New player with Lannister question...

By Lucifer216, in A Game of Thrones LCG

Hi there,

I've picked up the core set and a few deluxe expansions (Kings of the Storm, Lords of Winter and Queen of Dragons). However, I'm a bit loathe to start adding cards from the expansions into the decks, given that I want all four to be reasonably balanced and I don't really have much in the way of decent cards outside the core set for House Lannister. Are there any expansions that you'd recommend I buy to get House Lannister up to a level playing field?

Other than waiting for the next deluxe expansion which will be Lannister but we have no release date or any other info for it yet I would recommend getting packs from the King's Landing Expansion cycle, alot of good Lannister cards in there as well as new versions of the major Lannister characters. Follow this link and you can see the Lannister cards from that cycle

Thanks, that's a great help!

Apart from that, I'd strongly recommend to get two packs from the A Clash of Arms cycle: Battle of the Ruby Ford, which has Devious Intentions and Castellan of the Rock, one a very good, the other an essential Lannister card, and War of the Five Kings , which comes with Pyromancer's Cache, a card that has been so good it was actually banned for a long time. It has only recently been let out of the dog house with the introduction of the restricted list. Jhalabar Xho and King Joffrey's Guard are more good Lanni cards that make this pack worthwhile. Please note that you can't run both the Castellan and the Cache in tourney-legal decks, as they're both restricted. But it's a good thing to have access to both.

When you follow Toq's advice and get the King's Landing expansion, please note that Alchemist's Guild Hall , another quintessential Lanni card, has been errata'd. It's a Limited Response: now (see the FAQ).

2 More core sets. Seriously Lanni has a lot of power in the core set alone. As mentioned above, Kings Landing is good, and there are quiet a few nice cards in Clash Arms.