanks

Maybe the set up is deliberate like that, it doesn't matter who gets there first, just who's on it on turn 8. Ah, just counted a M2 Defender unit would have to move at full speed every turn to get there. This mean your Fast troops are needed and therefore will be shot down as they rush to get there - certainly looks tricky.

I'm certain it's a mistake. As it is, it's a completely lopsided scenario. For the Defender it's downright impossible to get a vehicle to the objective square in the alotted time. The attacker wouldn't even need to fight you, he could just rush towards the objective and clog the squarees around it. Since you would only really start fighting him halfway through the game, you wouldn't have enough time to make your way past all the units you manage to kill.

You are probaly right, would be more sense your way, you going to email them?

Uh, not really. If anybody wants to, be my guest. It's a pretty silly screw-up.