I play that any Jump even diagonal costs a move+move as illustrated on page 18. Is that correct? Someone was trying to tell me that a diagonal move which would normally only cost one move, should only cost one move when you jump.
I play that any Jump even diagonal costs a move+move as illustrated on page 18. Is that correct? Someone was trying to tell me that a diagonal move which would normally only cost one move, should only cost one move when you jump.
Check out this thread, where this has been discussed at length:
The only way in which Jump affects your movement is to ignore certain obstacles, other than that, you would move as much as normal with each Move. So no, in essence a Jump does not consume a Move+Move action.
It costs the same in move rate to get to another square if you are walking or jumping.
Thanks, I should have searched before posting the question. Once I saw the other thread, I remembered reading it.
I'm waiting for the double checker jump to present itself to an opponent for the first time.
Algesan said:
Loophole Master said:
Algesan said:
the double checker jump. a left, then right jump diagonally. of course you would have to King the walker at the opposite deployment zone :-)
Have two squads in place with an empty square inbetween. Use the MOVE + MOVE option to jump twice, thereby gaining a four space move in one turn.
How? Even if you jump you can't travel more squares than normal movement.
Agreed, Jumping doesn't ignore the square where the obstacle is, it counts as a movement square normally.
Gah, reading the rule itself, it takes one -> to Jump, in the example it clarifies it as a MOVE+MOVE. I was wrong.