
By Iorniem, in Sid Meier's Civilization: The Board Game

I'm not sure if this game is suited for expansions, other than, let's say, additional factions. Could there be some other possible expansions to "enhance" the game (more units, more tiles, more technologies...)?

I still haven't played, and I have no doubts it looks promisingly replayable, but it would be nice to know the game could grow in the future. Any thoughts?

Well I for one would like to see a way to let more than 4 players participate. Say 6 or even 8! (TI3 fan...) I am aware, however, that more than 4 players might be difficult due to the square shape of the map pieces. Makes it difficult to get a fair starting position for all players. I suppose one COULD do a Twilight thingy and let any players in disadvantageous starting locations get a small boon to make up for it. Say double trade the first round or maybe a random extra starting tech or even a starting coin

I would also like to see more map pieces for greater variation.

If more players are possible then a few more of each type of building and unit.

Maybe some new, "single-minded" Great People. +3 or 4 Hammers/Trade perhaps? Or even +2 coins?

New wonders and nations would also be nice.

Might be difficult but maybe even bigger dials so you'd need more coins to get an economic victory. And be able to have more trade. Maybe even make the steps between the research requirements longer? I can understand that there are people out there who think a game takes too long as it is but the bigger dials would naturally be optional.

Perhaps a way to increse the interaction between players, similar to the Galactic Council in Twilight Imperium.

Now I don't know how feasable any of these suggestions are. Some more than others i suppose. But you know. You could always dream, right?

"Now I don't know how feasable any of these suggestions are. Some more than others i suppose. But you know. You could always dream, right?"

Indeed, let's dream! :D

Dreaming is fine!

I agree that there should be additional starting nations.

The idea of Great People could be expanded by having Great Engineers that might be able to build a Wonder for free or cut the cost of developing of a Wonder in half. Possibly a Great Artist that gives a one time boost to culture. Even a Great Merchant who give a one time boost to Trade. Of course, there would need to be a very limited number of these or it would drastically throw the balance of the game off. I'm even up for a random General being awarded as the result of combat.

I also like the idea of more Wonders. Possibly a larger pool of several from each era and randomly drawing the set number of four to use in that era. This would give the game a different slant each time especially if the Wonders were more geared to help with specific types of victories; ie, culture, military, economic, tech....

While increasing more cities could be employed in the game, one's culture, production and trade are greatly increased with each new city making it too easy to gain that particular of token to win the game.

If expansions do come about, I would think that the gaming community would need to show Fantasy Flight that the production of such would be worth the investment. From various other Forums, such as gameboard geeks, there is a growing fan base for Civilization. Most, such as myself, started out as fans of the computer game. Maybe those who have, and I'm guilty of this, are looking for expansions that incorporates more of the details that are seen in the computer version. That may be an unfair expectation but it's the grandiose scope that we dream of. So Dreaming is fine and hopefully, Fantasy Flight will introduce those expansions and maybe some of my dreams, and others, will come true.


Right now I am making a homemade expansion. It will include a tech tree, new techs, changes in techs, new map making rules, round worlds, new nations, new buildings, having to unlock level 1 military units, and warships. I'll share it when I'm done